Gemporia - struggling financially?


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Had an email from Gems saying primal is moving to the main channel 3 times a week!!!!
Ps sorry but presenters Hattie, Jess and Cheraline are shockingly bad and an immediate turn off. Too much shouting and hard sell.
I used to like watching Hattie. Is she still with the channel? She can be rather animated shall we say, but she always seemed more genuine to me than some of the others. Everyone's got their preferences I guess.
Ps sorry but presenters Hattie, Jess and Cheraline are shockingly bad and an immediate turn off. Too much shouting and hard sell.

I couldn't agree more. I find it staggering that excellent presenters such as Ruth and Rosie have gone - yet they've kept these three - arguably the worst on the channel by far.

Cheralene says the same for EVERYTHING she sells. "In this design we can see here", "The light is dancing out of this", "We're taking every penny and every pound out of this", "It's big, its bold" - and her best line, when she's selling fragrances and reed diffusers is "in this scent we can SEE here"

Jess Foley is almost as predictable with her continual "Absolutely" and "Yeah yeah yeah". "It's flying out of the front door", "Good luck to each and every one of you - well done!", "I'd multi-buy", "Get as many as you can" - and I think she only owns one top. That drab Maroon coloured jumper she wears.

It's the same phrases for everything they sell - and then they cut to reading names out of buyers - then rinse and repeat all over again. Why oh why does nobody pull them up and tell them to be less repetitive? They really are out of their depth as TV presenters. It's clear that they don't know what to say about the jewellery they're selling. They say nothing knowledgeable about the stones in the gems. I'm amazed that they even pass their GIA AJP exams.

Hattie is less predictable - but she's just so hyper and talks far too fast. I struggle to understand what she's saying at times because she speaks so fast that I can't take it in.

They used to have some great, knowledgeable, likeable presenters - Scott Worsfold, Rae Carpenter, Lara De-Leuw, etc - and as they've all gone, they've been replaced with loud, annoying, repetitive hard sell presenters that come across as very amateur and out-of-their-depth.

The only presenters I can tolerate on Gems TV these days are Angeline (knowledgeable and more likeable since Sheridan left), Jim Brooman, Derek Marks, Jeff Hayden - and the now departed Ruth and Rosie. Adina is knowledgeable - but constantly coughs and splutters without saying excuse me, along with fiddling with her hair - and Lynn Jinks used to be decent once, but these days, if you listen to her, she repeats herself a lot and say a lot without anything saying anything worthwhile.
Jess Foley is on yet again. Do her and Dave Troth ever go home?

If Gemporia are struggling financially, they should charge these two rent - problem solved.
Heard Ellis say this morning that Dave was in 'like a ninja' taking out all the canary diamonds for all the collectors to get a good deal. He had info that this material was going through the roof pricewise and so had to act quickly. In fact, said Ellis, he came in to do this on his day off!!!!!!

That there is a tall one......unlike Dave
It's all so dull and boring. I really used to enjoy watching, especially the under £30 wheels. Now it's more like a chore. I still can't get my head around why they spend so much time talking instead of just getting on selling the items.
On the subject of Jess my biggest bugbear is how she whispers conspiratorially and then a few seconds later shouts excitedly. Try watching that as, or with, someone hard of hearing the volume levels have to be hiked up and down as frequently as a hooker's undies. Not inclusive and not considerate. Mum used to give up and turn off in the end.
And another two hour show of Jadeite. I bet Jim is getting plenty of extra viewers over on Gem Collector. I will really miss his midnight mega deal! I hope they decide to put the late shows back on
And another two hour show of Jadeite. I bet Jim is getting plenty of extra viewers over on Gem Collector. I will really miss his midnight mega deal! I hope they decide to put the late shows back on
I've just stocked up on my usual Oral B toothpaste, it was labelled as MEGA PACK.

It is 125ml instead of 75ml so not all that mega, but it was 1/2 price in Morrisons at £3 each, so worked out a lot cheaper per ml than the normal size.

My stash will keep me going for at least a year, so I hope I live that long or I would have wasted my money.
After three days of 11 pm to 7 am re-runs can we all agree this change can only be a desperation cost cutting exercise. As a very long term viewer I can't ever remember this long of a gap in the 24/7 broadcast. As I am not going to watch Ellis twice in one day, I turned to TJC which certainly appeared to be live and they actually had a early morning guest on along with Rob. Can't ever remember seeing a guest on early morning Gemporia.

Obviously this is speculation but we know none of the various Gemporia companies filed their annual full accounts which normally is done in October. We know a new business was formed last December that appears to be the new parent company. We know this new company unlike the old holding company has only two listed directors a C Wagstaffe and D Williams, no Bennett's. We know a loan was taken out from Santander that lists basically the entire company as collateral.

Based on the above I believe these two directors have bought out the Bennett's and without their deep pockets are now struggling for cash flow which is the fastest business killer. To generate more cash they have probably run down the inventory so there is not enough stock to run 24/7. That would explain the near constant loop of the same items. If this is even close to accurate the next six months will make or break Gemporia.
I do remember one of the presenters saying, a while ago - but this was well after they "gave shares" to the employees and so not linked to that - there had been changes and Steve was not going to be as involved in the company any more as he had stepped back. I wonder if he sold a big block of his interest in the company? I have seen him on air a bit but not as much as I used to - that could just be subjective though.
After three days of 11 pm to 7 am re-runs can we all agree this change can only be a desperation cost cutting exercise. As a very long term viewer I can't ever remember this long of a gap in the 24/7 broadcast. As I am not going to watch Ellis twice in one day, I turned to TJC which certainly appeared to be live and they actually had a early morning guest on along with Rob. Can't ever remember seeing a guest on early morning Gemporia.

Obviously this is speculation but we know none of the various Gemporia companies filed their annual full accounts which normally is done in October. We know a new business was formed last December that appears to be the new parent company. We know this new company unlike the old holding company has only two listed directors a C Wagstaffe and D Williams, no Bennett's. We know a loan was taken out from Santander that lists basically the entire company as collateral.

Based on the above I believe these two directors have bought out the Bennett's and without their deep pockets are now struggling for cash flow which is the fastest business killer. To generate more cash they have probably run down the inventory so there is not enough stock to run 24/7. That would explain the near constant loop of the same items. If this is even close to accurate the next six months will make or break Gemporia.
Oh dear we will have to wait and see! It does sound plausible as it does explain the constant loop of the same items..
I do remember one of the presenters saying, a while ago - but this was well after they "gave shares" to the employees and so not linked to that - there had been changes and Steve was not going to be as involved in the company any more as he had stepped back. I wonder if he sold a big block of his interest in the company? I have seen him on air a bit but not as much as I used to - that could just be subjective though.
You're right. Steve is rarely on these days. His involvement appears minimal. The Sarah Bennett collections have also stopped.

If you look at Steve's history, he seems to have had a lot of businesses that he's started - but then sold or seemingly lost interest in. It gives the impression that he gers bored quickly and moves on to something new.

Primal Living seems to be latest he's stepped back from - and he now has another new company.
I've taken to buying a few pieces recently as there were a few things I wanted and who knows how long the company will last? In my opinion however the channel started a downward spiral early 2022 once they all but ended their price promises. As prices are so all over the place I couldn't trust I was paying the best price and the motivation I had to watch more than I otherwise would for credit opportunities also disappeared. Over the following months the call centre staff also started to sound more fed up. So if SB isn't steering the ship any more that would make sense, because it's not what it used to be.
I've taken to buying a few pieces recently as there were a few things I wanted and who knows how long the company will last? In my opinion however the channel started a downward spiral early 2022 once they all but ended their price promises. As prices are so all over the place I couldn't trust I was paying the best price and the motivation I had to watch more than I otherwise would for credit opportunities also disappeared. Over the following months the call centre staff also started to sound more fed up. So if SB isn't steering the ship any more that would make sense, because it's not what it used to be.
Exactly how I feel.

It also seems to take longer to get through to customer services on the phone - particularly at night.

I had waited up to 20 minutes to actually get through to someone at times (to the point where I know what tune is coming next on the hold music loop).

Until a couple of years ago, I don't recall having to wait to speak to anyone.

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