Joan at the palace


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Good on the old Octogenarian is what I say.

In her Eighties and still flashing the Prince some leg! And why the hell not, if she so chooses. What a game old Dame! I bet Charles lapped it up no end.

Yes, take his mind off his soon to be released letters.
I thought she looked great. Good old fashioned hollywood glamour. She gave it her all and why not.

I agree! It's an era I love and I think she looks great. I also love her lipsticks in her make up range and I think she deserves a damehood for those alone in my opinion!! 'Helene' is the best red lipstick I've ever worn.
Of course I KNEW it was for charideeeee !!! (I do read the papers).... most of the awards are these days, - I suppose Joanie's 'presence' at a 'do' as a figurehead is enough to get people to donate, cos I have never seen pictures of her actually doing anything i.e. running marathons :mysmilie_14: .......

Yeah, 'cos that's a great indicator of what a good egg you are... I mean look at Jimmy Saville... Oh, wait... :wait:
Cant quite equate reading the papers to being a 'good egg' - but at least it shows I can read. And as for marathons I was thinking more of Lorraine Kelly actually, so why you had to dig up Saville is beyond belief.
I thought she looked awful and not appropriate for the occasion. There was nothing Glamourous about her imo. She looked like an old tart. I agree in making the most of your appearance no matter what age but the outfit she was wearing was dreadful.
Cant quite equate reading the papers to being a 'good egg' - but at least it shows I can read. And as for marathons I was thinking more of Lorraine Kelly actually, so why you had to dig up Saville is beyond belief.

Why dig up Savile ? You don't get it.? Really? Just because you run or do whatever else does not always mean what you think it should. Are you playing devils advocate here? Savile did and said all the right things to the right people but we now all know differently what sort of person he really was. We all make judgements about people and sometimes we get it wrong. If you like a celebrity you will not find fault; if you dislike a celebrity you will find endless things to criticise. With this thread methinks that some comments are disingenuous and designed to provoke a response; some people don't like Joan Collins and will find fault with her no matter what she does. However, her name was submitted for an honour and accepted and whoever decides these things deemed her worthy. That is it as far as I am concerned, I don't begrudge her the honour and I trust the judgement of others who decided that she deserved it.
Why dig up Savile ? You don't get it.? Really? Just because you run or do whatever else does not always mean what you think it should. Are you playing devils advocate here? Savile did and said all the right things to the right people but we now all know differently what sort of person he really was. We all make judgements about people and sometimes we get it wrong. If you like a celebrity you will not find fault; if you dislike a celebrity you will find endless things to criticise. With this thread methinks that some comments are disingenuous and designed to provoke a response; some people don't like Joan Collins and will find fault with her no matter what she does. However, her name was submitted for an honour and accepted and whoever decides these things deemed her worthy. That is it as far as I am concerned, I don't begrudge her the honour and I trust the judgement of others who decided that she deserved it.

"With this thread methinks that some comments are disingenuous and designed to provoke a response" hit the nail on the head, that's exactly what I was thinking about you.
Yes she looked over done, over made-up, muttonly and a little trannyish ………….. but I wouldn't want to see ol' Joanie any other way - gawd bless 'er!
I agree! It's an era I love and I think she looks great. I also love her lipsticks in her make up range and I think she deserves a damehood for those alone in my opinion!! 'Helene' is the best red lipstick I've ever worn.

Whatever next!!! People who save lives, fight for our country, raise thousands upon thousands for charities, etc. deserve such recognition not someone who puts her name to a damn lipstick! Yes, I know full well that JC is associated with charities but I do wonder just how much involvement there is or is it just a question of adding her famous name to a letter-heading?
Joan did look a bit over the top but that's Joan.Clearly she is not yet ready to give up.

She was OK in Dynasty ,but then she was playing herself so it was easy for her.As far as the honour goes,good luck to her whatever she got it for. I can't get too uptight about the hours system,I know many ordinary people get them,far more than anyone famous and I think they quite like getting them.
I have no idea to what extent she is involved in these charities just glad it wasn't given for her acting abilities - now that would have been a travesty!
I wouldn't mind if she had got the gong for her contribution as an actress.

She's an entertainer and has brought people pleasure from her work - she's old school glamour and I think she deserves the recognition.
So Joan Collins gets a Damehood for being glamorous, what rubbish. Like a lot of these people given awards they spend very little time and money in this country. Most of them have never done a proper days work in their lives. It's time the awards were given to people who have made a real difference to the lives of others.
So Joan Collins gets a Damehood for being glamorous, what rubbish. Like a lot of these people given awards they spend very little time and money in this country. Most of them have never done a proper days work in their lives. It's time the awards were given to people who have made a real difference to the lives of others.
But she didn't get the dame hood for 'being glamorous'!! It was because of her charity work, as has been mentioned several times in this thread!

And there are thousands of honours given every year to Joe Public for their achievements and the differences they make to other people's lives, the press just don't make headlines of them because unfortunately it doesn't sell papers! That's just the way it is. Should you feel inclined to look there is a full list on of everyone who has received an honour this year.
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It's time the awards were given to people who have made a real difference to the lives of others.

A lot of honours are given to this kind of person, most don't go to celebrities. Baroness Lawrence was on the television just the other day, she fits your criteria but celebs grab the headlines.
It is one thing to tell people they are wrong or say you disagree with them but please do not turn it into a personal attack!!!
The awards system will always be divisive. There have been people who really deserve their awards and others who IMO don`t deserve them but hey ho, someone, somewhere obviously thinks they do.
I know someone who got an OBE several years ago for her Government work seeking out high profile tax dodgers, Lester Piggott (amongst other high profile people) was one of them and he ended up being imprisoned, success as far as she`s concerned. Obviously some people think her work deserves a gong, I personally didn`t because she`s doing a very well paid job and nothing from the goodness of her heart. It`s her career, her chosen life in London and it`s something she`s very good at but much like other Government employees she doesn`t give up her spare time or do something in the community or entertain lots of people etc. She doesn`t "give" anything and to me it`s lifes givers, whether it be, time, money, or community work, who should get them.
Undoubtedly there will be many worthy recipients of an honour and anyone is able to nominate another person. The honours are spread across people from all walks of life and differing backgrounds and are awarded for different things. I do not know Joan Collins but accept that the powers that be deemed her charity work worthy of an honour. Unless you speak to the charities involved none of us know exactly what she does for those charities but she is using her fame to benefit the charities and for that I am sure they are truly grateful.

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