Gemporia - struggling financially?


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Perhaps stepping away and leaving with Jake and Dave has not worked. Or it is a case of showing his support and propping up the brand. I started buying from Rocks/Gems when the deals were amazing and it was Steve who really represented the brand and instilled confidence.
I did wonder why she had disappeared when I switched back on later...Angelina was in a very happy place when I saw her early on...what on earth is going on? This is no way to treat customers. I think I may of placed my last order with Gemporia this morning don't like the attitude of it all now.
Apparently there was a company meeting hence pre record being on

Check this thread as to why there was a meeting
I am currently watching Dave and Kate selling the Luxe collection and I am horrified at the prices. 249 pounds for a Midas, ergo gold plated silver, ring. Goodness, that's expensive! I paid much less than that for the majority of my Gemporia solid gold rings.
I do remember one of the presenters saying, a while ago - but this was well after they "gave shares" to the employees and so not linked to that - that there had been changes and Steve was not going to be as involved in the company any more as he had stepped back. I wonder if he sold a big block of his interest back. I have seen him on air a bit but not as much as I used to - that could be just subjective though.

I used to work there. What would you like to know?
Quite simply, is the company in trouble and failing?
The climate isn't great but aside from that the company seems to have lost its way and gone off in some strange disjointed directions. The brand of a company centred around gemstones can only be stretched too far before it looks opportunistic and just about making money selling random products.I can only speak for myself but what I loved about Gemporia was all the knowledge sharing about the origins and characteristics of gemstones which made purchases more meaningful. I have some beautiful jewellery from Gemporia bought since it was Rocks TV and really hope to see the company continue. The candles with gemstones are great too.
Not failing, more like feeling the pinch of tough conditions (both sales and costs) and having to take steps, like many other companies currently I guess?
I asked because you said you knew someone working there. I am sorry but I think it is more than "feeling the pinch". The mass exodus of staff, the cutting of one-third of broadcast hours and the axing of an entire channel. Not to mention hanging on to refund money for longer than is legal so they can resell the item first before refunding and they have also taken out a massive loan. That all points to much more than just "feeling the pinch" - which, I believe, is massive under-egging this particular pudding.
If they are vulnerable, and I say they are, they need to be very aware that all this - plus what I would lay money on being an extraordinarily general meeting being called and Steve being voted back in to save the day - is going to undermine customer confidence in buying from them. It will be interesting to see what might happen if a business or consumer journalist gets hold of all this and thinks Gemporia carry enough public interest to actually write about it.
If it looks like a lame duck and walks like a lame duck - then it IS a lame duck.
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I can't believe it! They are broadcasting the rerun with Jake selling Paraiba tourmalines again! Angeline will be selling the rings and put on the recording first. This is getting ridiculous!
It's very interesting that Gemporia, under Wagstaffe, has gone down the TJC route of selling nearly everything under the sun. But while Gemporia is floundering and having to cut everything and everyone back to the bone, TJC is flourishing and I seem to remember someone saying that they reported a profit for 2022.

Whatever the reason, viewers don't seem to have accepted the diversified Gems as they have TJC. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall of that meeting Steve Bennett had with the remaining Gems staff
It's very interesting that Gemporia, under Wagstaffe, has gone down the TJC route of selling nearly everything under the sun. But while Gemporia is floundering and having to cut everything and everyone back to the bone, TJC is flourishing and I seem to remember someone saying that they reported a profit for 2022.

Whatever the reason, viewers don't seem to have accepted the diversified Gems as they have TJC. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall of that meeting Steve Bennett had with the remaining Gems staff
It must come down to communication, engagement and most importantly listening to customer feedback.
I can live with the non-jewellery stuff, so long as when they are selling jewellery, they go back to the good old days of:

1. Silver, Gold & Platinum. Not all the 'tone' and 'Midas' that is flooding the channel at the moment.
2. More variety of gemstones. At the moment, it's just constant Jade, Diamonds, Rubies, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise and Strawberry Quartz.
3. Scrap the lectures from Dave, Jake and Toby. Toby is a bit more tolerable because he has a personality - but Jake comes across as a market trader, and Dave Troth has the personality of a plank of wood.
4. Go back to selling lots of items with small profit margins - rather than a few items with hefty, ludicrous, mark-ups. It's gone from 'good quality at great value' to 'tat at extortionate prices'.
5. Treat customers as customers again - rather than taking us for mugs.
6. Go back to good, knowledgeable presenters that know what they're talking about - not presenters that shout at us, tell us the "light is dancing out of this" ever 20 seconds and have a bigger range of phrases than "Absolutely!", "Yeah yeah" and "I've just got to let you know". The line-up really is shocking at the moment. They totally got the selection wrong when it came to redundancies. The good ones were shown the door - and the rubbish ones were kept on.
I can live with the non-jewellery stuff, so long as when they are selling jewellery, they go back to the good old days of:

1. Silver, Gold & Platinum. Not all the 'tone' and 'Midas' that is flooding the channel at the moment.
2. More variety of gemstones. At the moment, it's just constant Jade, Diamonds, Rubies, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise and Strawberry Quartz.
3. Scrap the lectures from Dave, Jake and Toby. Toby is a bit more tolerable because he has a personality - but Jake comes across as a market trader, and Dave Troth has the personality of a plank of wood.
4. Go back to selling lots of items with small profit margins - rather than a few items with hefty, ludicrous, mark-ups. It's gone from 'good quality at great value' to 'tat at extortionate prices'.
5. Treat customers as customers again - rather than taking us for mugs.
6. Go back to good, knowledgeable presenters that know what they're talking about - not presenters that shout at us, tell us the "light is dancing out of this" ever 20 seconds and have a bigger range of phrases than "Absolutely!", "Yeah yeah" and "I've just got to let you know". The line-up really is shocking at the moment. They totally got the selection wrong when it came to redundancies. The good ones were shown the door - and the rubbish ones were kept on.
Could not agree more
Ohhh someone sounds bitter, need a hug? What’s your agenda here?
I think you'll find their agenda is to tell everyone the truth about gemporia, they are ripping people off.

You must have a lot of time on your hands for these in-depth comments. Plus, how do you know so much about the company? You seem incredibly bitter and spiteful, have you worked for gemporia before? Why don’t you just concentrate on the next step instead of being so negative, there’s a whole lovely world out there. Afterall, no one is making you watch gems, if you’re not happy, turn it off, you don’t sound like you buy anything, so you won’t be missed. If you have any integrity, you’ll simply ignore this, afterall, you’re a viewer, not an employee (how do you know about margin and diff gemstone names?) so put the kettle on and change channel. Stop with all this negativity
It is you that sound bitter, I bet you work for Gemporia and have been paid to post this. If you do your research on their products with other peoples products you can see it yourself.
I asked because you said you knew someone working there. I am sorry but I think it is more than "feeling the pinch". The mass exodus of staff, the cutting of one-third of broadcast hours and the axing of an entire channel. Not to mention hanging on to refund money for longer than is legal so they can resell the item first before refunding and they have also taken out a massive loan. That all points to much more than just "feeling the pinch" - which, I believe, is massive under-egging this particular pudding.
If they are vulnerable, and I say they are, they need to be very aware that all this - plus what I would lay money on being an extraordinarily general meeting being called and Steve being voted back in to save the day - is going to undermine customer confidence in buying from them. It will be interesting to see what might happen if a business or consumer journalist gets hold of all this and thinks Gemporia carry enough public interest to actually write about it.
If it looks like a lame duck and walks like a lame duck - then it IS a lame duck.
I still know several people there and also some that have either jumped ship or sadly been let go. Some say the atmosphere is awful and some say there's a good air of change under Steve again now. I just hope they shake things up and continue trading as there are lots of fantastic people there (dont get me wrong, there's some that I'd chop immediately!) And I reckon the massive loan was needed for a restructure years ago, nothing new.
I still know several people there and also some that have either jumped ship or sadly been let go. Some say the atmosphere is awful and some say there's a good air of change under Steve again now. I just hope they shake things up and continue trading as there are lots of fantastic people there (dont get me wrong, there's some that I'd chop immediately!) And I reckon the massive loan was needed for a restructure years ago, nothing new.
Companies house documents show filing related to a loan with Santander much more recently than that. I really do hope Steve can pull it out of the hat, for the sake of people's jobs.
Companies house documents show filing related to a loan with Santander much more recently than that. I really do hope Steve can pull it out of the hat, for the sake of people's jobs.
Yes me too. I love my gemstones, and would be very sad if Gemporia was no longer. I just hope that it is not too late.

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