And WHAT IS IT with all this open mouth wide sticking tongue out business, all about ? Someone on here mentioned Craig's blog, so I had a look, and yep, there he was, camera aloft sticking out his tongue. I did write a comment underneath but doubt if it was printed. Honest to God these are adults ! but him and Cabbage Patch face (DF) cant get enough of photographing themselves. Must be nice to think you're good looking enough to believe that other people think you are as well.
Me, I loathe being photographed - because I never seem to look in a photo like what I see in the mirror ! About 9 years ago I decided I WOULD have a decent photo taken before I left this mortal coil, so I went to Harrods and had a pro-make over (there was an offer on), then a top photographer did a black and white headshot. Well, I wore a black dress, pearls and a fan blew my hair slightly, - I emerged looking like ............... Bette Midler

actually it wasn't half bad, and it was a good size portrait which came framed, so it was on display for a while.