Jill Franks/Simon Brown


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Dec 23, 2013
I usually like Jill Franks, i know she is a snob, but she is sometimes quite funny... but this evening she is annoying me with the kitchen show, why cant she have one mouthful of pudding? don't be such a stuck up snob!

Also why is simon sporting the open shirt? is he trying to impress someone? :mysmilie_13::mysmilie_17::mysmilie_15:
If there is any alcohol (including wine vinegar, she spat out dressing that contained it on live tv) she won't touch the food.
If there is any alcohol (including wine vinegar, she spat out dressing that contained it on live tv) she won't touch the food.

What is the point in having her presenting then. Should have got Charlie Brooks on LOL. Oh I forgot he was too stuffed from all that scoffing on his earlier show!
I saw that little exhibition by Ms F a few months back - disgustingly rude to spit out in full view of the public. For gawds sake if she's paid to present and that presenting includes tasting food, she should be doing that, no matter what's in the food. I'm surprised Them Indoors didn't haul her over the coals for that. If it contains alcohol, so what. It's still food. If it's on religious grounds, then put in another presenter for that hour.
Mayb Simons cooking tastes like crap and she didn't want to do the fake mmmmming and arhhing like all the other presenters lol
What is the point in having her presenting then. Should have got Charlie Brooks on LOL. Oh I forgot he was too stuffed from all that scoffing on his earlier show!

He's the same, droning on about never even having tasted alcohol. Nobody cares, it doesn't make you a good or bad person, shaddupaboutit.
I can't stand the anti-alcohol stance some of them take. All that take this crap we are selling as a gift, SO MUCH nicer than taking just a bottle of wine. Not chez Mazza, thank you.
Jill should check all those beauty products she uses for Alcohol content. If it is absorbed into the skin it ends up in the bloodstream.
At least the presenters that don't like alcohol state it on air and aren't hurting anyone, unlike Julia who's a vegetarian but is happy to wear and appear on air with Basso !!!!!
I thought she looked bored the whole hour, heaven forbid anything like 2 calories should touch her lips.
Jackie Kabler has also refused to eat food in kitchen shows. I remember her flat out refusing to eat french fries once when asked to. As annoying as this is Jill Franks isn't the only one who does this.
Jackie Kabler has also refused to eat food in kitchen shows. I remember her flat out refusing to eat french fries once when asked to. As annoying as this is Jill Franks isn't the only one who does this.

Why should she eat something if she doesn't want to? Much though I dislike her, I don't see that she is paid to eat foods on command. People on here would criticise her surely if she did eat, they would criticise her if she didn't.
Why should she eat something if she doesn't want to? Much though I dislike her, I don't see that she is paid to eat foods on command. People on here would criticise her surely if she did eat, they would criticise her if she didn't.

Are you talking about Jackie or Jill?
See the thing is we do not know why?

Could there be alcoholism in her family, did she grow up with a violent alcoholic parent????

My grandfather who to me was the most wonderful man(he had a stroke in his early 50s). My aunt refused to taste alcohol and hated being around anyone who was having a drink even social one glass. It was not until I was in my late teens and my grandfather long dead I found out he was a violent drunk who used to beat the crap out of my granny.
I have heard there is a recognised phobia of alcohol. Google Methylphobia. This would explain why a person spits out food with alcohol in (with cooked food all the alcohol content is evaporated off anyhow and the wine or whatever just flavours the cooking and the alcohol disappears) so what Jill is doing would be irrational with cooked food.

She may also have a genuine allergy to alcohol (to be distinguished from alcohol dependence).

Or it may be a religious thing or a hard core health and fitness thing. I can see Jill being totalitarian about such matters.
I have heard there is a recognised phobia of alcohol. Google Methylphobia. This would explain why a person spits out food with alcohol in (with cooked food all the alcohol content is evaporated off anyhow and the wine or whatever just flavours the cooking and the alcohol disappears) so what Jill is doing would be irrational with cooked food.

She may also have a genuine allergy to alcohol (to be distinguished from alcohol dependence).

Or it may be a religious thing or a hard core health and fitness thing. I can see Jill being totalitarian about such matters.

Which is all fair enough - absolutely no issues with whatever people's preferences are for anything, but surely if any if that is the case the producers and the presenter themselves would be awae of that prior to the show, and so would be able to avoid the thing in the first place, without any fuss, rather than making a big deal about it by spitting food out on live tv?
I think it's more than likely a health thing. I don't drink but enjoy food cooked with alcohol. However, I cannot stand chocolate with alcohol in. I genuinely don't like the taste of alcohol and the cons outweigh the 'benefits' for me. I am not a total bore, I am one of life's naturally high people that can attend a full night out without people realising I am sober! And I have drunk as a normal person over the years. I just realised over the last couple of years that I don't actually like it and don't actually need it. As much as I like Jill, spitting something out is juvenile and attention seeking. It's like people who taste with their minds and eyes and are determined not to like something.
Which is all fair enough - absolutely no issues with whatever people's preferences are for anything, but surely if any if that is the case the producers and the presenter themselves would be awae of that prior to the show, and so would be able to avoid the thing in the first place, without any fuss, rather than making a big deal about it by spitting food out on live tv?

I quite agree with you. No-one should be feel obliged to consume what they do not want, but equally they can do that discreetly and politely! I would be unable to present a cheese show but would not be rude about the product, I would just say I'm sorry I cannot eat cheese! On the alcohol front, a lot of my family were teetotal and no-one forced them to have a drink, but equally if offered it, they would just say No thank you and ask for a soft drink! None of the smug superiority you see on Q.

I did not see JF spitting out the wine vinegar but are we sure it was the wine element she objected to! I was in Germany and thought I had bought apple juice but it was apple vinegar and that was a shock when I took a big swig of it!

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