It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Please don't think of this as a war zone, its a really lovely friendly place to live, with some people intent on making
trouble, and its sad as we'd come so far, and now gone backwards, but hopefully soon to be onwards and upwards :)
Not even a sniff of snow here in the East of Ireland & it's not too cold either.
Like Bettyboo,my grandchildren are dying to see snow so hopefully we may see even a little.

Sparklybarbs,it's hard to believe you're only 'a few miles up the road' from us & all this trouble starting again.
Fingers crossed it won't last long & peace will reign again xxx

Sue,I hope your appointment goes well if it goes ahead,will say a prayer for you xx
So are we all white this morning? (see what i did there) Not a flutter here yet, but according to the forecast its due mid morning.
As usual London will grind to a standstill .
I'm lucky i don't need to go out today, so i will be able to watch the snow from the warm.I think i'm still 5yrs old inside ss i love watching it snow. Going out in it is a different matter, i then begin to hate it and resemble Bambi trying to stand up for the first time.
PPC, i'll be thinking of you today. x
Now any of our, shall we say, more senior in age members, please put your heating right up and sod the bills.You must keep warm.
Stay safe everyone.
Heavy snow here. My baby has a temperature, my husband can't get to work, my son's nursery is open but may not get the food delivered today so may close anyhow. We are keeping him home with us today so he can build his first ever snowman.
WG, i hope your little one gets better soon.
Well its started here , Fine and steady snow and its settling.
Ppc any news on your appointment this morning?
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A good foot of it up here in the Beacons, poor little Elizabeth was nearly buried when she went out to the loo this morning, I could see her looking enviously at Jonathan as he nonchalantly cocked his leg up :blush:. Keep safe and warm everyone. Hope all goes according to plan for you today Sue.
Just a light dusting here when I got up but it's really coming down now. I've declared it a snow day so I'm working from home. Allegedly. No I will be. I have things to do.
A good foot of it up here in the Beacons, poor little Elizabeth was nearly buried when she went out to the loo this morning, I could see her looking enviously at Jonathan as he nonchalantly cocked his leg up :blush:. Keep safe and warm everyone. Hope all goes according to plan for you today Sue.

I'm seriously hoping Elizabeth and Jonathan are your.pets and not human
So are we all white this morning? (see what i did there) Not a flutter here yet, but according to the forecast its due mid morning.
As usual London will grind to a standstill .
I'm lucky i don't need to go out today, so i will be able to watch the snow from the warm.I think i'm still 5yrs old inside ss i love watching it snow. Going out in it is a different matter, i then begin to hate it and resemble Bambi trying to stand up for the first time.
PPC, i'll be thinking of you today. x
Now any of our, shall we say, more senior in age members, please put your heating right up and sod the bills.You must keep warm.
Stay safe everyone.

All white here! But no new stuff as yet today - just been watching a pair of foxes on the back garden! We used to have some living under the shed but they left us, I wonder if this pair are new tenants...not long given the dog food away at that - used to feed them in the hope that if they weren't hungry they wouldn't attack our cat (and the others around).

As for heating..ours is on, but we had some communications from nPower not long ago and were sending readings in..they reckoned we might owe them £10,000 - fat chance of 'em getting it I can tell you! Not on me pension!!

Heavy snow here. My baby has a temperature, my husband can't get to work, my son's nursery is open but may not get the food delivered today so may close anyhow. We are keeping him home with us today so he can build his first ever snowman.

Oh poor you - and what an apt username at the mo! Hope you are coping, what with fractious babies, excited little boys (and an excited big one no doubt too!) you've got your hands full today...hope baby is soon ok again.

I'm seriously hoping Elizabeth and Jonathan are your.pets and not human too...Mam's post made me giggle!
Aww thank you! Yes a very excited little man. Mummy inside with daughter.

Mam,s post made me chuckle too.

Folks abandoning their cars on the M4 apparently.
Hope everyone's coping, especially in Wales!

I've just spoken to my sister in North Wales, it's snowing heavily and they have about 6 inches at the moment. They will be stuck for days where they are and dreading a power cut.

Everything turning white in Surrey but powdery and windy right now.
Now, over to our lilly-livered east London contingent.....

Hope everyone's coping, especially in Wales!

I've just spoken to my sister in North Wales, it's snowing heavily and they have about 6 inches at the moment. They will be stuck for days where they are and dreading a power cut.

Everything turning white in Surrey but powdery and windy right now.

6 inches!! I hope everything is ok for the duration, no power cuts, everything crossed!! Like you Fraz I'm in mid Kent & it's just started, fine & powdery at present x.
Not a drop here...........yet! They can't make their minds up if we are getting it or not!! We are on high ground so if it snows we will get it so we are hoping it will bypass us but would be unusual if it did! Just need to wait and see.

PPC hope you are able to get to your appointment!

Take care everyone, stay safe and warm! x

Meg's traumatised!

They have changed the expected time of snowfall here to the afternoon- just a light smattering at the moment. Dustbin men were here at 7.30 and OH's plane is due to arrive 30 minutes earlier than scheduled! Better get the vac out.
They have changed the expected time of snowfall here to the afternoon- just a light smattering at the moment. Dustbin men were here at 7.30 and OH's plane is due to arrive 30 minutes earlier than scheduled! Better get the vac out.

.... so he can give the place a quick hoover when he gets in.

Jeez, it's all stopped now in Kent. I'm not usually a fan but I'm bunking off work, (ooops I mean working from home), on the strength of this impending blizard. I'm going to look rather silly if we don't get any more now today lol :blush: Don't want it for long, just some decent cover.
Ha!Ha! Don't think so Minim. It has just begun to snow here. It's a good job the kittens don't have mobile phones as they would have been on to the RSPCA for me making them go out for some fresh air and a run around.

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