Ps sorry but presenters Hattie, Jess and Cheraline are shockingly bad and an immediate turn off. Too much shouting and hard sell.
I couldn't agree more. I find it staggering that excellent presenters such as Ruth and Rosie have gone - yet they've kept these three - arguably the worst on the channel by far.
Cheralene says the same for EVERYTHING she sells. "In this design we can see here", "The light is dancing out of this", "We're taking every penny and every pound out of this", "It's big, its bold" - and her best line, when she's selling fragrances and reed diffusers is "in this scent we can SEE here"
Jess Foley is almost as predictable with her continual "Absolutely" and "Yeah yeah yeah". "It's flying out of the front door", "Good luck to each and every one of you - well done!", "I'd multi-buy", "Get as many as you can" - and I think she only owns one top. That drab Maroon coloured jumper she wears.
It's the same phrases for everything they sell - and then they cut to reading names out of buyers - then rinse and repeat all over again. Why oh why does nobody pull them up and tell them to be less repetitive? They really are out of their depth as TV presenters. It's clear that they don't know what to say about the jewellery they're selling. They say nothing knowledgeable about the stones in the gems. I'm amazed that they even pass their GIA AJP exams.
Hattie is less predictable - but she's just so hyper and talks far too fast. I struggle to understand what she's saying at times because she speaks so fast that I can't take it in.
They used to have some great, knowledgeable, likeable presenters - Scott Worsfold, Rae Carpenter, Lara De-Leuw, etc - and as they've all gone, they've been replaced with loud, annoying, repetitive hard sell presenters that come across as very amateur and out-of-their-depth.
The only presenters I can tolerate on Gems TV these days are Angeline (knowledgeable and more likeable since Sheridan left), Jim Brooman, Derek Marks, Jeff Hayden - and the now departed Ruth and Rosie. Adina is knowledgeable - but constantly coughs and splutters without saying excuse me, along with fiddling with her hair - and Lynn Jinks used to be decent once, but these days, if you listen to her, she repeats herself a lot and say a lot without anything saying anything worthwhile.