Gender fluid


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Hermaphrodites are both sexes with both sets of genes, usually the parents decide when babies which sex they are going to be.

There are lots of men's skincare brands now in Boots and Superdrug, but QVC just throw the odd shaving range from Elemis in now and then. QVC now aim with cosmetics totally at women. AY trying to tip the extra sale in and using the wrong words. Oh, dear!

Just to add, a friend's husband in his late 50s just asks her to get that Nivea men's moisturizer for him? He has been using it for a few years now.
I was in college many years ago with a hermaphrodite .. she chose to be a girl bless her ..I really felt for her .. college was kinder to her .. this was 1981… I think school had been hell for her at secondary school .. I had enough crap just for being chubby .. so I cant imagine what she had to endure. She was honest and answered any questions .. she just wanted to “get it out of the way “ if that sounds not too harsh .. we was only there 9’months but she had a great time. Sadly she met up with a fella who was abusive .. that was the last I heard as we came from all over and of course before the internet ..

I was in college many years ago with a hermaphrodite .. she chose to be a girl bless her ..I really felt for her .. college was kinder to her .. this was 1981… I think school had been hell for her at secondary school .. I had enough crap just for being chubby .. so I cant imagine what she had to endure. She was honest and answered any questions .. she just wanted to “get it out of the way “ if that sounds not too harsh .. we was only there 9’months but she had a great time. Sadly she met up with a fella who was abusive .. that was the last I heard as we came from all over and of course before the internet ..
I will add .. that she wanted us to ask questions .. which is lovely really .. 😊
I remember some years back, BBC had a documentary about a baby born a boy. Something happened in the hospital, and they lost their penis. So on the advice of a doctor had all the male genitalia removed and brought up as girl. So at around 12 puberty hits, and they were put on hormones. As they became an older teen started having major problems about not feeling like a girl. The doctor who suggested bringing the child up as a girl had been monitoring all those years. At 18, they were told the truth and broke off contact with their parents and later committed suicide. It was all so very sad.
I remember some years back, BBC had a documentary about a baby born a boy. Something happened in the hospital, and they lost their penis. So on the advice of a doctor had all the male genitalia removed and brought up as girl. So at around 12 puberty hits, and they were put on hormones. As they became an older teen started having major problems about not feeling like a girl. The doctor who suggested bringing the child up as a girl had been monitoring all those years. At 18, they were told the truth and broke off contact with their parents and later committed suicide. It was all so very sad.
Horrifying! Desperately sad. Parents making decisions about children with any kind of sex/gender issue need to be properly counselled. I think if I had child with indeterminate sex, I would want to understand all the implications for my child...and perhaps leave things alone to see what mother nature will do. At least I HOPE that's what I'd do.
Assigning a child an identity when both options are open is for conformity and the convenience of the parents and wider adult society. I'm sure this story is not unique, tragically.
I remember some years back, BBC had a documentary about a baby born a boy. Something happened in the hospital, and they lost their penis. So on the advice of a doctor had all the male genitalia removed and brought up as girl. So at around 12 puberty hits, and they were put on hormones. As they became an older teen started having major problems about not feeling like a girl. The doctor who suggested bringing the child up as a girl had been monitoring all those years. At 18, they were told the truth and broke off contact with their parents and later committed suicide. It was all so very sad.
Donna, I remember seeing that documentary, and could hardly believe what I was watching.
You are right, it was so very sad.
Wokeness has been weaponised, both by the woke and those who disapprove of it, sadly.
Some areas on social media appear to have become extremely toxic as keyboard warriors abandon being kind and instead try to wreck the lives of those they disagree with.
Humanity at its worst, imo.

I seriously cannot get my head around anyone taking any notice of 'keyboard warriors'. At the end of the day they can rant, rave and be threatening as much as they like, and where will it get them when ignored ? nowhere. If they don't know the address of the person they're targeting so are unable to throw a brick through the window, why be taken in by them ?

My husband always had the best answer for a bully...... agree with them. It always puts them on the back foot - they've nowhere else to go, and it does work. I had someone have a go at me, years ago at work, and I said " God you are SO right, I do SO agree with you". Worked a charm, they looked stupid and never came near me again.
Pity we don't have equality in the 4 disunited countries of the (dis)UK. Scotland seems to have the best of everything, and England comes far behind the other two.

Unfortunately, Scotland has recently changed some of its laws that mean women are losing some of their rights - too tired to explain right now.

I might come back tomorrow and bore everyone with the details!
J K Rolling was sent death threats over her comments that she was a woman. Yes, someone online said they hoped she got the pipe bomb sent to her. Seriously, in the words of Taylor Swift, "You need to calm down!"

Oh, and J K Rollin's books sales went up

I'd never read any of her books but bought them all after that.
I was listening to my local radio station while driving in to work the other day.

One of the guests was head of midwifery in the local city hospital who was explaining the safety of having a Covid vaccination while pregnant but all through the interview she used the phrase 'pregnant people'

She was being so careful I got the feeling she thought saying 'pregnant women' or 'mums-to-be' would be offensive to some part of society.

This was discussed in the House of Lords earlier this year. It's too late and I'm too tired to go into it now but common sense prevailed and the changes certain groups wanted were refused.

It was along the lines of the NHS spending millions to change all their posters and literature as well as re-training staff to lose the word 'mother' and use 'pregnant people' and 'chest feeders' etc.

What a load of bollocks! I really wish these idiots would grow up and allow common sense to prevail but it seems they're still insisting on heading along the bullshit road.
I remember some years back, BBC had a documentary about a baby born a boy. Something happened in the hospital, and they lost their penis. So on the advice of a doctor had all the male genitalia removed and brought up as girl. So at around 12 puberty hits, and they were put on hormones. As they became an older teen started having major problems about not feeling like a girl. The doctor who suggested bringing the child up as a girl had been monitoring all those years. At 18, they were told the truth and broke off contact with their parents and later committed suicide. It was all so very sad.
Awww that is sad Donna I cannot imagine the heartache 😢
Chest is the location of breasts... why diminish the biological miracle... yes, because it's a female biological miracle, not a male one 🤬
Next these numpties will be saying breast cancer is chest cancer. Breast tissue can exist on all chest walls, so testing for BC is important for anyone with unexpected lumps, but it is dangerous to substitute a more general term for a specific, accurate one, imo.

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