I've just had 'the phone call'!!!!!


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And one of the main problems is the presenters... Jilly in particular is forever saying order this in every colour and two sizes so you can decide at home as we have a no quibble quarantee etc... If they are getting stricter behind the scenes they should also inform the presenters of that fact...
Thats ridiculous

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Hi All,
Well, I got a reply to my letter this morning!

As you may imagine there's no apology or anything regarding the time they call etc (they have confirmed from their call log it was at approx 12.30 on Sunday 9th August).

They state 'As you are no doubt aware, QVC operates on a 7 day working week, allowing customers to place and query orders at whatever time is most convenient for themselves. The department tasked with running this particular process is staffed to reflect the diversity of our customers shopping / living habits. The intention of this process is to speak to as many of our customers as possible, so as a result, you may well be called outside of what may be deemed 'normal office hours'. This is not meant to be invasive but to enable the business to gather as much information as possible, whilst ensuring the process is communicated as clearly as possible'.

Well I have no problem with the whole 7 days thing, I am a 24/7 shift worker myself, but why would anyone think that calling a customers home on Sunday lunchtime, when many families are sitting down to lunch, was an appropriate time to discuss the number of returns they had made?!

It goes on - 'With specific regard to the percentage, and what QVC may deem as excessive, this figure is not static and can be subject to change depending on business performance'

This is despite their CS specifically telling me their return rate was 50%.

They go on to say - 'Whilst we are happy to share this information with those customers involved in the process, it is not something we deem necessary to publicise to the vast majority of our customers (for whom this process will not apply.'

Way to make me feel like a total loser!

'The 30 day money back guarantee will never be 'quibbled' by QVC.'

There is some other stuff in there including their T&C but they do say my 'comments regarding the "over selling" by our presenters' have been duly noted.'

They have confirmed that as per my request my account has been closed but should I wish to re-open it in the future to contact customer care. Presumably only if I never send any thing back cross my heart and hope to die!!!!

So, there you go, I did get a reply, a crappy reply but a reply all the same. It's just reinforced my decision to never spend another penny with them.
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I'm really sorry that they didn't have the grace to apologise for calling at sunday lunchtime my lovely. I too work in a business that operates outside normal office hours, but in my industry we would never call our customers or suppliers on a sunday - ever.

My number is still on my account and thanks to a - QVC purchased - gadget for letting you know who's calling and automatically recording the call I am ready for them. They can "Tell Me On Sunday" now if they like. I'll have the call uploaded onto YouTube within the hour. :D
Thanks A'kin, that's made me laugh, using their own products against them!!!

The whole tone of the letter was a like a reprimand tbh, they didn't address any of the issues I brought up, only saying they 'duly note' my comments about presenters overselling. What use is that? They need to stop it completely, otherwise more unaware customers will take what they say at face value and buy 2 sizes/colours/styles or whatever to try before they buy and end up being humiliated like I and other forum members did.

I don't even switch on now so I think my withdrawal is now complete! It wasn't that bad, honestly!
I know I'm probably going to get stick for this, but I think the timing of the call could be inconvenient to someone whatever time it was made. If you are Jewish Saturday is a bad day, likewise Friday for a Muslim, early evening people are eating, mid evening putting children to bed, late evening relaxing or going to bed, weekend relaxing etc. I don't think they could win re the timing issue. I know they could write but how many people would respond? I know I am far less likely to respond when there's more effort involved.
That's a fair point, Boris Bear. However, there is nothing to stop a QVC caller from asking the callee, at the outset, whether it is convenient to speak, and if not, what time would be convenient.

It appears that the way in which QVC goes about its business is at fault, in addition to its dubious practice of over-stressing the 30-day MBG. I have returned many products which I felt were poorly made, unsuitable for sensitive skin, not fit for purpose etc. Over the last few years, the combination of the original P&P and the return postage could have been better spent on a foreign holiday!

Run-Forest-Run's experience has certainly influenced my spending. I am very reluctant to order two sizes or colours in the knowledge that at least one will have to be returned.

I have, over the last twelve months, kept a record of items returned together with the reason for my return. So, should I receive a call, the QVC caller will be asked to provide his or her stats, and I shall provide mine.
iIve just written a review about a spanx item - and the presenting was so poor I wasn't sure what size to order - and am worried about ordering lots of items in various sizes,for best fit - because of QVC's warning of not to return more than 50% - although this item with p & p cost around £60 - a fair price if you're not even sure you have the right size!!

As yet the review is not showing.........don't think it will because I've dared to bring up the quibble in the no quibble MBG...
Doubt they will put the review in Rainbowdottie as it has prices in. They tend not to post reviews that have any mention of the price paid or the actual cost of the P&P. It says somewhere in the 'post a review' section why they dont like you mentioning price but cant remember what the reason was. I have tried several times to sneak it in but without success so far so I hope yours gets through :nod:
hhmmm not convinced it will show:angry:

I have metioned prices in some of my reviews but only in a vague notion - like you say,I think they change their prices so often,putting in a review is a huge no-no:angry:
That's a fair point, Boris Bear. However, there is nothing to stop a QVC caller from asking the callee, at the outset, whether it is convenient to speak, and if not, what time would be convenient.

It appears that the way in which QVC goes about its business is at fault, in addition to its dubious practice of over-stressing the 30-day MBG. I have returned many products which I felt were poorly made, unsuitable for sensitive skin, not fit for purpose etc. Over the last few years, the combination of the original P&P and the return postage could have been better spent on a foreign holiday!

Run-Forest-Run's experience has certainly influenced my spending. I am very reluctant to order two sizes or colours in the knowledge that at least one will have to be returned.

I have, over the last twelve months, kept a record of items returned together with the reason for my return. So, should I receive a call, the QVC caller will be asked to provide his or her stats, and I shall provide mine.

That my dear is a brilliant idea. I shall start mine from my last returns.
Has anybody read the Distance Selling Act or made themselves familiar with it?

I knew that there was something about a "7 day cooling off period" where the Consumer can cancel the order (contract) with no explanation, it's the law..for our protection. (Especially in cases of "oversell" where we think we have to have a particular item.....we just HAVE TO HAVE IT!! :blush::54:)

Under the DSA there is a "Right to Cancel"

Right to cancel

10. - (1) Subject to regulation 13, if within the cancellation period set out in regulations 11 and 12, the consumer gives a notice of cancellation to the supplier, or any other person previously notified by the supplier to the consumer as a person to whom notice of cancellation may be given, the notice of cancellation shall operate to cancel the contract.

(2) Except as otherwise provided by these Regulations, the effect of a notice of cancellation is that the contract shall be treated as if it had not been made.

Cancellation period in the case of contracts for the supply of goods

(2) Where the supplier complies with regulation 8, the cancellation period ends on the expiry of the period of seven working days beginning with the day after the day on which the consumer receives the goods.

I've taken the above directly from the gov website. Have I read and understood this correctly? ie:

You can contact the 'Supplier' withing 7 working days beginning with the day after the day on which you receive the goods? By contact they understand that to mean e-mail, in writing etc.

Also it's your duty to return the goods.

But, and it's a BIG BUT. If you do this the contract between you and the supplier is terminated permanently. But just that particular 'contract' or order eg a TSV or whatever. It's my understanding it doesn't mean your 'account' is terminated. If so should they not take a cancellation like this into account when calculating there 50% .... I suppose its whatever way you interpret it.

link to DSA: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2000/20002334.htm

Now I'm on a lot of medication for pain and Fibro so is there is a big chance that I have totally misunderstood If anybody else would like to take a look and see what they think it would be a great help. TIA
That's pretty much my understanding of the right to cancel, it's on the QVC website but never mentioned on air.

Sending you a hug Biddie; sorry to hear you're in such pain. I always feel at my most vulnerable to rash purchasing when I'm in pain or generally feeling low.

I'd really like to see QVC spruce up their "my account" section on their site to extend the search facility to search for "Waitlist" Returned" "Cancelled" so that I could view them all on one page. Any item not despatched could have a tick box to allow instant cancellation to save the email or phone call to cancel cheque hold items, awaiting stock or advanced orders. This would surely benefit QVC as well, cutting back on admin time. Mind you I'm not so naive that I can't see QVC rely on a % of unwanted items which are delivered but never returned.

Jude xx
Thank you for your kind words and advice and thoughts re QVC Akimbo :):flower::flower::flower:

I can't believe I wrote that post. I haven't even the energy to read it myself now-so I don't blame anybody else if they go :sleepy::sleepy:

(Still it's there for future reference if I need to check and if I ever get the 'call', hope it helps somebody someday too :thinking2:)
Now I'm on a lot of medication for pain and Fibro so is there is a big chance that I have totally misunderstood If anybody else would like to take a look and see what they think it would be a great help. TIA

Thank you so much for going to the time and trouble to give such a concise post . I will use the info if I ever need to . Hope your not to so much pain today X
I've just come in on the tail of this thread. Is it Fibromyalgia you're referring to Biddie and Brennie? (It's just that there are a couple of Fibro conditions). I have Fibromyalgia too, as well as M.E. (double the muscle and joint aches lol!)

Hope you both feel a bit better soon. :)
I've just come in on the tail of this thread. Is it Fibromyalgia you're referring to Biddie and Brennie? (It's just that there are a couple of Fibro conditions). I have Fibromyalgia too, as well as M.E. (double the muscle and joint aches lol!)

Hope you both feel a bit better soon. :)

Hi BSG I was trying to quote from the original posters message and obviously did it wrong !
I dont have Fibro of any sort and was trying to thank the OP for her efforts even tho she wasnt well . Sorry if Ive confused every one . Hope you are ok as well BSG:wave2:
I've just come in on the tail of this thread. Is it Fibromyalgia you're referring to Biddie and Brennie? (It's just that there are a couple of Fibro conditions). I have Fibromyalgia too, as well as M.E. (double the muscle and joint aches lol!)

Hope you both feel a bit better soon. :)

I have Fibromyalgia as well BSG, it's amazing how many people have it yet I had never heard of it before mine was diagnosed.
That's pretty much my understanding of the right to cancel, it's on the QVC website but never mentioned on air.

Sending you a hug Biddie; sorry to hear you're in such pain. I always feel at my most vulnerable to rash purchasing when I'm in pain or generally feeling low.

I'd really like to see QVC spruce up their "my account" section on their site to extend the search facility to search for "Waitlist" Returned" "Cancelled" so that I could view them all on one page. Any item not despatched could have a tick box to allow instant cancellation to save the email or phone call to cancel cheque hold items, awaiting stock or advanced orders. This would surely benefit QVC as well, cutting back on admin time. Mind you I'm not so naive that I can't see QVC rely on a % of unwanted items which are delivered but never returned.

Jude xx

I'm reasonably sure that QVC US do have this facility on theirs.
I have Fibromyalgia as well BSG, it's amazing how many people have it yet I had never heard of it before mine was diagnosed.

Poor you! I have ME/CFS and fortunately only get FM when I get VERY run down - it's bluddy awful when you can't sit/lie down cos of the pain. Would hate to suffer from it all the time. Can you recover from it? I'm learning that to get well myself, I will have to do the work as my GP doesn't seem to know what to do so I am trying to keep as active as I possibly can, and learning to recognise my limitations (but trying to extend them at the same time if that makes sense, so I can improve).

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