Jill Franks


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We've also got people who sell vacuum cleaners and dishwashers setting themselves up as defamation lawyers! I love this forum too, it's just so funny and so ridiculous in equal measure.

I studied law at uni; does that count?
OK as all you lawyers are coming out of the woodwork. I'd like to ask a question. What is a reasonable time to pay a solicitors invoice? Thank you.
OK as all you lawyers are coming out of the woodwork. I'd like to ask a question. What is a reasonable time to pay a solicitors invoice? Thank you.

They will want the money up front these days as so many private clients don't pay their bills. Nobody likes giving us lawyers money! I work in the public sector these days but I remember private practice well.

However 30 days would be the norm.
Depends on whether he's done the job or not! The terms are usually made clear before the work is done. Are you being chased for it then?

The work invoiced is done but is ongoing. We want time to check through it as we have lost a bit of trust as far as costs are concerned. Is it not reasonable to expect 28 days to pay given 5 figure sums are involved?

We have already paid a lot on account and previous bills.
The work invoiced is done but is ongoing. We want time to check through it as we have lost a bit of trust as far as costs are concerned. Is it not reasonable to expect 28 days to pay given 5 figure sums are involved?

We have already paid a lot on account and previous bills.

I would have thought 28 days was perfectly reasonable, particularly if they have already received regular payment. In the end it's up to them, though - some firms can be very quick to get the money in. Has the relationship between you and the solicitors broken down to such an extent that you can't talk directly to them about payment terms?
No not at all but as court case is next week am worried not to upset the relationship. We feel an unreasonable amount of pressure is on us to pay in advance or immediately huge amounts of money when I mentioned checking the bill and having details it didn't go down well which I was disappointed about as at £300+ an hour I'd expect a high level of efficiency and thought they would too.
There's a Biblical saying about "considering the mote in your own eye first", which seems apt in this case. I must say I expected the reference to "the school playground" - but not as soon as this, it usually takes a bit longer.

QUOTE: I haven't heard so many, not so veiled, spitefully childish remarks, since the school playground.
Oh for goodness sake - humour ladies, humour (well, I'm assuming you're ladies); we don't all agree, so just shrug your shoulders and accept it.
brissles, you should know us all by now! :mysmilie_17: and don't worry, there's plenty of humour!
Oh for goodness sake - humour ladies, humour (well, I'm assuming you're ladies); we don't all agree, so just shrug your shoulders and accept it.
brissles, you should know us all by now! :mysmilie_17: and don't worry, there's plenty of humour!

I agree H I'm like you, they're just comments. They don't bother me or affect me in anyway whatsoever, they're just observations and comments, nothing more, nothing less. :mysmilie_14:
No not at all but as court case is next week am worried not to upset the relationship. We feel an unreasonable amount of pressure is on us to pay in advance or immediately huge amounts of money when I mentioned checking the bill and having details it didn't go down well which I was disappointed about as at £300+ an hour I'd expect a high level of efficiency and thought they would too.

Yes, I understand the sentiments about not wanting to upset an applecart when you're close to the hearing. However, you're paying good money for this advice and it is entirely reasonable of you to ask exactly what you're paying for and how these figures have been calculated. I should think that any good firm would only be too happy to explain the costs and billing, so it's surprising that it didn't go down well. Nevertheless, you shouldn't feel pressured into paying fees ahead of schedule (again, this all depends on the exact payment terms you agreed with them before they commenced the work), and certainly don't be dissuaded from asking and checking bills carefully. I hope your hearing goes well.
I haven't heard so many, not so veiled, spitefully childish remarks, since the school playground.

It's what this forum's known for, haven't you seen what people elsewhere say about it?
I don't give a toss what other people say about this forum,if you don't like the comments here then move on.
Everyone needs to calm down, far too much sniping going on the last few days!!!
I don't give a toss what other people say about this forum,if you don't like the comments here then move on.

If somebody doesn't like the comments then surely they should just be able to say so - without being told to 'move on'.

It's a forum - somewhere to come to exchange opinions.
I have had so many laughs from this forum not to mention good advice and tips.Some comments leave me cold & seem a bit over the top but I just move on, I like to think I am open to different views from my own.We all make comments about presenters but I would not consider being really hurtful its just not that important.
Then if it's that bad go somewhere else, nobody will be rushing to prevent it. Agree absolutely with lynnonthelake's comment, couldn't give a flying fig what others say, and anyone who feels they are superior to it all is also very welcome to depart.

QUOTE =Scout;837087]It's what this forum's known for, haven't you seen what people elsewhere say about it?[/QUOTE]
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