Now I wasn't going to post about this 'cause I'm sure everybody's had enough about hearing about everybody's secret santa woes...but a work colleague told me something that out trumped everything that happened to us this xmas..To cut a long story short we took a massive sack of gifts for OH's family just after xmas as we usually do, and after they opened a massive ikea blue bag crammed full of goodies, they nonchalently said..."sorry no presents I'm afraid...we're all a bit skint!" " Yeah tell us about I said!! We don't give to receive, but a token gesture would've been better than nothing, especially since they knew we weren't coming till the new year...but anyway....gonna just buy for the kids next time and spend a fecking lot less on them too...But wasn't gonna say anything until I spoke to Lisa my colleague today....She is the carpark attendant where I work and she has befriended an old lady who shops there, she helps her to and from her car, helps with her shopping, phones her up for a chat, runs errands for her...knowing she doesn't have any family here, she wanted to give her a xmas gift, so she bought her this beautiful plush cosy blanket and a lindt chocolate teddy...The blanket had been reduced to £15 from £30 and the chocolate about a fiver. Lisa phoned the lady on xmas day to wish her a merry xmas she asked whether she liked her gifts....and the lady said...oh I gave the blanket to the polish family next door cause I didn't really need it, she didn't have time to register the shock and just said well hey hope you liked the chocolate, and she said....It's a little bit childish for me, so I've popped it in the car, so next time I see you I'll give it back to you, perhaps you can give it to your granddaughter!!!! Lisa said she felt close to tears, and just cannot understand how people can be like that!!! She said, she was going to tell her that she'd have sooner she'd have returned both presents if she didn't want them, as she felt a bit miffed having spent money she can't afford on total strangers ie this woman's next door neighbours. We all receive stuff we don't need, or could easily live without...but you don't tell the person you don't like or want what you've been given...there's a bottom drawer for regifting, there's charity shops to donate to....I'm awash with toiletries I don't particularly want or need but i'll just plough my way through just do!!! And of course if the problem gets silly, you can always tell people before christmas to make a donation to a charity of their choice instead of a present that'd be something - But to be so downright rude and thoughtless when someones given you a surprise gift is beyond my comprehension. I remember once my mum bought this lady in her office many moons ago a set of lipsticks and the woman gave them back a week later saying she tried them and didn't like them - I personally think that's downright rude. Maybe if someone's bought you a perfume or skincare product that you know you're allergic to..perhaps have a quiet word with the person who gifted it to you and say look I'm so sorry the thought was really sweet but...blah blah.perhaps you can use them or get your money back - but other than that what is the bloody matter with people?