Liquid Gold


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Jul 8, 2008
Norn Iron
Me again. Getting a bit addicted to this site as well.

I bought some Liquid Gold last week but have noticed that I've got a few new bumps and spots the last few days. Is this part of the process? ie does your skin get worse before it gets better or maybe my zits are being caused by something entirely different.

If MUQ is out there what are your thoughts? Admittedly I have used it every night for almost a week now.

Hi Karina

Thank you for your most comprehensive reply to my query! At the moment I'm doing as you say - I put some LQ on a cotton wool pad and wipe it over my face and neck. It only tingles a little. I haven't been putting anything else over the top. I shall continue for a few weeks and see what happens - hopefully by then all the gunge will be out of my skin. I haven't bought any of the other LQ products - I really can't buy anything else the moment because I've gone a bit mad this past week.

You could set yourself up as a beauty consultant for LQ!

Thanks again for taking all that trouble.

I have to say, MUQ, I found your post far more helpful than anything that has actually and literally been spouted from the lips of a certain resident beauty expert, AY!

Thanks Karina. I have the Liquid Gold Try Me from a while back lurking in the back of my cupboard. Never really sure what to do with it as I lost the instructions!! I will now go and retrieve it and give it a go!:D Maybe when they finally put AY out to graze you could take over;) Wadda ya think folks??:D
I use the Liquid gold 2 evenings a week, with no moisturizer.
In the beginning, it felt strange, as is so want to apply a nightcream!
But I got used to it now, and i have to admit my skin is looking great. BTW, I do not have major skin problems, but I do see a difference
Thanks Karina. I have the Liquid Gold Try Me from a while back lurking in the back of my cupboard. Never really sure what to do with it as I lost the instructions!! I will now go and retrieve it and give it a go!:D Maybe when they finally put AY out to graze you could take over;) Wadda ya think folks??:D

I agree catkins the thing with MUQ is she likes to help people and cares very much about others, she likes to know that you have found a product that works well for you, so I agree with you. i use Liz earle but i myself may give the Liquad gold a whirl too!!! Good Luck Katkins with the Liquad Gold xxxx
What a fab post from MUQ! I stopped using my liquid gold when I got red lumps on my neck and around my mouth and jawline. Is that the same? Should I just keep with it until all the gunge is out? I did think that I was having a bad reaction because the lumps aren't blackheads or whiteheads they were red. When I stopped using it they went away after a few days.

I'd love to start using it again cos I LOATHE my open pores, they are all I see when I look in the mirror. I'd love to have skin like yours, MUQ! Please help
I have open pores too and I am also going to try Liquid Gold, after reading MUQ's post. I have printed it all out so I know what to do when I get it!

I never believe a word that AY says, so she would never have convinced me to buy it - not that I actually and literally really listen to her, you understand.

I wonder when they will retire her? How old and haggard will they let her actually and literally get before getting rid of her?
What a fab post from MUQ! I stopped using my liquid gold when I got red lumps on my neck and around my mouth and jawline. Is that the same? Should I just keep with it until all the gunge is out? I did think that I was having a bad reaction because the lumps aren't blackheads or whiteheads they were red. When I stopped using it they went away after a few days.

I'd love to start using it again cos I LOATHE my open pores, they are all I see when I look in the mirror. I'd love to have skin like yours, MUQ! Please help

That sounds like a reaction to me charlie, I'd be careful trying it again. I never had anything like that when I started to use liquid gold and I had a lot of congestion to deal with!
One for our resident beauty expert MUQ I think!!!

My liquid gold arrived this morning can't wait to give it a go with all the good comments I've heard.

Just a thought though should you still use all your exfoliating masks etc etc I don't want to over do it!!??:confused:
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Blimey H how do you remember all these old horrors!!?? For a minute there I thought it was ol JR chucking her baps around. :D :pPC:
My liquid gold arrived this morning can't wait to give it a go with all the good comments I've heard.

Just a thought though should you still use all your exfoliating masks etc etc I don't want to over do it!!??:confused:

Just take it easy. The glycolic does thin your skin a little, which is why I take breaks from using it. If you have other chemical exfoliants, like elemis tri enzyme or philosophy microdelivery peel then you shouldn't use these with your glycolics. A grainy exfoliator should be ok as long as you're gentle and don't use it on the same day etc...
awww thank you charlie for saying that ,
well yes it is inderneath the layers of skin deep down in the pores we have spots and that never really come to a head ,on the skin surface ,and its when you use the liquid gold that they appear , because the glycolic is drawing them out of the skin which is a good thing , now i had these too and after a while they completly went , can i just say too that if people think that you cant use liquid gold and the rest of the range with sensetive skins you can , because i have a really sensetive skin as i suffer with an illness called systemic lupus, and apart from all the joint pain i get with it ,it also gives you very sensative skin, well i can say ive used alpha h gold and the rest of the range for years and i have never had one bit of trouble with my skin at all so thats proof enough,

well charlie................. dont worry about the red spots i would just like to say start useing it again but this time just start with it for say 3 days aweek , and give it a little go and after about month go up to useing it about 4 days aweek , and after that month take it up to 6 days aweek ok ,
what your be doing is gradually letting your skin get used of it , so your not going mad with it to start with , its just getting your skin used of a glycolic product as it is quite a strong product, some people do find they get red lumps in the skin . but it does go it the skin getting used of a active product,

awww thanks for saying about my skin ,well i can prommise the more you carry on useing it you will see your skin will have hardly any open pores at all if any , when i look in the mirror i cant even see any one pore on my skin at all,

its really a brilliant product then again the whole range is too

charlie please let me know how you go on with it as ime really interested in knowing how you get on

i hope this is of some help charlie,
best wishes karina xx

Thanks Karina,

Will try again slowly! Thanks so much for all your help and advice :)
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but if you are using Liquid Gold during the day, you really should be wearing an spf too.
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