Gender fluid


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Jul 29, 2020
Alison Young has just described the Korres serum as gender fluid. Since when did a face cream have a gender? I think she meant unisex, but I expect she thought it made her sound inclusive, or whatever the trend is at the moment. Looking forward to a new wave of genderless models and presenters (not)
Alison Young has just described the Korres serum as gender fluid. Since when did a face cream have a gender? I think she meant unisex, but I expect she thought it made her sound inclusive, or whatever the trend is at the moment. Looking forward to a new wave of genderless models and presenters (not)
It's getting ridiculous. Q and their presenters don't seem to have a clue. Maybe she had a brain-fart? Seems to happen a lot on Q, as she's hardly the only one who comes up with this sort of nonsense.
Given that we all have faces, and quite a lot of us like to take care of our skin, they shouldn't need to bring gender or gender identity into the conversation, imo... the product is for anybody. It would be more relevant to know what skin-type it is most suitable for, surely?
It's getting ridiculous. Q and their presenters don't seem to have a clue. Maybe she had a brain-fart? Seems to happen a lot on Q, as she's hardly the only one who comes up with this sort of nonsense.
Given that we all have faces, and quite a lot of us like to take care of our skin, they shouldn't need to bring gender or gender identity into the conversation, imo... the product is for anybody. It would be more relevant to know what skin-type it is most suitable for, surely?
Another silly comment she would make is that any 'nationality' could use the product.
Given that we all have faces, and quite a lot of us like to take care of our skin, they shouldn't need to bring gender or gender identity into the conversation, imo... the product is for anybody. It would be more relevant to know what skin-type it is most suitable for, surely?
I'd have thought skin is skin, whoever it covers. Using male and female models might be more helpful.

Step up all male sales people and brand experts - you have an easy buck to make here, just sitting around being pampered and looking all manly. The downside is, you wouldn't have to draw attention to yourself and you'd have to shut up.

So maybe not.
Gender fluid is usually a term used to describe those who identify as both male and female, so one day they might dress in female attire and the next dress as a male, some even have a different name for each persona...thing is Alison - Their skin stays the same. Thing is, people are too afraid these days to make a comment such as "This formulation will give equally good results on both female and male skin" as it implies there are only 2 genders and one of the "brigade" will call them out on it. You can be "inclusive" without mentioning sex or gender (however you want to put it). How about this "This formulation will suit every skin type"? You don't even have to suggest that something smells feminine or masculine....just describe the scent and let the customer decide for themselves whether they want their cream to smell of jasmine or lavender or whether they want it to smell of leather and sandalwood.
Instead of playing lip service to the enhanced political correctness of today and making daft comments like that..what about including some transgender models, disabled models, show skincreams being applied to people other than just females?...and don't make a bloody song and dance about it!
The term she was looking for is gender neutral - as merryone pointed out, gender fluid means something else.

I remember a sales rep telling me in a duty free lounge that skincare ranges need to be different for women and men as their skin absorbs it at different rates. As Catherine Tate's Nan would say, "Worra load of old ....!"
Gender fluid is usually a term used to describe those who identify as both male and female, so one day they might dress in female attire and the next dress as a male, some even have a different name for each persona...thing is Alison - Their skin stays the same. Thing is, people are too afraid these days to make a comment such as "This formulation will give equally good results on both female and male skin" as it implies there are only 2 genders and one of the "brigade" will call them out on it. You can be "inclusive" without mentioning sex or gender (however you want to put it). How about this "This formulation will suit every skin type"? You don't even have to suggest that something smells feminine or masculine....just describe the scent and let the customer decide for themselves whether they want their cream to smell of jasmine or lavender or whether they want it to smell of leather and sandalwood.
Instead of playing lip service to the enhanced political correctness of today and making daft comments like that..what about including some transgender models, disabled models, show skincreams being applied to people other than just females?...and don't make a bloody song and dance about it!
There are only 2 physical genders - last time I looked anyway ;) - anything else is what the person chooses to be.

I'm a Border Terrier. Let the pc brigade sort THAT one out on a form
Hermaphrodites are both sexes with both sets of genes, usually the parents decide when babies which sex they are going to be.

There are lots of men's skincare brands now in Boots and Superdrug, but QVC just throw the odd shaving range from Elemis in now and then. QVC now aim with cosmetics totally at women. AY trying to tip the extra sale in and using the wrong words. Oh, dear!

Just to add, a friend's husband in his late 50s just asks her to get that Nivea men's moisturizer for him? He has been using it for a few years now.
If they carry on in this vein, then they're in danger of losing even more viewers. A shopping channel should remain what it is - a SHOPPING channel, not some outreach post for their own charity preferences to be foisted on their audience. Breast Cancer they once supported is a life threatening illness to be defeated. Pride and all things associated is not.
With regard to the repeated presentation I heard of the Korres product by AY.
Alison said the product was gender neutral, had been tested on both males and females
My bad! I meant to put gender neutral, not fluid! My point is though, that gender neutral applies to people, not things, so you can’t describe an actual product as gender neutral, but only the people who would use it. I just thought it a silly , jumping on the bandwagon way of saying unisex.
I think this is all twaddle & Ms Young ties herself up trying to be all things to all people. Maybe there should be a product called Gender Fluid, it could be in a bottle similar to those of Jean Paul Gaultier but complete with all the relevant bits 😉

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