hard sell in overdrive


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Apr 27, 2009
Q are clearly at desperation level. I've mentioned it in other threads, but the ads in between each item has reached epidemic and ridiculous proportions. Why ? the ads blitz for upcoming brands, whats on later in the day, and the couple in deckchairs on the beach every 6 minutes (yes I've timed it), has sunk to a new low in my opinion.

Its clear when they come out with a new 'spiel' that changes have been made around the conference table - its so ****** obvious ! Q is not the home department store it once was, and its better to cull it now and put it out of its misery.
I agree with you. During lulu bags show last night they only managed to show one bag before the whole adverts thing started. I am getting sick fed up of Q.
I simply can`t watch anymore. If ( and it`s a big if ) there`s anything I`m interested in, I might watch the presentation on the pc with the sound muted but even then I find it annoys me because of all the arm waving and the obvious non stop babbling of the presenter and not enough camera time on the actual product. It`s a vicious circle, the more the shows annoy people, the less people will buy and the louder and more desperate the presenters will become and the more desperate they become, then the less people will buy again. Q needs to stop the rot and fast.
If previously loyal viewers like the posters here are being driven away, there must surely be a note of panic in Q Towers, hence the constant plugs.
I was delighted when I could get the videos on my ipad only to find that the limited time was taken up with ads and in fact there was one item which was never on camera at all!

Unfortunately big corporate companies are oblivious to their problems, when profits go down they get rid of the head buck cat and get a new one with new ideas which are just the same words jumbled up. I'm sorry to say that it will only get worse from here on and as previously said the loss of viewers will only make the things we hate so much happen more and more in their desperation to stem the losses (but not the rot).
They could save some money if they cut down on the never ending advertising emails...I seem to get a few most days...Imo QVC will go on for ever, as long as they can sell jewellery/handbags/fashion costing hundreds of pounds they will carry on...but they seem to be forgetting their regular customers that stayed with them over the years. I don't buy near as much as I did in the past...only because Amazon and ebay do
better deals, plus many items are p&p free....
Sales is so cut throat ...awful ..I did a little bit of telly sales whilst my lads were school age ..casual job etc..could take unpaid leave when they were ill or school.hols ...employers didn't give a fig....only about numbers ...of the door when the reps if slacking ...and telly sales people ....it's a cold cold environment but kept me out of trouble and we had a few laughs when people were rude ..." What you selling"!!!!' Our answer if they had attitude ..." A box of manners " lol ....naughty really but it did get to you sometimes ....couldn't ever do that job again as I had so many bereavments since the rudeness of people would have me running to the toilet in floods of tears ....but a great get you by job if you a student or v bored housewife ......sell sell sell ...loud music ...shouting ...but we had a laugh too
...and we are always being told how many new customers have bought in a show and also how many that `joined` them last year I don`t know if that's for our benefit or the other selling channels just to prove how well they are doing !!
I simply can`t watch anymore. If ( and it`s a big if ) there`s anything I`m interested in, I might watch the presentation on the pc with the sound muted but even then I find it annoys me because of all the arm waving and the obvious non stop babbling of the presenter and not enough camera time on the actual product. It`s a vicious circle, the more the shows annoy people, the less people will buy and the louder and more desperate the presenters will become and the more desperate they become, then the less people will buy again. Q needs to stop the rot and fast.

Totally agree; there is noticeably less time in showing us the product on camera - like the inside of the handbag, the reverse side etc, and more inane chat about how to order, how the presenter should have ordered before going on air and what she had for breakfast, instead of discussing the item. Camera angles have become an issue - long shots help no-one, we need more close-ups - but the 'kids' in the Gallery don't seem to know their job to be honest, and behave like its permanent playtime with telling jokes in Presenters ear pieces............ so professional - not.
I came on to say much of what has been said today! I was watching a show I recorded from a couple of days ago and CH was talking about her director in the gallery. She was saying that it's normally too noisy in the gallery to talk much and that this director was only 23! I don't want to be rude to 23 year olds, I'm sure there are many brilliant people of that age in the world, but it's pretty clear they can't have that much on-the-job experience at that age. I think it's really beginning to show on air now - the poor angles as mentioned, the slow change when a guest asks for a close up, the inane chatter between presenter and gallery in their ear etc. You know the sorts of things I mean. QVC need to stop thinking about paying minimum wage and get some experience in the place to improve the customer experience. That is what they are there for after all. Add this to the lack of brands and product variety, lack of excitement with TSVs and every else that irks us and the future looks bleak.

I'd love to know how many of those hundreds of new customers each day come back and make a repeat purchase.
My son has a friend who`se a cameraman for Sky Sports and whilst he was studying media at Uni and when he first graduated he worked a number of placements, some were paid, some unpaid and to get into TV work this is what they have to do. They bombard TV channels, even shopping channels, private film companies, TV ad companies etc for any kind of work experience and often have to fund themselves whilst doing it, in the hope that one day they`ll get a contract. Probably Q takes advantage of this.
The two above answers confirm our suspicions. Agree that we all have to start somewhere to get our careers off the ground, but its so evident that there is a 'casual' approach to employment now. If the 'Director' is 23 years old, WHY isn't there some 'aged' person with maturity and experience guiding him/her through the ropes ? ok, perhaps there is..... and perhaps they are 'only' 30 themselves.

I suppose I'm at the "aren't the policeman young now" stage in life, and see the casual approach of male presenters not wearing ties, doctors no longer wearing white coats, nurses no longer looking tidy in their white hats, an anathema to what I was used to growing up, and how strange that the only people I feel comfortable with who I know will know what their talking about, are those in the orange uniforms at B & Q !!! No ummmmming and aaarrrring or glazed over looks from the guys with white hair !
How much must it cost to make all those adverts?............. "Share Summer With Us" says QVC advert, now why on earth would I want to spend all Summer with someone that only wants me for my money?
Q are clearly at desperation level. I've mentioned it in other threads, but the ads in between each item has reached epidemic and ridiculous proportions. Why ? the ads blitz for upcoming brands, whats on later in the day, and the couple in deckchairs on the beach every 6 minutes (yes I've timed it), has sunk to a new low in my opinion.

Its clear when they come out with a new 'spiel' that changes have been made around the conference table - its so ****** obvious ! Q is not the home department store it once was, and its better to cull it now and put it out of its misery.

Totally agree, I can't believe how much QVC has changed since day one, and not for the better either, they haven't evolved the things that matter, they still charge extortionate p&p, but mostly the influx of hard sell presenters is becoming unbearable, that's why as a long standing, once loyal customer I don't watch or buy much anymore.
In all the years i've been shopping on q, i can honestly say i agree about the overdrive post which started this thread, they shove ads on all the time throughout the day. I'm lucky because i have loads of time to either have tv on in the background, or my fav which is the radio - well worth the licence fee more so than tv, but usually, i have the tv on in the background at certain times of the day and night too, and often switch to qvc because i'm basically nosy and want to know what they're pushing haha.

You are absolutely right, they've never advertised so much as recently.
Once they have sorted the backroom babies out they can start of the presenters and guests. I do NOT need to be told I can wear my Clarkes sandals to a theme park day out (grr) nor do I need to know how Chuntleys home improvements are going, how Julia's son and daughter are wowing the business world, how Charlie & Dale's puppies are peeing on the carpet, how the zillion of self publishing cover shoots are going, nor how fab their cruise/umpteen holiday of the year was, or how many M&B soaps they have in their 6 bathrooms. BUT I do want to know the ****** sizes etc.
Too true LATI ! the sizes are the last thing on the Agenda..................... "oh yes I had better give sizes " - now that the ****** item is limited stock ! thanks !

Its the way that EVERYTHING can be worn to a wedding or on a cruise that gets me. When was the last wedding you went to ? mine was 5 years ago; and yes I love cruising but no way would I wear anything from Q, judging from the amount of stuff I seen worn on cruises from Kim & Co to Dreamkeeper, and I immediately think "ah, QVC shopper ", but I don't want the same to be said about me !!!!!!
The adverts are often badly made too. The Gatineau one with the ridiculously fake French accent (is it Sarah Griffiths?) gets my goat. London is full of real live froggies; they could surely have enticed one into the voiceover booth for 10 minutes instead of the farcical cod accent.

I wish they'd nuke that scabby little Herpes courier returns advert with Will too. Bugs me everytime that his Primark clothes are all badly mismatched while he does his panto moves.
What is also really irritating about the ads they keep wheeling out:

How come the "fashion" products (any brand) featured in the ads NEVER seem to be available when you search the brand on the website?
Why do they persist in showing out-of-date ads? The Clarks one keeps being trotted out and it is for LAST summer's range of products (if not even earlier).
Staying with footwear for now - when was the last time you saw half the styles in the Birkenstock ad?
Can't they get Lulu Guinness to do a new piece to camera? The old one has been worn to death!
I'm bored with the Kelly Hoppen one too.
What will they do with the Leighton Denny one now that he's not going to be coming on after June? They will have to retire it as it refers to him being on QVC, I suspect.

Why can't they make sure they've got at least 3 different generic ads for each brand so you don't want to rip your eyeballs out when you have seen the same one multiple times in the same hour? I appreciate they can't do ads for specific products because sell-outs will render some of them useless too quickly to get their money's worth out of the cost of filming them.

Come on QVC - you won't bore us into parting with more of our money!

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