Joan at the palace


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I saw it on the tele, and rather than look chic and elegant, I thought she looked like a transvestite !

She's been given one of the nation's highest awards to women, and then appears in some trashy movie about a royal family - just about the limit of her acting.

I'm not a fan, as you can tell !
Not interested as the Honours List is a joke in the main part and people far more deserving should receive these awards. Fail to see just what JC has done to be recognised in this way!
The same applies to 90% of the population !! Clearly someone in the Awards Office had a bad cup of coffee the day the list was drawn up !
I can`t say I agree with Joanie getting her damehood and her outfit left a lot to be desired, seemingly she designed it herself but for an 81 year old Dame she sure as hell looks canny. I know several ladies in their 80`s and none of them are as out there as old Joanie. Her acting is dire but her confidence is sky high and love her or hate her, that takes some doing at her age.
Maybe it was the big shoulder pads in the days of Dallas which swayed the decision but I reckon it was something stronger than coffee which sealed the deal....:smirk:
Well I love her, but I grew up watching Dynasty.
I actually really like her sister as well, probably more than I do Joan if I'm honest, but they've both had enormously successful careers.

I agree about Joans outfit though. Would have been a lot better if the skirt had been about 3" longer if you ask me.
Of course I KNEW it was for charideeeee !!! (I do read the papers).... most of the awards are these days, - I suppose Joanie's 'presence' at a 'do' as a figurehead is enough to get people to donate, cos I have never seen pictures of her actually doing anything i.e. running marathons :mysmilie_14: bunjee jumping, etc ok hardly likely at 81, but how long in years do you have to be involved with charideee to warrant a gong ? she still wasn't a visible presence (like Esther's childline) even 30 years ago in her charideee works.

If anyone can show me otherwise, then I stand corrected.
Here's a link about her charity involvement.

I thought she looked glamorous but I agree, the dress should have been longer. I don't particularly like what I've seen of her over the years, but hats off to her for always being sassy.
If she does do charity work, then the fact that she wears another animals skin that would've died in agony for her vanity, cancels this out.........just my opinion of course.
JC is the same age as my mum, however I'm sure the differences in their lifestyles has had a lot of bearing on their current presentation.
My poor old mum did hard manual work in factories all her working life, doing heavy labour alongside men long before the women's libbers thought of it.
Widowed at the age of 30, she had to work to support me in an age when being a single parent neither commonplace nor easy and, looking back, I really don't know how she did it. She's now fit only for the knacker's yard, poor old soul, although deep down I'm sure she'd much rather be considered 'sassy'.
Joan appears to have led a somewhat more privileged life, with plenty of money to spend and only her appearance and love life to consider.
I'm not a fan, I've read a lot of interviews where she has expressed her critical views, I find her judgemental and 'superior' attitude unpleasant - although, from what I can see, she has little to be superior about! And I thought her outfit yesterday was awful.
Here's a link about her charity involvement.

I thought she looked glamorous but I agree, the dress should have been longer. I don't particularly like what I've seen of her over the years, but hats off to her for always being sassy.

Thanks for that, and yes I did follow the link, but it showed a bit of a pick'n'mix selection of charities which she supported along with about 2 dozen other 'celebs'.

I support and contribute monthly to 4 particular animal charities, - along with literally thousands of people in this country, who actually 'get out there' and do their stuff, not slap the slap on and network with a glass of bubbly, but sadly its only those with a 'profile' who get recognised.
I thought she looked great. Good old fashioned hollywood glamour. She gave it her all and why not.
Good on the old Octogenarian is what I say.

In her Eighties and still flashing the Prince some leg! And why the hell not, if she so chooses. What a game old Dame! I bet Charles lapped it up no end.
Anyone can nominate someone who they think deserves an honour (the info is on the government website) and most people who get honours aren't celebrities but they get the attention. A local man whose son was killed whilst acting as peace maker in a dispute on a night out set up an anti-violence charity and received an honour for his charity work. Another local lady who has been a councillor for many years also received an honour. If there are people local to you whom you feel deserve recognition then nominate them.
Even celebs who are younger than Joan Collins do not do physical things like swimming the channel, bungee jumping or marathons. They will speak at events which people will pay to go and their connection with a charity raises its profile but I expect most people realise that. Joan Collins nor any other celebrity has to 'do anything' or even become a Patron for charity if they don't want to but the fact that they do become associated with any charity says a lot about them in my book. They could just enjoy their fame and not give a damn. My mother had a very hard life and was the same age as the Queen, but you could not have had two vastly different existences, but it's just the luck of the draw isn't it? So Joan has had what appears to be an easy life, so what? That's the way it is. As for the wearing of fur, I do not condone it, but her wearing fur - in my opinion - does not take anything away from her commitment to her charities.
Even celebs who are younger than Joan Collins do not do physical things like swimming the channel, bungee jumping or marathons. They will speak at events which people will pay to go and their connection with a charity raises its profile but I expect most people realise that. Joan Collins nor any other celebrity has to 'do anything' or even become a Patron for charity if they don't want to but the fact that they do become associated with any charity says a lot about them in my book. They could just enjoy their fame and not give a damn. My mother had a very hard life and was the same age as the Queen, but you could not have had two vastly different existences, but it's just the luck of the draw isn't it? So Joan has had what appears to be an easy life, so what? That's the way it is. As for the wearing of fur, I do not condone it, but her wearing fur - in my opinion - does not take anything away from her commitment to her charities.

Wearing fur may not lessen "her commitment to her charities"; It speaks volumes about her character, and her (lack of) morals.

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