Joy the model


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Oct 25, 2012
Joy has posted on BTY that she didn`t leave Q but was pushed out for a younger model.
I'm surprised, what about Goody and some of the others. I thought Joy was pretty popular and many of Q's customers will be middle aged or older.
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Her comments won`t be on BTY for long once DF or her sidekick see them and then Joy will be banned from DF`s groups.
Who knows if she's telling the truth though? I'm not saying she isn't, but you can't believe everything that someone's put on Facebook.
I am surprised BTY have left that post up, isn't it negativee about Q and I thought that was a big no no.
Goody will never be pushed out as she is best mates with DF,wonder if JR said anything as Joy used to manage her daughters girl group.
I bet there's more to it than her age because, as others have said, they use a lot of older models. I reckon Joy is a bit of a handful and takes no prisoners - and hooray for that! I get the impression QVC like to be in control of everything, including their models. Jo Skinner was a bit gobby too wasn't she and she got the boot lol.
Who knows if she's telling the truth though? I'm not saying she isn't, but you can't believe everything that someone's put on Facebook.

She was very cagey about it at first just said the reason she had not been on lately was POLITICS(someone asked about her, so she came on to say Hi), they when pushed just said she was pushed out for a younger model. She did not come across as bitter or angry just stating the facts. She is not the only model given the push from QVC for getting too big for their boots. Another model some years back was given the push and went on IW and said QVC didn't want her because she was too big(not in size but it seems she answered back on air in a fun way), she was best mates with AY and Tania. Both seem to have dropped her pretty quickly after she was dumped.
Well I doubt she`d post on one of DF`s pages if it wasn`t true because of all people DF is the worst for wanting her pages full of sycophants. I daresay DF will know all about it, her being Miss QVC Almighty and Joy would hardly dare lie on DF`s group because DF would actually say its a lie. As it is I bet Joy`s comments will silently be removed.
I bet there's more to it than her age because, as others have said, they use a lot of older models. I reckon Joy is a bit of a handful and takes no prisoners - and hooray for that! I get the impression QVC like to be in control of everything, including their models. Jo Skinner was a bit gobby too wasn't she and she got the boot lol.

Couldn't bear Jo Skinner wasn't she Tanya's best friend until they fell out?
I'm surprised, what about Goody and some of the others. I thought Joy was pretty popular and many of Q's customers will be middle aged or older.

I too am surprised as I liked her and thought she was great fun but many people on here were often incredibly harsh about her... Not sure how the she was viewed by the majority of viewers though?
If she's been replaced by the plus size model who was doing the Nina Leonard tsv (which Joy always did and Lenny used to have great banter with her), then they've made a mistake IMHO because I find the newer lady (sorry don't know her name) awkward to watch...

I like it when the models join in a bit, or speak back or just interact it feels much more natural and fun...
Was just thinking about the age issue.. Don't know how old Joy is - she looks good whatever - but surely she and others are way more QVC's main audience especially for fashion. I cannot see under forties in the vast majority of "fashion" so it seems odd to use a young models which will surely alienate the target market?
I agree with TLL, the new younger plus size model acts as though its her first job, and has no natural movement- as though she's getting instructions through an ear pierce as to where to put her hands and when to turn around. Joy knew her stuff where cat walk modelling was concerned, but I think she was squeezed into one tight Tiana B too many , and her ****s didn't show off the fashion to the best advantage to be honest.
Agreed, brissles. Joy didn't sell me anything because her figure just isn't representative of the majority of XL women. I think that the reason she was dropped was to get a model who has the sazme shape as most XL women, whether that's a younger model or not. Joy can of course say whatever she likes - how long it stays on BTY is a matter of time, really. I personally don't think anyone in this enlightened day and age would be dropped where there's a risk of ageism, and I guess it's more to do with the way clothes are modelled.
There was a reference by one of the presenters (cant remember who, or when) that Q was bringing in a wider range of sizes of model, at the customers' requests.

Obviously, that may be a load of cover-up codswollop, but it makes me wonder whether the new plus size models are larger than Joy? I do remember her (the new girl on nina leonard) having a truly magnificent pair of chesticles. Mr C was quite distracted. ;)
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It's funny isn't it. The slimmer models are allowed to age (well, as much as botox, fillers, procedures and implants that they may have had allow) but the plus size models aren't. All the plus size models are younger. The best is Natasha. All the others still look very gauche and awkward, and don't show off the clothes very well.

According to the blurb on the modelling agency she works for Joy is in the 35-45 age bracket. I know there has been some banter about her chesticles, but she's an apple shape which sadly is reflective of a lot of women's transformation through menopause. I like her sassy personality, and more often than not she makes the clothes look pretty good (especially when not going for the skin-tight look). I also liked her on the YBF shows, going from barefaced to glam. It's a shame. QVC seem to be getting rid of the things and people that make them watchable.

I think, if they are chasing after a younger core demographic (particularly for their fashion), they are shooting for the moon. Unless they sell disposable clothing at rock bottom prices, they won't make many inroads with the youngsters. And their business model really makes that impossible as they'd be charging more in P&P than the item was actually worth. I'd like to see them try, but I predict they'd get their fingers burned.

If they want to be more innovative, they should be giving us a wider variety of models for the fashion - different dress sizes, heights, builds, ethnicities - even if some of that is accomplished in shoots that they record and replay (if it works for beauty product of the month, why not other products...). Show us all how gorgeous someone like us can look with a makeover in QVC fashion - and do it as a regular spot... and if they do invite people from the public to be part of such a series of shows - make sure they're not all recruited from the back to you facebook group!
I also thought the larger model looked very awkward in the Nina Leonard hour.She is also very tall and they had her teamed with a very short model at one stage .It looked odd.

The anti ageism law is very interesting though ,because If it is because of Joys age then I think that is discrimination. She could challenge it.
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QVC are opening themselves up to claims of ageism, sizeism and racism, if Joy is the model I'm thinking of. I doubt it's any of these things really and I'm sure Joy wouldn't say it was.

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