Jason Vale Retro Slow Juicer TSV 27/9/15


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Well if JF thinks she is a good advert for juicing with her sparkly eyes and conditioned hair and skin ( next it will be due to some hair / skin product or other! ) she looks anything but healthy and yes needs complete hair re styling !! I find it so annoying with her fiddling and fixing it all the time too!!
You make a good point. Having recently had very expensive dental work, I read a lot about dental health. Juices can be acidic which attacks the enamel plus gums benefit from the chewing action so if you're going to indulge in juices on a regular basis, you need to have a good dental hygiene programme.

We have a juicer, I think it's Murphy richards. It's easy to use and clean and I am terrible for not eating fruit so I use this for oranges, grapefruit and pineapple usually. Because of the acid levels I drink them through a straw and brush my teeth straight after.

We were just laughing tho because hubby has the QVC app on his tablet. It was on for £9.99 as the regular price then gave the TSV price! Hahaha
Anyone wishing to try a slow juicer and not paying over £200 - there's a nutrimaster one on Ideal World at present for £69.99 and on flexi-pay... http://www.idealworld.tv/_323054

If the name of the brand sounds familiar... they also do a Vitamix dupe for a lot less money as well! http://www.idealworld.tv/pp/_342923

It's not a dupe it's actually made by Vitamix, the Nutrimaster is a nicer looking model and its digital too. Both of these models are brilliant quality, I own them and thoroughly recommend them.
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Good point, because drinking lots of juices does affect the enamel (my dentist has suddenly sported a big notice on his wall about it, perhaps he's been watching the constant TV adverts. for the re-mineralising toothpaste!!). You're supposed to rinse your mouth with plain water after drinking acidic juices and try to drink the juice through a straw, to minimalise contact with your teeth. Can't see them mentioning that during the TV presentation, somehow.

You make a good point. Having recently had very expensive dental work, I read a lot about dental health. Juices can be acidic which attacks the enamel plus gums benefit from the chewing action so if you're going to indulge in juices on a regular basis, you need to have a good dental hygiene programme.
Just turned over to have a look, yes this Jason Vale is a right juicer. Eat a flaming apple and orange, it's a lot cheaper and you just throw the wrapper away.
That Jason is on now with DF. Eugh! Just go and eat some flippin' broccoli n salads, innit! Ooh but this machine produces almond milk...yeh and I can go buy a carton for £1.50 so shove off Jason, we don't need you or your stupid machine, ok!
That Jason is on now with DF. Eugh! Just go and eat some flippin' broccoli n salads, innit! Ooh but this machine produces almond milk...yeh and I can go buy a carton for £1.50 so shove off Jason, we don't need you or your stupid machine, ok!

Just heard him say that a large man asked him "why don't you just eat the fruit" he said "I thought to myself, well you clearly don't so that obviously isn't working for you" shame he only thought it and didn't have the balls to tell him to his face, probably wouldn't have been on then to flog his ridiculously over priced machine, what a prat JV is.
Just heard him say that a large man asked him "why don't you just eat the fruit" he said "I thought to myself, well you clearly don't so that obviously isn't working for you" shame he only thought it and didn't have the balls to tell him to his face, probably wouldn't have been on then to flog his ridiculously over priced machine, what a prat JV is.

Yes, he is an idiot. I really don't think he owes much to that machine. He obviously works out a lot and does other things. I wonder what his credentials actually are? Can't wait until Midnight so we can see the back of him.
Yes, he is an idiot. I really don't think he owes much to that machine. He obviously works out a lot and does other things. I wonder what his credentials actually are? Can't wait until Midnight so we can see the back of him.

Yeah H, he's not exactly an endearing chappie is he, he's like the male equivalent of Debbie Flint,
I know absolutely nothing about juicers but isn't £250 an awful lot of money for one? I would have guessed at £50! Why is this one so expensive? I guess I could have watched the show, but three seconds of himself and DF was more than enough.
I know absolutely nothing about juicers but isn't £250 an awful lot of money for one? I would have guessed at £50! Why is this one so expensive? I guess I could have watched the show, but three seconds of himself and DF was more than enough.

Ah well Mazza, I watched about 11 minutes of it before I cracked, hence I can enlighten you. It is a "slow juicer." This is apparently better than a "fast juicer" which "destroys a lot of vitamins and minerals by oxidation." As soon as he said this I thought: "BOLLOX!" since anything exposed to the air will oxidate. I bet you anything if a lab were to measure the vitamin content of juice from that machine and a bog-standard one there would be next to no difference. Anyway, he went on to say that this is not just a slow juicer, it's a "fast" slow juicer. Confused? I am! In essence, it's a machine that squashes whole fruits / large chunks of vegetables. It's a good quality machine that's overpriced.
All these people do is try something new with an established product and say it is better in some way to sell more, RJ is the same with his garden products its all bulls excrement .
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! It's a shame the explanation was so poor in the presentation.

Centrifugal juicers - which are the cheaper end of the market, use a set of blades and the food is pulped and the fast rotation separates the juice from the pulp. The speed of the motor generating the rotation means that more heat is generated. It is the heat destroying the vitamins and minerals.

The slow juicers use a much slower grinding pressing motion to extract the juice. The motors don't run so fast, so generate less heat. It's a similar process to that which is used to extract cold pressed olive oil and other oils as well. Slow juicers are generally much more expensive than their centrifugal counterparts, but they also tend to last a much longer time, and they extract far more juice from a wider variety of fruit and vegetables than the centrifugals.

The difference with the juicer presented yesterday was that you can put whole fruit in (as long as not wider than the diameter of the chute), whereas with most slow juicers you do have to cut them to fit into what is generally a narrower chute.
Thank you for the info Julius and May. I think I shall just continue to buy any juice I want, :mysmilie_19:
All these people do is try something new with an established product and say it is better in some way to sell more, RJ is the same with his garden products its all bulls excrement .

I'll have to remember to say this in future !!!!

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