Green Seasons Drama Yet Again


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Anyone who doesn't go on the QVC Facebook page or read the forums won't know about the issues and I think that will be the majority of QVC's customers. So I fully expect there will be a repeat of this fiasco next year.

That is exactly what l was thinking. That is why QVC get away with it year after year. I would like to add that l felt the posts on the FB page about using up leftovers with a picture of Green Seasons food was in appallingly bad taste! Also one woman posted about how wonderful and tasty her hamper was, very insensitive when so many didn't get theirs but typical of the QVC sycophants.
I checked that out wondering who the tactless poster was, only to find it was QVC itself. I think it actually says exactly what they think about the problem, I.e. Tough s**t, losers! There are 24 comments under that picture, mostly critical, and not one Q response, far less an apology. Assuming Rachel or Joe are actual people, they should be addressing the issue and making a proper apology. Although they post on other topics I have not seen one formal Q comment on this shambles. It will be very interesting to see if there is any satisfactory resolution, and indeed if GS continues.

Didn't Andy Peters have them on his shows? He is always banging on about his reputation and great talent for finding and supporting only fabulous retailers. Not so good now, Andy!!!!
I don't understand why somebody didn't go to the Daily Mail or the Sun last week about the fiasco. It would have made a great story for them and might have made Q do something about it. People on FB kept saying "Call Trading Standards" etc, but nobody affected seemed to do anything but moan on FB. I'd have rung Trading Standards and every newspaper and TV station I could think of to get them bad publicity.
I don't do FB and know very little about how it works. However my employers use it and the manager's wife and mother who have never set foot in the place, know zero about the business, "like" every dam post on it. This told me everything I ever needed to know, it is all faux happy clappy love in.

In the recent John Lewis Christmas documentary there was a room packed full of people setting up Social Media platforms so that the launch would all happen at an exact moment in time. I don't think NASSA would do a more full on countdown.

Now I don't have anything against JLP, we don't have one but I use it on line, and I'm sure every other company is exactly the same, but all I could think was "do you all put this much effort in actually serving the customer"

As for Trading Standards, well we on this forum know that origination has as much teeth as a chocolate chicken.

Luddite rant over!
I don't understand why somebody didn't go to the Daily Mail or the Sun last week about the fiasco. It would have made a great story for them and might have made Q do something about it. People on FB kept saying "Call Trading Standards" etc, but nobody affected seemed to do anything but moan on FB. I'd have rung Trading Standards and every newspaper and TV station I could think of to get them bad publicity.

Trading standards is my world so to speak and actually there is nothing that can be done. If QVC issue a refund within a reasonable period of time and use the excuse of the weather for non delivery there is nothing legally that can be done. Also for national newspapers this is small change. BUT it doesn't mean I approve of QVC's actions or attitude which is appalling.
Fully agree with all the statements on this thread about the complete disappointment felt by trusting customers and the complete lack of respect shown by QVC.

I was reading the facebook saga unfold and almost felt sorry for the skeleton Q facebook staff on duty over Christmas Eve onwards. I suspect they were lowest down the staffing list who couldn't get off for Xmas. Their remit was probably to post "how are you all enjoying your GS meat ?" posts at set times and didn't have any capacity to cope with all the complaints; same with the call centre staff. None of them will have any authority to either tell the real story or to offer any solution than promise of a refund. The limited sort of posts the Q facebook staff are able to make - like instructions to "phone CS" just seemed to fan the flames. Plus the fact that CS had obviously told different tales* to facebook posters who are now comparing notes on facebook with no QVC person authorised to accept responsibility and explain what will happen next. If they think a refund in January is enough I think QVC are mistaken; they've had since October to ensure that they could fulfill the orders. Plus, persisting with the fiction that GS is an autonomous supplier is making them seem even less caring.

The final salt in the wounds of those disappointed customers in 2015 will be if QVC offer for sale a meat pack in October 2016!

It's time QVC "took ownership" of their failings and offer a consistent remedy to all their buyers.*

* One facebook poster had been offered a £20 goodwill gesture on top of their refund.
I know it's of no use to those who suffered by the non delivery, but when I had my business in Australia, I was particularly careful to select only the best suppliers. If I needed a particularly large meat, or fresh vegetable order, I would go direct to the supplier to collect, so I wouldn't be caught out. It also makes me feel confident my meat and veg are fresh, put in cool boxes before going back to the venue on the day we held a function.
Buying consumable items will take a time to be delivered, and if not packed properly or late delivery will spoil the contents. From my point of view as a business consumer, I wouldn't be prepared to buy such items, as I couldn't know how long the package has been sitting somewhere.
If a delivery didn't arrive for whatever reason, then QVC or GS should have taken responsibility to contact all those who weren't going to get their order.
On a lighter note, I hope all those who did get their order on time enjoyed it! For those who didn't, I doubt they will take such a chance doing the same next year.
I rather suspect that the "Spin Doctor's" on QVC will come out of this cock up smelling sweetly, and passing the buck to anyone else.
Never purchased from QVC - NEVER WILL.
Happy New Year!!
QVC know that some of their disappointed buyers will not buy again, but they're all about courting the new customer and so for a couple of years the Xmas meat fiasco hasn't really "punished" them enough to change their approach next season.
For this to work as a story it would need to have a good angle. For example:

- Woman unable to feed her family at Christmas (Big picture of Audrey from Hatfield with her kids sat looking miserable around an empty dinner table).
- TV shopping channel leaves hundreds in the lurch. (We'd have to have some idea of the scale of unfulfilled orders. QVC might claim to have successfully delivered 100,000 hampers and that the complaints on Facebook represent the 0.0000001% of orders where there was a problem.
- Customer insulted by call centre agent.
I don't do FB and know very little about how it works. However my employers use it and the manager's wife and mother who have never set foot in the place, know zero about the business, "like" every dam post on it. This told me everything I ever needed to know, it is all faux happy clappy love in.

FB is whatever you want it to be. Some pages may be "faux happy clappy love in", but not the ones I'm involved with. The groups I belong to are active across the world in animal rescue. In one group alone this year we've rehomed over 200 street dogs around the world - dogs that had been brutalised in ways I couldn't detail here because people would complain, dogs that were literally living skeletons on the brink of death from starvation when we found them, and many dogs that were rescued from trucks taking them to slaughterhouses in China and Vietnam where they would have been tortured to death because the people believe the meat tastes better if the animal suffers while it dies. These 200 dogs had endured unspeakable cruelty in various forms, and every one of them is now in a loving home, and it's not an exaggeration to say it's largely due to us being able to communicate via FB.

A message is received by someone that a dog has been run over in, say, Bangkok. This dog will be left lying in the street and people will just walk by if we don't help it. A post is put on the FB group asking someone close by to find the dog. The dog is found and a vet wants $1000 to operate and treat. An appeal goes out on the FB group and within a couple of hours members all over the world have sent $10 or $20 and the $1000 is raised. The dog receives treatment and someone in Bangkok offers to foster it during its recovery. When the dog is ready its details are posted on FB and someone will offer to adopt it. The dog is then transported to its new home, very often the first home it's ever had. All the costs are paid by the thousands of people around the world who support the group. We pay vet bills, relocation costs, sterilisation programme costs, dog and cat food bills at private shelters around the world run by people trying to make a difference in countries where dogs and cats are considered to be vermin, and many other projects. And it's all achieved by us talking to each other every day on FB. The groups I belong to are helping dogs and cats in Thailand, Romania (a member country of the EU whose government perpetrates horrendous cruelty on dogs and cats), Greece, China, India, Vietnam and Bulgaria. There's a wonderful group of young people in India called Guardians of the Voiceless, who are trying to change the way animals are viewed and treated in India, who literally couldn't function without the help they receive via FB.

Cuddled up next to me as I type this is a little dog who a year ago was starving to death on the streets of Thailand. She was found as skin and bone, scraping roadkill off the road and trying to eat it. She was pregnant, had tapeworm, was covered in fleas and over 100 ticks, was severely anaemic and had blood parasites which would have killed her if she hadn't starved to death first. She was rescued by a wonderful woman who just couldn't drive by like everyone else, and who knew someone who rescues street dogs locally. This little dog then suffered kidney failure when she had her pups because they took everything she had and her little body couldn't cope. She spent three weeks at the vet, and it was touch and go. Thankfully she recovered, although she will have chronic kidney disease for life. And now this sweet-natured, dear little girl lives here with me, my other two dogs and my four cats. She's a happy, bouncing, fun-loving little dog who must have been so frightened on her own on Thailand's cruel streets, and I thank god for FB enabling her to have the life she deserves.

FB is what you make it, but it should never be dismissed as just a mutual admiration social site. There are millions of people around the world using FB to make the world a better place. They're raising funds for thousands of good causes, giving moral and emotional support to people with terminal and chronic illnesses, educating people in new languages, exchanging experience of almost every conceivable situation, and there are millions of pages and groups forming what is a thriving animal welfare community, helping those that can't help themselves. Whatever you care about you will find like-minded people on FB and, believe me, if you saw the posts and photos I see every day about the street dogs and cats around the world you wouldn't "like" any of them, many of them would break your heart. FB most certainly isn't "all faux happy clappy love in".
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Well on Facebook a disabled neighbour of one poster believed the lies of it will arrive on Christmas Eve, of course it didn't. She had no food to feed her family, so neighbour kindly gave her food to her and used stuff she already had of New Year.

Disabled Woman left with no food for her family at Christmas. QVC insisted it would come
When my daughter tweeted her mates that she was arriving at her BFs house just after the A24 Findon road rage stabbing of a local man happened, she was instantly contacted by all sorts of news agencies for her "story" (no real story she'd arrived just as the police closed the road and saw what looked like a RTA in the road ahead). So maybe there's a reporter out there already contacting Facebook posters for an angle? Maybe some of the papers who sometimes run adverts placed by QVC would weigh up the pros and cons before running such a story? And it depends what other events are happening in the world. Maybe if a rumour went around that IS had intercepted the meat deliveries of QVC it'd make the front page?
Sorry still not convinced about FB and twatter.

Who wants to know that you had cornflakes for breakfast and are about to visit the smallest room in the house which is what 99% of it seems to consist of.
Sorry still not convinced about FB and twatter.

Who wants to know that you had cornflakes for breakfast and are about to visit the smallest room in the house which is what 99% of it seems to consist of.


What is terrifying is that newspapers seem to rely on it. I have attempted sometimes to read serious articles in the Grauniad and elsewhere, only to find that they consist of columns of twatts. Thrown together ungrammatically structured words full of abbreviations mean absolutely nothing to anyone who learned to read from a reading book with proper sentences.

It's like banking. They replace people behind counters and paper records with call centres and online banking, leaving us all open to losing our money at the touch of a scammer's finger on a remote keyboard.

I have officially declared myself a dinosaur in the modern age, I am so glad you are at least partly keeping me company!
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I don`t do Twitter but I dip into facebook. Like all tools, facebook can be useful or damaging but there are easy steps you can do to make it safer. Keep your account private, only allow people you actually know to befriend you, delete or unfriend anybody who might try to cause an argument or who posts comments or photos you dislike and dip in and out of it, don`t live your life on it.
I`m quite ruthless with my fb, it once caused an argument between me and OH when I deleted his daughter off it but I told him if I wanted to see silly pouting photos with painted lips that resemble a baboons bum or see pics of a salad sarnie or a glass of wine, photos of her pissed with her drunken mates or read comments more applicable to a 14 year old and not his 42 year old daughter, then I`d keep her on, but as an adult such things didn`t appeal to me so struck off she jolly well was.
It`s my page, not his and its run by my rules.
FB can bring friends into your life or it can alienate you.
It can fund raise for worthwhile things or it can scam you.
It can make you laugh or make you cry.
It can bring you news or dredge up the past and so on and so on and most importantly it can control you or you control it.
Sadly some people seem to live their lives by it.
There is very little in this world that social media has improved
Where once we read reports and formed an opinion now if it is on SM then it must be true.
Yes it is instant but is that necessary for most things on it? So now I know that you had your cornflakes 10 minutes earlier than if you spoke to me but since I wasn't interested in the first place why?

And as for those people who, in the middle if an emergency situtation (Paris, flooding, train crashes) start to upload a running commentary instead of either helping people or getting the hell out of the way of those who are helping.

I can't forget that poor person hanging out of a window in Paris whilst someone filmed their distress for the whole world to see.

Tell me that is progress.
Sorry still not convinced about FB and twatter.

Who wants to know that you had cornflakes for breakfast and are about to visit the smallest room in the house which is what 99% of it seems to consist of.

If you "don't do FB", how do you know what it consists of?
I don't do FB, twatter or any others, but I'm not entirely living in the Middle Ages!

On my last holiday flight a couple (not teenagers) spent the entire flight taking photos of themselves, the wings, the 2 flies walking up the window, the back of the seat etc and posting them on SM.

now anyone interested enough in them would know that they were going to Italy and unless they had mastered instant time travel in the form of beam me up Scotty or defied science by taking flight themselves, would know they were on a blinking aeroplane without documenting every moment of it.

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