Jill Franks


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Keely or Kylie, I did all that 70's orange and mustard design back then, and like it even less now.
There is a complaint about her on the FB page today as she apparently said on the L'Occy show that we have far easier weather here than in NY or Chicago. Someone has pointed out that those flooded out this winter would not agree.
Engaging their brain before opening their mouth has never been a strong characteristic of selly telly presenters IMO.

There is a complaint about her on the FB page today as she apparently said on the L'Occy show that we have far easier weather here than in NY or Chicago. Someone has pointed out that those flooded out this winter would not agree.
Jeez, can she say nothing without folk jumping down her throat! There are parts of the world with more extreme weather, that doesn't diminish what folks in the uk have experienced - and I've seen what friends are dealing with in our area, before anyone jumps down my throat.
Although I neither saw the show, nor heard the comment, I am sure she was making a generic remark. In Cockermouth, in Cumbria, approx 9 miles from me, we have people who are affected each time the floods have occurred, in 2009/2015. I have customers, wanting quotes for, bordering on £5000. Ignoring the devastation they caused, the weather the majority of the UK experiences, throughout the year, is not as good as other parts of the world.
Unless you delight in pursueing critical analysis of Jill's every move, and utterance, common sense will dictate that she is not being unsympathetic to anyone, or any part of the country, who has suffered from the effects of bad weather.
I agree with Spartacus. There are, unfortunately, some people for whom attacking others is a hobby. Quite unnecessary.
She might have been speaking in general terms about our weather. In N.Y. & Chicago they have cold, ice snow, you name it. Winter's are harsh there on the whole, and it doesn't make the news because they are just used to it, and have infrastructure equipped for it. Here, we get extreme weather, it is headline news. We don't have the infrastructure to cope.
She wasn't behaving very nicely on the last show picking at sizing with Lesley Ebbetts, really quite rude to her.
I LOVE this forum ! he said, she said, don't be rude, quite unacceptable, not necessary to say, we have an opinion, don't tell me what I can say, oh shut up. We're all guilty of being critical, AND getting high handed and moral minded, but its all PRICELESS, and at times I cant stop laughing !

May it continue.
There is a complaint about her on the FB page today as she apparently said on the L'Occy show that we have far easier weather here than in NY or Chicago. Someone has pointed out that those flooded out this winter would not agree.
If the criticism subsequent to this post is directed at me, I just saw the entry on FB and posted it here for interest. Sorry if I have pissed everyone off.
Although the jury is out on the Eek launch hairstyle I've got to say that the hair away from her face really makes a difference. She doesn't seem anywhere near as haggard as she was on earlier shows tonight. She looks a good 10 years younger.

Just goes to show the effect a hairstyle can have.

Before I am shot down this is a positive comment.
Anyone see the eek launch? Not sure if there is a video up of the yellow eek ring but it was a comedy of errors? Jill totally got the wrong end of the stick and thought Alison's engagement ring was a yellow stone CRINGE! I was so embarrassed for them both by the end of it all.
Anyone see the eek launch? Not sure if there is a video up of the yellow eek ring but it was a comedy of errors? Jill totally got the wrong end of the stick and thought Alison's engagement ring was a yellow stone CRINGE! I was so embarrassed for them both by the end of it all.

I said on another thread a few weeks ago that Alison O'Riellys stone in her engagement ring looked yellow and was told "you must have good eyesight" "how can you tell?" blah blah blah........so here's a sentence I never thought I'd say "thanks for that Jill!"
I liked the diamonique ring better than Alisons engagement ring, thought it was really pretty.
I LOVE this forum ! he said, she said, don't be rude, quite unacceptable, not necessary to say, we have an opinion, don't tell me what I can say, oh shut up. We're all guilty of being critical, AND getting high handed and moral minded, but its all PRICELESS, and at times I cant stop laughing !

May it continue.

We've also got people who sell vacuum cleaners and dishwashers setting themselves up as defamation lawyers! I love this forum too, it's just so funny and so ridiculous in equal measure.
Back to yellow diamonds. The guest`s ring certainly has a yellow tinge to it so it`s probably lower down in the colour scale. They reckon colours D to G are acceptably " white " and anything below that begins to show a tinge of other colours such as yellow or brown. Ironically when the yellow in a diamond becomes vivid or canary as some people call it they can sell for a fortune.
As for Jill, well she`s expert at opening ones mouth to stick ones foot in it but I think it`s because her mouth works quicker than her brain which is always playing catch up. Half the time I doubt she evens knows what she`s saying let alone remembers it.
She might have been speaking in general terms about our weather. In N.Y. & Chicago they have cold, ice snow, you name it. Winter's are harsh there on the whole, and it doesn't make the news because they are just used to it, and have infrastructure equipped for it. Here, we get extreme weather, it is headline news. We don't have the infrastructure to cope.

There has been reports from USA this winter on BBC about snow.
Craftalot, I blame the re-runs of "Judge John Deed" on TV - they're giving people ideas. (Judges Judy and Rinder have a lot to answer for, too!!) :mysmilie_17: But don't knock it: I'm finding it so hilarious..perhaps best not to say why, though - don't want to destroy any illusions!
We've also got people who sell vacuum cleaners and dishwashers setting themselves up as defamation lawyers! I love this forum too, it's just so funny and so ridiculous in equal measure.
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I haven't heard so many, not so veiled, spitefully childish remarks, since the school playground.
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