This is a forum and we are, deservedly, allowed to express an opinion. This is a luxury afforded to us, living in a democracy. I find personal remarks,made for no other reason, other than not being a fan of a certain presenter, unnecessary and spiteful. I can relate to the anorexia comment and, imo, it can be quite hurtful, reading that you are an object of derision, and has absolutely nothing to do with her abilities as a presenter. Criticise her presenting style, the way she does her job, but her looks, her shape, is her own concern.
I do not mean to come across as pious, but insulting remarks say more about the character of the person making them, than anything.
I watch very little QVC these days; consequently, there is no presenter I absolutely hate. I don't know them, to form an opinion. Anne Dawson's voice grates on me, but she sounds like a born and bred glaswegian, so cannot help her accent. The fact that I cannot stand her voice, does not mean QVC should get rid of her; I am sure there are many viewers who could listen to her, till the cows come home.