Jokes with the producer


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Apr 30, 2013
Please tell me I'm not alone in getting really irritated when the 'producer' shares jokes with the presenter through their earpieces and the presenter starts giggling or goes off onto a tangent about what their producer said. It's rude, and takes yet more time away from talking about the product.
You are not alone! It's really annoying and rude especially when they keep it as a private joke.
Private jokes via their ear pieces, fixations with iPads, wittering on about their books ............. and so it goes on. QVC are losing the plot.
I'm more hacked off with the constant use of iPads - too much of a distraction from the job in hand. I'm not interested in the slightest what Natalie from Norwich has tweeted, or whether telephone caller Doris from Doncaster has worn Kimmies clothes since 1995, I want straightforward information - preferably with the SIZES given before all the inane chatter so we can order before it goes Limited Stock !!!!
Some of the sales assistants on telly selly are not sharpest of tools.

Most need the feed of a voice in the earpeice to remind them of what they are paid to do.

Anyway, covert comments and references to 'my producer' probably makes them feel like they are actually real tv presenters.
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Doesn't bother me. I find it quiet funny most of the time actually. Good to not be so intense all the time and shows a bit of their personality some times.
Doesn't bother me. I find it quiet funny most of the time actually. Good to not be so intense all the time and shows a bit of their personality some times.

It often does show their personality and can be fun when it's a bit of banter.It gets irritating when it's an insider joke and carries on for quite a large part of the programme.Julia is particularly prone to this .
Oh I'm not against people having fun and laughter at work, life would be miserable without it! But when it's an 'insider' joke and there are other people around (ie the guest presenter and viewers) it's pretty rude.
I don't like it at all, it's rude and ignorant! It reminds me of cliques back at school when there would be whispering going on in corners and if you weren't one of them you were excluded! The producers should do there jobs and actually try and produce so we get a sleek, professional show once in a while!
I just can't get why the presenters think we would be interested in their life outside of work, Julia is doing my head in atm about her Daniel moving to Wales, how she still does his washing,then about her Daughter working in the city. I think Julia and Jill F are the worst at the silly flirting with the guys behind the scenes.
Please tell me I'm not alone in getting really irritated when the 'producer' shares jokes with the presenter through their earpieces and the presenter starts giggling or goes off onto a tangent about what their producer said. It's rude, and takes yet more time away from talking about the product.

If I was in a bricks and mortar shop and the sales person had their mobile attached via an earpiece and was trying to sell me something whilst laughing at whatever someone had said down their earpiece then I`d be furious but if the salesperson was talking to ME and another staff member said or did something openly, which made all of us laugh, then that`s comfortable for all concerned IMO. Humour does have its place in sales and there`s nothing nicer than dealing with someone who firstly knows what they`re doing but secondly isn`t up themselves and doesn`t make you feel uncomfortable but there`s ways and means of doing this.
Bang on Vienna ! I've been served at the till where the assistant has been in deep conversation with a colleague, and my reaction is to make them re-check what's been rung up on the register - how can they concentrate on serving me, their job, when they are distracted. The shop assistants at Q are no different to this.
Equally annoying is a person who is at the front of the check out queue having an in depth conversation on their mobile while the whole time attempting to pack and pay for their shopping holding up every one ,not putting the phone down even when getting money ready. Manys the time the conversation carries on throughout and the person exits still chatting.

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