I've just had 'the phone call'!!!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I expect someone has already mentioned it saying it all on the website T&C -

"It is our policy to contact and work with customers whose level of returns is very high. This is to ensure that our prices are not negatively impacted by the cost to QVC of dealing with an extremely high number of returns by a small minority of customers. If a customer continues to return an extremely high number of products to us, we reserve the right to close their account. If this happens the customer’s statutory rights will remain unaffected, orders accepted by us before the account has been closed will be fulfilled in accordance with these terms and individual product warranties will continue to be honoured in accordance with their terms."

So that's their get-out clause. But it SUCKS...:angry:
I expect someone has already mentioned it saying it all on the website T&C -

"It is our policy to contact and work with customers whose level of returns is very high. This is to ensure that our prices are not negatively impacted by the cost to QVC of dealing with an extremely high number of returns by a small minority of customers. If a customer continues to return an extremely high number of products to us, we reserve the right to close their account. If this happens the customer’s statutory rights will remain unaffected, orders accepted by us before the account has been closed will be fulfilled in accordance with these terms and individual product warranties will continue to be honoured in accordance with their terms."

So that's their get-out clause. But it SUCKS...:angry:

Business is business, and it's their right of course, whether we like it or not. However.... (and I say this carefully and gently).. I think that those who typically return a smaller percentage of their purchases might, in general, not be uncomfortable that there is such a policy.

My humble opinion only.
Business is business, and it's their right of course, whether we like it or not. However.... (and I say this carefully and gently).. I think that those who typically return a smaller percentage of their purchases might, in general, not be uncomfortable that there is such a policy.

Isn't that similar to saying that the only people who would object to ID Cards are those with something to hide? Discounting deep misgivings on the grounds of principle?

What this 'gentle' hint is suggesting is that behind the indignation there is a degree of guilt or shame. That seems more than a little presumptive to me, and considerably more than a little judgemental. Why should people feel guilty about accepting a commercial offer to keep or return? It's just as likely that people would feel shame at ordering goods but not having the courage to send them back when they proved defective or disappointing. Is there something morally superior in returning less than 50% of goods ordered?
Postage costs

It's the one reason I don't really return much.

I dread to think how much I have spent during the years I have been shopping with them, and I haven't really returned much mainly because of the postage, I don't want to pay over £5 or more (depending on cost of the postage) to look at something. When I first started buying I would buy loads and it would end up the back of the cupboards, I still buy but not as much now as I no longer get sucked into the hard sell anymore.
It's all very well for them to set out their terms and conditions on their website, but people don't need to to have internet access to buy from them. It's not as if they are an internet only company......what about those who only buy by phone, or Sky?
Isn't that similar to saying that the only people who would object to ID Cards are those with something to hide? Discounting deep misgivings on the grounds of principle?

What this 'gentle' hint is suggesting is that behind the indignation there is a degree of guilt or shame. That seems more than a little presumptive to me, and considerably more than a little judgemental. Why should people feel guilty about accepting a commercial offer to keep or return? It's just as likely that people would feel shame at ordering goods but not having the courage to send them back when they proved defective or disappointing. Is there something morally superior in returning less than 50% of goods ordered?

I used the words 'carefully and gently' because there's been so much misunderstanding and ganging-up going on, on the two 'sticky' threads today, that I was afraid that in saying something that didn't fully agree with the righteous (and in my humble opinion, misplaced) indignation about the 50% return rate business, I might inadvertantly upset people. It was an attempt at respectfully expressing a contradictory point of view.

I don't think there's any guilt or shame in returning things to qvc, and taking full advantage of the 30 day MBG. Fill your boots! But... don't castigate qvc for asking a perfectly reasonable question of you, when they see you are clearly dissatisfied with the majority of your purchases.

Does my own less than 50% return rate equate to 'moral superiority'? Not in the least. I'm as indulgent as the next person; I 'need' masses of stuff that I don't actually need at all; I suffer buyer's remorse; it sometimes takes me 2 or 3 weeks before I admit something really doesn't suit me or I shouldn't have bought it; and I return things that I feel were oversold or mis-described. Believe me when I say that I do indeed have the 'courage' to take full advantage of that 30 day MBG.

Notwithstanding, I personally have no misgivings whatsoever about that 50% trigger. I think it's perfectly reasonable for a commercial business to need to limit its exposure and protect the majority of shoppers from having to overpay to compensate for those whose return rate persists in exceeding their notional limit, despite the 'assistance' of the call centre or letter-writing staff in trying to get to the bottom of why that might be. Whether the handling of that sort of situation could be improved, well, qvc might well take a view on that after reading these threads today.

So, your honour, I plead 'not guilty' to the charges of being presumptive, judgmental, morally superior and lacking in courage. But, as it has been no fun at all today, I've decided, I'm departing from the forum.

I've been here just two days, Graham, but please cancel my registration, I won't be back. I'm sure it's great, but it's not for me. A warm thank you to those of you who were friendly and welcoming, yesterday and today. I am gone. :wave2:
It's all very well for them to set out their terms and conditions on their website, but people don't need to to have internet access to buy from them. It's not as if they are an internet only company......what about those who only buy by phone, or Sky?

Magic, you've hit the nail on the head, this is exactly what I was going to post. QVC is a TV shopping channel so policies that influence whether someone buys or not, such as their return rate allowance, should be made clear on TV. It wouldn't be that difficult to include a simple statement at the beginning of each show to the effect that returns are limited to 50% of orders placed. Simples!!
I used the words 'carefully and gently' because there's been so much misunderstanding and ganging-up going on, on the two 'sticky' threads today, that I was afraid that in saying something that didn't fully agree with the righteous (and in my humble opinion, misplaced) indignation about the 50% return rate business, I might inadvertantly upset people. It was an attempt at respectfully expressing a contradictory point of view.

I don't think there's any guilt or shame in returning things to qvc, and taking full advantage of the 30 day MBG. Fill your boots! But... don't castigate qvc for asking a perfectly reasonable question of you, when they see you are clearly dissatisfied with the majority of your purchases.

Does my own less than 50% return rate equate to 'moral superiority'? Not in the least. I'm as indulgent as the next person; I 'need' masses of stuff that I don't actually need at all; I suffer buyer's remorse; it sometimes takes me 2 or 3 weeks before I admit something really doesn't suit me or I shouldn't have bought it; and I return things that I feel were oversold or mis-described. Believe me when I say that I do indeed have the 'courage' to take full advantage of that 30 day MBG.

Notwithstanding, I personally have no misgivings whatsoever about that 50% trigger. I think it's perfectly reasonable for a commercial business to need to limit its exposure and protect the majority of shoppers from having to overpay to compensate for those whose return rate persists in exceeding their notional limit, despite the 'assistance' of the call centre or letter-writing staff in trying to get to the bottom of why that might be. Whether the handling of that sort of situation could be improved, well, qvc might well take a view on that after reading these threads today.

So, your honour, I plead 'not guilty' to the charges of being presumptive, judgmental, morally superior and lacking in courage. But, as it has been no fun at all today, I've decided, I'm departing from the forum.

I've been here just two days, Graham, but please cancel my registration, I won't be back. I'm sure it's great, but it's not for me. A warm thank you to those of you who were friendly and welcoming, yesterday and today. I am gone. :wave2:

From what others have posted and from my own point of view no-one is righteously indignant about the 50% return rate. The point that has got people angry is -
1. There is NEVER any mention of ANY sort of return rate, be it 50% or not.
2. Customers are positively encouraged to buy and try and return if not happy, even to the point of buying 2 colours to decide at home etc.
3. QVC phoneing their unsuspecting customers at home to 'discuss' the number of their returns and the 'what can we do to help you reduce your returns' embarrasment.
4. Faulty items being credited as 'returned' on thier accounts.
5. How long the return rate is taken over.
6. The 'no quibble' money back guarantee is obviously nothing of the sort as I have received the call 'quibbling'!

I've probably missed somethings but speaking personally that's what I'm upset about.

You may not have any misgivings about the 50% return rate, to be honest I don't myself, I understand that QVC are a business and are in it to make money BUT they do not make their customers aware that there is such a thing. They are the ones who are telling people to return what they are unhappy with so how can they then turn round and say actually we know we said return what you aren't happy with, but don't return too much of it!!

If you were at home on a Sunday lunch time and received such a call from QVC, completely out of the blue, for returning items which you were totally unhappy with through no fault of your own, would you not be angry about it?
It's all very well for them to set out their terms and conditions on their website, but people don't need to to have internet access to buy from them. It's not as if they are an internet only company......what about those who only buy by phone, or Sky?

Exactly! But even if you do have access to the internet to view their T&C's it only states 'an extremely high amount of returns'.

What amounts to an extremely high amount? I would not have said 50% was extremely high.

As I have said previously I'm actually quite grateful to them for ringing me on Sunday as it has given me the final push to cancel my account which will save me a fortune :cash:.

I felt humiliated on the phone so for that reason I will never give them another penny!
If you were at home on a Sunday lunch time and received such a call from QVC, completely out of the blue, for returning items which you were totally unhappy with through no fault of your own, would you not be angry about it?

I most certainly would run-forest-run, and I'd have left them in no doubt as to how angry I was. It's a total invasion of privacy calling about something like that at the weekend, especially Sunday lunchtime, which for most people is a family occasion.
For my own two penneth of anything, for most of this year I was running at 100% return rate..and yes I got a bit jumpy about getting 'the letter', but hell, everything was faulty in one way or another, and I wanted my money back...including p&p and made sure I got it.

Including refund on the HP computer that I didn't open for several months and then was faulty after only a few days. Took a bit of sorting, but they sorted it and I got every penny back....my choice. They did offer a repair, and restarting the warranty...but once faulty always faulty in my mind.

If they want to phone me I have choices...embarrassment at being picked out for the treatment, anger at them phoning or saying take a hike. I don't have to do business with them....It's a choice
I kept seeing people saying about going to trading standards...has anyone been refused a refund or not been able to return something? Just because they then say that they may not want your custom if you continue to return high percentages of items, it does not make the phrase 'no quibble' untrue - they do not quibble about a return when you send it back.
I kept seeing people saying about going to trading standards...has anyone been refused a refund or not been able to return something? Just because they then say that they may not want your custom if you continue to return high percentages of items, it does not make the phrase 'no quibble' untrue - they do not quibble about a return when you send it back.

yes but Steven, the very fact that they asking questions about the returns you have made, can be seen as 'quibbling' maybe not for the money back, but quibilling after the fact - blimey that sounds mad, what a stupid word to use anyway! What about they return your cash no questions asked at all,ever, which is what we presume they mean. Clearly they don't.
I had a very nice lady phoning me about my returns and what did I find wrong with them.I told her that lots of stuff I've recieved lately has been wrong or faulty - other than that its just not suitable or I have to make a quick desicion as its limited stock and when I get it,its not what I want.She agreed with me - and said nothing of my account or warning - I just thought she was phoning up to be polite!! Then I got the letter - and I was so mad,that I phoned them up-the guy I spoke to was very snotty and said I was costing them too much money,with all these returns.Dunno how he worked that out - I pay for the item and two lots of postage!! I even return the items the next day - its not even out its wrapping half the time.As far as I'm concerned QVC arelosing money because I'm not even prepared to try things now - I only buy if I'm 100% sure - when I'm sure most of their money from people buying and keeping things on a whim
I would also like to make the point that I told the snotty guy on the phone that Mr M&S or Mr Next would be glad of my money and still happily give me a refund if I wanted one -he seem to disagree that they would conisitently let me return - but they do!

He ended the conversation by telling me just to take care on what I order,and to be sure about my purchases before ordering and to slow down on my ordering.

I asked him though,that if I were to oder 3 things over a year and return all 3 isn't that a 100% return rate......and he seemed to think that,that was ok?????
unbelievable! how can they keep getting away with calling it "no quibbble" when they're on air???!!!???.....

I too am expecting "the letter" or "the 'phone call" as I must be bordeline....although haven't ordered anything for ages....

I suspect the following extract from QVC's terms and conditions just about covers it.

QVC shall also have the right without notice and at any time to terminate some or all of the QVC Services or any feature or portion thereof, or any products or services offered through them, or to terminate any individual's right to access or use of the QVC Services or any feature or portion thereof.

Basically this translates as "We can do as we damned well please"!
I suspect the following extract from QVC's terms and conditions just about covers it.

QVC shall also have the right without notice and at any time to terminate some or all of the QVC Services or any feature or portion thereof, or any products or services offered through them, or to terminate any individual's right to access or use of the QVC Services or any feature or portion thereof.

Basically this translates as "We can do as we damned well please"!

But they can do as they please as long as they act within the law. They can change their services if they want, for example if they wanted to change the terms and conditions of the MBG, though I don't think they could do it retrospectively.

They could refuse to accept cheque payment orders if you repeatedly place orders like this and fail to pay or contact them. They also have no obligation to accept anyone's offer to buy anything from them. This is all perfectly legal.

I just don't understand why people who are unhappy with the majority of the stuff they buy want to carry on shopping with QVC. I just couldn't be bothered with the hassle of sending stuff back and the p & P costs incurred.

BTW M & S have a free p & P offer on at the moment, enter FREEDL36 at the checkout. Their clothes are nicer than QVC's, better value and they are fine about returning stuff.
I think the problem with qvc is that when I walk around the a dept store - I can see all the items that they are offering.

I'm allowed to walk around,pick things up,feel them,try them on and after all that and seeing everything available- I can therefore make an informed desicion on the items I want to buy.

At QVC - not only can I not try and feel - you never know whats round the corner.I think this is why people can and do send things back.

For instance someone may have bought some gold earrings in the outlet on monday.They have arrived and buyer is pleased.Then on the following monday,there is a whole day of gold - and buyer may see something they prefer or think is better value - so back go the first pair of earrings.

You could argue that,all their items are on the website to see - and therefore you do and should have the choice of a dept store.But qvc keep a lot of things back.They keep their tsv's secret and hold back many new in stock items until the day before the show.

I watched a whole day and a half of kipling shows the other day.However,I didn't purchase as I know theres a TSV and there will a whole day of new stuff in a couple of weeks.People who don't look ahead on the tv guide,might buy into this weeks kipling bags and then changed their mind when they see the next run of shows - because it will fall into their 30 day MBG.

I've put on another thread that I went through a real run of trying things out - because I didn't realise that I couldn't!!! I honestly believed that as I was paying for the item immediately - its not like a catalogue,where I get the bill at the end of the month - and I was paying for the postage - both ways - I honestly didn't know,until I got the letter,that I had anything to loose.

I wasn't using or trying the items out - so I was a bit miffed to be sent the letter - but I can see why people do change their minds - for the reasons I've stated above.

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