It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......


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Just under 4 hours since my last post and it's still snowing. Bigger flakes now and really settling. The tracks I left going out to the bins at 11 o'clock are no longer visible and I've lost sight of most of my garden. The snow isn't an issue for me at the moment, although it means I won't be able to go up to Yorkshire this weekend :sad:, but on Monday it could well be. I live in a small cul-de-sac, and at the top of a hill, so when I set off for work I may well be skiing down the road on four tyres. If that is the case then I really hope that everyone else has parked their vehicles off the road or it could be a case of 'dodgem cars.' :eek:

And I'm still waiting for the gas man. I'll be without heat and water while he is installing the magnabooster but he'll now be working by electric light (not easy when the installation is in a cupboard.) Here's hoping that when he turns everything on again that it will all work or I'll be spending a weekend wrapped up in a duvet and washing with water boiled in a kettle. Oh, the joys of living in England. :wink:
We've got the tiniest snowflakes I've ever seen but it's been snowing constantly since 9am. It's about 2" deep and I notice a small snowdrift has blown in under our front door!

Hope everyone who has to go out will take care - a friend from Salisbury has just had a third operation to regain more movement in her wrist after a fall on ice in December 2011.
Sorry, can't resist.. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1358524207.717155.jpg
Oh he's so so cute and looks like he's having a lovely time in the snow. I remember those days from long ago. Made me really smile, grin ., thanks for sharing :)
WG, i hope your little one gets better soon.
Well its started here , Fine and steady snow and its settling.
Ppc any news on your appointment this morning?
Yes hon, been, had it and just back home enjoying toast and soup. Get better soon to WG's little man. Quite a bit of snow (for London) settled and not melting atm. Looks pretty but that's quite enough now thankyou. :eek:

Thanks sparklybarbs and PPC.

He's 3 next month- but very tall!

We are now one carrot down and completely out of grapes.
Brrrr, 10,000 homes in South and West Wales without electricity, poor things.

I tramped my way to work and back in thick snow which was starting to turn slushy. We're promised bitter temperatures tonight, so tomorrow will be far worse if we're one big ice rink by the morning. Ha!

The light this afternoon has been bizarre - dark, looming grey skies mean that the light is coming upwards from the snow and everything's plunged into a strange monochrome colour scheme. It's like the setting for a ghost story. All we need is rooks cawing from high trees and I could scare the living daylights out of people by swooping up and down in a long hooded cloak ...

Got about four inches here in Surrey. I've just been watching my two dopey cats playing in it. Just hoping my son gets home from London safe. He lives a couple of miles away from me just off a main road but it will probably be a long journey home for him. Already getting dark here and still bliddy snowing.
So pleased all went well Ppc and you're home safely.

WG He is adorable, a lovely picture

goodness knows if this works but there might be a pic of the view from the kitchen window - on the other hand, there might not..!
Has anyone got those things you put over your shoes from QVC, and worn them. I have them, but never had them on. I'm to scared to
break something , so won't go out in this. Scaredy cat, he he, i am
Yes hon, been, had it and just back home enjoying toast and soup. Get better soon to WG's little man. Quite a bit of snow (for London) settled and not melting atm. Looks pretty but that's quite enough now thankyou. :eek:

wot sorta soup??! might need food parcels soon!
Snowing here, in N,I. but it was raining earlier so its not lying, and its not fair, I WANT SNOW
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goodness knows if this works but there might be a pic of the view from the kitchen window - on the other hand, there might not..!

What happened to the "bomb" Carol?

Has anyone got those things you put over your shoes from QVC, and worn them. I have them, but never had them on. I'm to scared to
break something , so won't go out in this. Scaredy cat, he he, i am

You've obviously never broken anything Barbs! - they are a lifesaver as far as I'm concerned, you should get some on standby they're brilliant?

Oops, sorry Barbs, didn't read your post properly, see you've got a pair, sorry.
He is adorable that's for sure! A big strapping lad he is. And was... Look at me 37 weeks pregnant (he was born al 42.5 by ceasar!)

Don't I just look like a pea on a drum?

But hey, as this is the drop, and I am feeling all soppy today ( and thought you may need a smile or two) I finally thought I could share something personal.

My daughter has just woken up from her nap, she is out of the woods now. Funny how they bounce back.

Stay warm, make casserole, and best wishes to all of you with health problems this winter.

I have wintertrax, they are good. Lent them to hubby earlier but his feet were a bit too wide like duck feet and they twisted around the side of his shoes.

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