I agree LATI. Its just been me and the dog for the past 20 years. I have 2 younger brothers with families but they live miles away. Last summer when I woke at 7.30 am with chest pains was THE scariest time, and I had to call a friend locally who came immediately (it turned out to be a precursor to having my gall bladder removed).
Now in my 70's its something I'm constantly aware of, taking ill during the night, and getting my dog cared for, can be a real cause of anxiety. I keep saying I'll downsize and do have clear outs for the charity shop, and offloading 'stuff' that is pointless now. Photos of no value to anyone else have been ditched, and the amount of crockery I had was no ones' business !. It has to be done or its left to niece and nephews to deal with. Thing is, the enormity of moving with all it entails from the packing, to finding a new home, to getting a new dentist, a new car mechanic, etc etc is so overwhelming when there is only me to do it.
Back to the tea and cake.