Getting old


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Apr 27, 2009
I know I'm old when the guest presenters start referring to pop stars when comparing their skin tone to the range of foundations.

I know where I am with Nicole Kidman, and just about know who Jennifer Lopez is, but Rhianna ? (as mentioned in the Laura Gella make up hour), yep I know the name, but haven't a clue what she looks like, so I'm afraid that was lost on me.

Ok, for the mums and grandmas who have grown up with the music of their children its fine, but there are one or two of us that live in a child free zone, therefore its shoulder shrugging time when pop stars are used as an example.
I'm the same :happy:

My eldest sister knows much more about current 'celebs' as she has a son and grandsons - I am childless. Most of the pop/TV/reality stuff today leaves me cold and I don't have a clue who most of the people are. I do not feel at a disadvantage.

Perhaps we could have beauty likenesses a la Hollywood Golden Age - Grace Kelly, Sophia Loren, Joan Crawford etc...
I'm not child free but I fully understand what you're saying....don't know the majority of the "so called" pop stars/celebs of today and, frankly, don't have that much interest. If the brands want to target the "grey pound" then maybe they should mention the likes of Helen Shapiro or Honey Langtree....drummer/singer of The Honeycombs for those who've never heard the name!
I think it's less about being child-free, and more about not being obsessed by celebrity gossip magazines.

QVC seem to use celebrity culture as the acme of aspiration for all of us. The clincher in the sales pitch is increasingly frequently a gabbled list of celebrities who have the product, or the look. I find it pathetic. I wish no ill to the people who are in all the magazines, but I really don't give two hoots about their lives, what they are wearing or using. It just isn't relevant to my life, I'd rather live my own life not live vicariously through theirs.
It really p*sses me off when QVC and the brand presenters insist in doing that. They should do proper swatches on white cards with info on is it neutral,yellow or pinked based.

Oh and JLo has been on the go for about 20 years now. Actress(LOL) and singer (LOL) dancer she did train as the latter. Not a fan, but she has acted(LOL)with Jane Fonda and George Clooney. I bet you are not that old and have come across her, but like quite a few of us have no interest and don't care.

Trouble is most of the generation now are all about what Cheryl uses wears and all the rest of them. In a store I was looking at makeup brushes and the SA said the Kardashians (sp), use these. I think she was disappointed when I said I hope not or I won't be buying. :mysmilie_15:
It really p*sses me off when QVC and the brand presenters insist in doing that. They should do proper swatches on white cards with info on is it neutral,yellow or pinked based.

Oh and JLo has been on the go for about 20 years now. Actress(LOL) and singer (LOL) dancer she did train as the latter. Not a fan, but she has acted(LOL)with Jane Fonda and George Clooney. I bet you are not that old and have come across her, but like quite a few of us have no interest and don't care.

Trouble is most of the generation now are all about what Cheryl uses wears and all the rest of them. In a store I was looking at makeup brushes and the SA said the Kardashians (sp), use these. I think she was disappointed when I said I hope not or I won't be buying. :mysmilie_15:

I walked past someone wearing a t-shirt with a list of all the Kardashians first names on the front of it. I just mentally shook my head. I don't think they were short of a bob or two before they became reality TV celebs, but now they are really coining it. They are meat and drink to the gossip press... but what have they done that is noteworthy?

I'm with you Donna on it being a sales repellant not a positive point.

On the colour swatches, they started doing something really excellent a while back in B&Q on their own paint range. They have (or had, in case they've stopped it since I was last in there) little boxes with different light sources in them, so you could put the colour under the light and see how different it looked under each light. It's frightening how much some of the colours change! Must be the same with foundation - let's face it, it's paint for the face...

QVC could do much better with colours, as well as decent comparisons of colours from different brands they sell... it's not like we want them to compare to brands on the dreaded high street... And even if they won't do proper samples, maybe they could get brands to include those little swatch pot thingies many brands do on counter which contain multiple shades so you can find your best one when people order other items from the brand... just to give customers the confidence to go for the kits containing foundation... I bet they could boost sales or cut down on returns that way.
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On a day out over the summer I nipped into a large department store to get a spray of perfume as I had been walking around all day and hadn't take any perfume with me. Straight away a SA asked if I would like to try blah de blah so I said yes please and she went on to name the designer and say that he designed for Victoria Beckham. I immediately felt a bit irritated as I wondered if I seemed like the kind of person who would buy just because the guy designed for VB!
As soon as a celebrity is mentioned to endorse a product, I avoid it. I'd rather be me, warts and all, rather than getting something just because a Z lister uses it.
Phew ! thanks for all the comments, and glad to know I'm not alone !!

I only mentioned those who have children are more aware of the pop scene, because last year I was in a Panto that included some Take That and even the Bay City Rollers music. Yes, of course I'd heard of the groups, but the music ? Boy bands really did pass me by (and what man in his 20's still wants to be referred to as a "boy" ?) . Those I was performing with couldn't believe I didn't know the music, but there was the rub - they were all parents, so they had grown up with it blaring from the bedrooms ! I could only say that my pop music era (where I knew all the words) ended in the late 60's.

Yes, Jennifer Lopez I did prefer her as an actress, - she was in a lovely dancing film as a teacher with Richard Gere, and then with Ralf Feinnes as a maid in a hotel.
As only their make artists see these so called celebs without make up how accurate is this advise they keep giving us ...all we see is the finished made up complexion .. so for me this advice is useless!!
It`s just another sad sign of the times. They must think we sit thumbing weekly copies of Hello and OK magazines and envying celeb clothes and lifestyles and wanting to emulate them.
Teenagers might feel the need to look like a Kardashian but I certainly don`t. It`s scary just how much designer branding influences the younger generations and I daresay some older generations too. My OH has 3 teenage grand daughters, the oldest is 16 and when you chat to any of them it`s all about which brand of phone, clothes, perfumes, makeup they`ve bought. TBH it annoys the hell out of me because my generation and generations before me have fought long and hard to ensure young girls get good educations and the opportunity to have a career for life and not just a job until they marry and have babies. Yet all they seem to care about is wearing the "right" clothes and carrying the right handbag or being cool or exclaiming " I wanna be an airrrrdresser or a boootician" or worse !
Nail on the head Vienna !!

Q are continually under the impression that their audience starts at 18 ! er, no !
'like' would they readily admit to their mates they watch a shopping channel ? er, no !
'like' would they wanna wear Q fashion ? er, no !
'like' would they carry a Tignanello handbag ? er no! (whats Tignanello?) Kipling ? yes Lulu Guinness? if Mum pays for it.
'like' leave me alone, I'm checking my phone (continually)

I rest my case.
Nail on the head Vienna !!

Q are continually under the impression that their audience starts at 18 ! er, no !
'like' would they readily admit to their mates they watch a shopping channel ? er, no !
'like' would they wanna wear Q fashion ? er, no !
'like' would they carry a Tignanello handbag ? er no! (whats Tignanello?) Kipling ? yes Lulu Guinness? if Mum pays for it.
'like' leave me alone, I'm checking my phone (continually)

I rest my case.

I am trying to think of my friend's 20 year old daughter wearing QVC fashion. I am laughing so much it's actually hurting.
So good to read comments from those of you who think along the same lines as me.It might be an 'age' thing but these silly programmes like TOWIE produce these X list celebs who do what? They must have very good management & PR people as talent is not something that comes to mind.It can lead youngsters to believe that they too can be 'famous' for doing nothing to be proud of.
I AGREE Silver Fox, the Management & PR is 'all' in the marketing of a non-entity, yet all these Z listers are laughing with hundreds of thousands in the bank, and we've worked all our life just to have a bit of a pension.

I was watching Alesha Dixon on Saturday Kitchen, - and it just summed up what you said, she just sat preening and posing, trying to catch sight of herself in the monitor, and then her conversation was limited to "living in the moment" etc. She made a few bob in a long gone pop group, which makes her an expert as a judge on other peoples 'talents', and is fodder for the cameras on the red carpet. She did laugh like a hyena though.
Who the hell wants to be like the "celebs" anyway? Alison Young gets my goat when she witters on about "all the celebrities use xyz". I switch right off. I don't know who any of these people are and I only know the name Kardashian because they seem to be professional GYTO people. We don't care about their bare a*ses and their t*ts thanks very much. Must make them money I suppose but only because some folk look.

I so agree about the obsession with celebs these days. I don't begrudge some of these savvy women who have made a lot of money, but I do resent the overall "dumbing down" of our culture, and also the negative image of women. It is all about looks now, so superficial. I don't think the suffragettes who chained themselves to the railings of parliament ever thought that high profile successful women would see it as a badge of honour to appear in GQ in provocative poses and very little clothing. My heart sinks every time an actress or woman I respect does the almost obligatory spread in such magazines.

Rihanna and the Kardashians with their selfies and obsession with maximum exposure (literally) are not the ideal role models for teens IMHO but unfortunately their influence is huge with the younger generation.
And with reference to the title of this post, I am so glad I am getting old. After hitting 40, I have never felt so comfortable in my skin or so secure in myself. After years of dieting and not much liking my reflection, I actually feel beautiful (although it takes some make-up to achieve that lol). I sometimes wonder what I woUld have told my younger self - I think it would be to think big and aim high and spend a lot less time obsessing about not being perfect or worrying what others thought of me.

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