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Its the "be kind" "be brave" "be perfect" brigade. Who live in a fantasy world where they tell everyone to be lovely to one another. Never happened, doesn't happen, never will happen.
So true. I follow a clothing brand on facebook and people post photos of themselves wearing their latest buys and they always ask the followers "be honest, is it too big/too small/does it look ok etc etc etc" and the stock reply from almost everybody is you look lovely but in reality many of them don`t.
When someone says anything negative even though not nastily, something along the lines of maybe a bigger size or it looks a little too short or try it in a different colour etc they get accused of being cruel or nasty and they aren`t. I`ll never understand why people post photos of themselves wearing something and asking for honesty but when someone actually IS honest they don`t like it or the admin remove the remark.
The other day someone posted a photo of themselves in a flowery flouncy wrap dress with frills, she was a lovely looking woman but the dress honestly did resemble the wrap over flouncy flowery dressing gowns which used to be popular back in the day. Someone kindly commented that the dress did such an attractive woman no favours because of the style and then wham all hell broke loose.
I hasten to add I have never commented on the group and wild horses couldn`t persuade me to post a photo but I do read the group simply because they often post good discount codes and I regularly buy the brand.
J K Rolling was sent death threats over her comments that she was a woman. Yes, someone online said they hoped she got the pipe bomb sent to her. Seriously, in the words of Taylor Swift, "You need to calm down!"

Oh, and J K Rollin's books sales went up
It's ok. Thanks. I looked it up and quite like the definition so I hope I am 'woke'. I've seen it used in a derogatory way so wanted to understand what it actually means.

Woke was officially added into the Oxford English Dictionary as an adjective in June 2017.

The dictionary defines it as “originally: well-informed, up-to-date. Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice”.

The Urban Dictionary, which published its original definition two years prior to the official dictionary, defines it as “being woke means being aware… knowing what’s going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice)”.

In other words, it means to be awake to sensitive social issues, such as racism.
I was listening to my local radio station while driving in to work the other day.

One of the guests was head of midwifery in the local city hospital who was explaining the safety of having a Covid vaccination while pregnant but all through the interview she used the phrase 'pregnant people'

She was being so careful I got the feeling she thought saying 'pregnant women' or 'mums-to-be' would be offensive to some part of society.
I'm male and always have been. But many of the names on this forum are gender ambiguous, so I often don't know if I am replying to an M or an F, but it doesn't really matter as I try not to discriminate anyway.
I could hear a deep dark chocolate voice when I read your first sentence 😇
Well I'm a woman, always have been and always will be. If you are a man/woman, donkey, tree, homosexual man or woman, dog, or neutral being I don't care but I am sympathetic to your choice and I have neutral feelings about your choice. Accept that not everyone will think the same as me and you may face barriers for being different. That's life and as you all want equality then you'll have to take the same equality that is offered to me. Isn't that what equality means?

Can we get on now?

I'm male and always have been. But many of the names on this forum are gender ambiguous, so I often don't know if I am replying to an M or an F, but it doesn't really matter as I try not to discriminate anyway.

I is female. Well last time I looked. Happier cleaning the car than the house. Can cook. Can sew. Can make beds and keep a tidy clean linen cupboard. Can change fuses, even wire plugs when we needed to do that. Can use an electric drill and a jig saw. Can read music and play piano. Can do lots of technology. But as most of the jobs mentioned don't need a penis or a pair of tits I expect most people can most of the list.

I'm even clever enough to work the remote for the telly despite being a woman. 😉🙄😂

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