Jason Vale Retro Slow Juicer TSV 27/9/15


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A juicer is a one-way ticket to obesity and Type 2 diabetes. The fact that the 'fibre' is retained in some of them is irrelevant: juiced fruit and vegetables, whether juiced or nutriblasted, are not in any way comparable with whole fruits or vegetables. If you chuck a load of frozen berries and bananas into a nutribullet then from a blood sugar point of view you might as well have a can of coke.

As they say on the shows, 'do your own research'. Or ask a dietician...

Indeed. Smoothies, juices, they are the marketing dream of soft drinks firms in the 21st century because of this "natural sugar" claim. Sugar is sugar, whether it comes from fruit or coca-cola.
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Nevertheless, it is supposed to be healthy to have 5 a day fruit/veg, which I now get from my Ninja.

Before getting it, I was lucky to get 5 in a month.
I do both - a smoothie - no added sugar for breakfast and/or lunch, a salad at lunchtime, vegetables with dinner.

Yesterday evening I had a whole load of berries about to turn - slung it in my nutrininja with an avocado, a lime and some coconut water - ended up with a lovely thick (eat with a spoon) concoction. I generally find fruit harder to consume in any quantity rather than vegetables.

Generally I follow the rule of eating the rainbow (no, not a packet of Skittles) and definitely feel better for it!
I have had enough of JF waxing lyrical about this on the TSV launch. Gosh do I want to utter some expletives. I am so sick of the juice/smoothie fad. Why not just enjoy the fruits and vegetables as they are meant to be eaten? And another thing - how many of us have a kitchen big enough for all these flaming gadgets? I mean we are meant to have a Kitchenaid, soupmaker, juicer - and if Ideal World didn't have it QVC would be singing the praises of the Nutribullet. It really, really makes me cross!
Jill Franks overpowered by Jason Vale

Yeh (very bored) yeh, yeh. She looks almost totally bored as some hyperactive middle-aged man is pressing a few fruits and vegetables in a juicer. I think she's doing well. Quite how she doesn't stab him in the heart I do not know! Very funny to watch! OMG she needs to get the Genie / Freeze 24/7 out. Those etched lines in her face give her a harrowed, drawn look.
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I thought she was really enjoying herself wittering on about how she uses it and how it has changed her 'eyes and hair'. Like you Julius I didn't take to him at all. Silly sod ' I want every household to have one of these and view it as you would a toaster and kettle.' He must think we all have a huge kitchen with infinite workspace to put all our gadgets. I have room for tea and coffee jars, bread bin , spice rack, toaster, microwave and that is it.
I thought she was really enjoying herself wittering on about how she uses it and how it has changed her 'eyes and hair'. Like you Julius I didn't take to him at all. Silly sod ' I want every household to have one of these and view it as you would a toaster and kettle.' He must think we all have a huge kitchen with infinite workspace to put all our gadgets. I have room for tea and coffee jars, bread bin , spice rack, toaster, microwave and that is it.

I agree, Whitesnake. The only thing that juicer will do with any great efficiency is reduce your bank balance! On my worktop I have: kettle, toaster, sandwich toaster, slow cooker, a plastic container of oats, spices and a jar of honey. This juicing craze leaves me cold. I also think it encourages people to consume too much sugar. If someone gave you 6 apples, 2 oranges, a pear, a banana and a heap of strawberries you wouldn't be able to eat them all, yet these juicers lead people to a fructose overload, sending the pancreas into overdrive. I'm not a very sweet-toothed person. In the morning I will have one bowl of porridge with one small teaspoon of honey, some bread, unsalted butter (hate margarine / spreads), some blueberries and live yogurt. If I am very hungry I might have some cornichons / brie and crackers / nuts. Sometimes I have one small glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice.
Not sure if it's a coincidence or a bit of canny timing from Amazon but I just got an email about their deal of the day - a Philips Viva juicer down to £49.99 down from RRP of £100... So if you are interested in giving this juicing lark a go, you could get the stylish Philips for one fifth tbe price of the Jason Vale one, and see if you get into it :)
(I know there are several differences etc)

I'm not a fan of juicing either for the reasons above... And I couldn't stomach much of Jill and Jason the Juicers last night. But you can tell she is completely passionate and believes in the concept (I always feel her nutritional knowledge and general health approach is a deeply un-scientific and very 'alternative' without much basis!)
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I also don't juice because of the high sugar content.

I like the fibre because it takes longer to digest and leaves you feeling fuller longer. I eat a fair amount of fruit ,but lots of veg.

To me juicing would be an occasional luxury. Haven't watched the show yet ,but I won't be tempted to buy.
Julius, I watched the re-run early this morning, and switched over within 10 minutes. Jill Franks would just not let the guy speak for more than a few seconds before she butted it, and this constant "yeah, yeah, yeah" coming from her drove me nuts. She's like a Beatles tribute act. All very well them wittering on about "everyone should have one", but the size of the flippin thing - how many of us have huge kitchens with loads of worktop space we're not already using? JF cracked me up about the book, though: "can't believe this book is under £10" - the book was £9.96 (wow, a LOT less than £10!!!). Must say, though, I thought her hair looked in much better condition, had a real shine to it, and looked much healthier generally, but still needs proper styling - it is so lank and the length does not suit her - makes her look older than her years; agree with your comment that it makes her look drawn (and even scrawnier).

Yeh (very bored) yeh, yeh. She looks almost totally bored as some hyperactive middle-aged man is pressing a few fruits and vegetables in a juicer. I think she's doing well. Quite how she doesn't stab him in the heart I do not know! Very funny to watch! OMG she needs to get the Genie / Freeze 24/7 out. Those etched lines in her face give her a harrowed, drawn look.
I thought she was really enjoying herself wittering on about how she uses it and how it has changed her 'eyes and hair'. Like you Julius I didn't take to him at all. Silly sod ' I want every household to have one of these and view it as you would a toaster and kettle.' He must think we all have a huge kitchen with infinite workspace to put all our gadgets. I have room for tea and coffee jars, bread bin , spice rack, toaster, microwave and that is it.

If he wants every household to have one, pricing it at over £255 is not going to help. Watch the next vitamix presentation, see if one of the functions mentioned is juicing.
I looked up Jason Vale's biography. First thing that struck me when I watched him was that he did not look young for his age (46). Both he and Jill Frankenclaw have almost non-existent top upper lips, a sign of Vitamin B deficiency, I believe, not uncommon in health food freaks who overemphasise one type of nutrient. I am not a nutritionist, so don't take this as gospel, but it might be something to think about.

What I do know a lot about is cults and marketing. Jason Vale used to be a trainer for the Allen Carr chain of stop smoking clinics. Say no more!!! They charged hundreds of pounds for a day session, marketed by Allen Carr, who, his neighbour in Wimbledon assured me, as she saw him in his garden, continued to be a heavy smoker. What he learned from Allen Carr is hype and high-cost marketing to vulnerable people by preying on their health concerns.
Anyone else get a mental image of Alan Carr (Chatty man)...imagining his voce on a stop-smoking hypno-therapy recording? :mysmilie_19:
They've had two different slow juicers on this year: the Biochef one (which I bought having eyed it up for some considerable time before QVC were featuring it) and now this one. I don't mind Jason Vale's hyperactive delivery... in small doses... but wow, he didn't get any time to talk thanks to all the gabbing Jill was doing.

I do think juices and smoothies can be a good addition to a diet, but they can't be a complete replacement for making better choices about what you eat. For one thing, if you have a liquid diet for any length of time, one of the big misses is chewing!
Very interesting info, Miss G. I came in in the middle of it, but I suppose JF gave him the big 'intro' at the beginning, along the lines of how he's been an "expert" in nutrition for the past 100 years or so, didn't she, qualifications in this, that and everything else? They come from selling backgrounds, and that's the bottom line, and they move from one product to another as often as something new comes along - they are only pushing how wonderful it is until there's something else to push, and then it's old hat. I remember when the "how to stop smoking" thing was all the rage a few years back, adverts. in every paper, hypnotism, courses, special clinics, DVD's to buy - now it's moved on and there's another bandwagon to jump on. I've never smoked, but I know people who spent hundreds of pounds on trying to stop, buying everything that was advertised and hoping there was a 'magic bullet' in one of them.

I looked up Jason Vale's biography. First thing that struck me when I watched him was that he did not look young for his age (46). Both he and Jill Frankenclaw have almost non-existent top upper lips, a sign of Vitamin B deficiency, I believe, not uncommon in health food freaks who overemphasise one type of nutrient. I am not a nutritionist, so don't take this as gospel, but it might be something to think about.

What I do know a lot about is cults and marketing. Jason Vale used to be a trainer for the Allen Carr chain of stop smoking clinics. Say no more!!! They charged hundreds of pounds for a day session, marketed by Allen Carr, who, his neighbour in Wimbledon assured me, as she saw him in his garden, continued to be a heavy smoker. What he learned from Allen Carr is hype and high-cost marketing to vulnerable people by preying on their health concerns.
We have had a 'slow' and 'cold' household juicer, made by Matstone for years and we would not like to be without it. We use it carefully and sensibly and take the foods we juice into account as part of of entire diet. I can't help thinking that this chap's manic approach to downing every bit of juice he can get hold of and exclaiming in joy at the mere thought of his 'greens' and 'shots' and all that, owes more to an evangelical zeal than anything else. Having read his bio on his webpage, and his admission that he has made countless dramatic lifestyle changes, I can, perhaps, see why his is so enthusiastic. But it did occur to me that he has simply replaced one addictive behaviour with another … I'm not really sure that it was the juicing aspect (rather than the quitting a two-pack-per-day cigarette habit) that eased his ills, including allergies and asthma. Nor that his manic presentation style owes very much to 'Lee Evans, Norman Wisdom and Eddie Izzard' as quoted on said website … but each to his, or her, own.
Hmmm, changed her hair? OK, IMO her hair did look more glossy and less dull when I saw the re-run this morning, also looked like her hair been coloured and/or washed, but the consistency of her hair hasn't changed, it's still very limp and lank, it has little or no natural body and still needs a decent cut and styling, in my view.

I thought she was really enjoying herself wittering on about how she uses it and how it has changed her 'eyes and hair'. Like you Julius I didn't take to him at all. Silly sod ' I want every household to have one of these and view it as you would a toaster and kettle.' He must think we all have a huge kitchen with infinite workspace to put all our gadgets. I have room for tea and coffee jars, bread bin , spice rack, toaster, microwave and that is it.
We have had a 'slow' and 'cold' household juicer, made by Matstone for years and we would not like to be without it. We use it carefully and sensibly and take the foods we juice into account as part of of entire diet. I can't help thinking that this chap's manic approach to downing every bit of juice he can get hold of and exclaiming in joy at the mere thought of his 'greens' and 'shots' and all that, owes more to an evangelical zeal than anything else. Having read his bio on his webpage, and his admission that he has made countless dramatic lifestyle changes, I can, perhaps, see why his is so enthusiastic. But it did occur to me that he has simply replaced one addictive behaviour with another … I'm not really sure that it was the juicing aspect (rather than the quitting a two-pack-per-day cigarette habit) that eased his ills, including allergies and asthma. Nor that his manic presentation style owes very much to 'Lee Evans, Norman Wisdom and Eddie Izzard' as quoted on said website … but each to his, or her, own.

Nicky-j - I definitely think you have something with that observation.
They've had two different slow juicers on this year: the Biochef one (which I bought having eyed it up for some considerable time before QVC were featuring it) and now this one. I don't mind Jason Vale's hyperactive delivery... in small doses... but wow, he didn't get any time to talk thanks to all the gabbing Jill was doing.

I do think juices and smoothies can be a good addition to a diet, but they can't be a complete replacement for making better choices about what you eat. For one thing, if you have a liquid diet for any length of time, one of the big misses is chewing!

You make a good point. Having recently had very expensive dental work, I read a lot about dental health. Juices can be acidic which attacks the enamel plus gums benefit from the chewing action so if you're going to indulge in juices on a regular basis, you need to have a good dental hygiene programme.

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