Gemporia - struggling financially?


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I was glad to find this thread after googling ‘what is happening at gemporia’! interested others are so fed up of constant jade and too many clothes, gadgets and candles etc. I am very sad as I have got well over 200 items, mostly which I am very happy with, but recently have felt odd about gems as refunds have been taking 3/4/5 weeks - too long! And prices all over the shop. £399 one day and then £499 the next ‘on sale’??
Totally agree with all three. Also, bring back live shows at night and the presenters that have gone.
I doubt if it would be possible just to turn the clock back and reinstate staff they have let go. As the Company employs over 20 people, legally they would have had to commence redundancy procedures. I think those who have gone were put ‘At Risk’ a while ago, not just when Steve made the announcement that he was coming back. There are lengthy consultations and I’m assuming those who knew they were going had begun to make arrangements, ie Amelia appearing on QVC the following week. The hours have been reduced to save money, and as it appears that they were not making money before I can’t see why they would go back to that model.
sad about presenters going. I miss Jeff and Derek. With Angeline I always feel like she is a headmistress telling me off!! And Lynn saying ‘ju-el-er-ree’ every two seconds. Also not a fan of reeling off ‘collector in X, collector in y, collector in z etc etc etc’ to fill in the gaps. Congratulations to each and every one of you 🤓
sad about presenters going. I miss Jeff and Derek. With Angeline I always feel like she is a headmistress telling me off!! And Lynn saying ‘ju-el-er-ree’ every two seconds. Also not a fan of reeling off ‘collector in X, collector in y, collector in z etc etc etc’ to fill in the gaps. Congratulations to each and every one of you 🤓
Don't start me about Angelina she comes across as so false imo
Sadly, there are people that believe it. There's the lady in the VT that says about Gemporia being like "one big family, and you can just communicate with them".

Then there's the lady that used to text in all day, every day, and spent hundreds each week who said she was "building a legacy". She passed away recently - but her family had set up a Just Giving page (or similar funding websites) saying that she'd passed owing a lot of money on bills that needed clearing plus the cost of the funeral.

It's sad when people are made to feel "part of the Gemporia family" to the extent that they're so loyal, that they put buying jewellery over paying essential bills.
I made this point to the “not connected to the company” JaineyB. She was insistent that it’s just a business whereas I stated that one of their main selling points is being your friend in the tv and all being part of the family. And they’ve stated this time and again “we are here for you” etc etc. I honestly feel they’ve preyed on vulnerable people, and I would include myself at one point.
Steve is doing a show on two-hour show - I think they said Thursday afternoon - with a special announcement. Guessing it is linked to the carnage.
I made this point to the “not connected to the company” JaineyB. She was insistent that it’s just a business whereas I stated that one of their main selling points is being your friend in the tv and all being part of the family. And they’ve stated this time and again “we are here for you” etc etc. I honestly feel they’ve preyed on vulnerable people, and I would include myself at one point.
The mention of the lady who passed away thinking she was leaving an investment for her family is so extremely sad. There was a lovely lady I remember too who was often texting and endorsing products whose name began with M and was well known to presenters. Steve please consider the potential dangers of promoting the 'legacy' theme especially.
The mention of the lady who passed away thinking she was leaving an investment for her family is so extremely sad. There was a lovely lady I remember too who was often texting and endorsing products whose name began with M and was well known to presenters. Steve please consider the potential dangers of promoting the 'legacy' theme especially.
Pretty sure that is who died
Was it Mirabelle? She was always messaging in, and sending Christmas presents to the presenters.

Jainey Bennett's got a bit of a cheek saying that Gemporia's "just a business". The company's used preying on the lonely and vulnerable as a sales tool for at least the last few years, ramping it up during the Covid lockdowns.

Not only do they proudly show that sad vt over and over of tbe lonely lady saying that the presenters make her feel like she's "part of the family", and have done for years now, but the presenters are always oversharing sad personal stuff to get sales.

If the woman on the till at my local Tesco started telling me about her sister's piles, or her mum's dog dying as I was emptying my basket, I would run a mile. Yet Gemporia thinks this is perfectly OK as it lulls viewers into trusting the presenters with their cash.

It's a nasty way of using people, and the presenters never say no to the gifts, like the poor folks who believe Ellis etc. when she says stuff like "Ooh, I really wanted that scarf/lipstick/candle, but I have to wait and see what's left at the end of the show", so they buy it for her.
I was glad to find this thread after googling ‘what is happening at gemporia’! interested others are so fed up of constant jade and too many clothes, gadgets and candles etc. I am very sad as I have got well over 200 items, mostly which I am very happy with, but recently have felt odd about gems as refunds have been taking 3/4/5 weeks - too long! And prices all over the shop. £399 one day and then £499 the next ‘on sale’??
Welcome bluetopaz. We are having a good old moan here, although I don't think Gemporia are listening.
Welcome bluetopaz. We are having a good old moan here, although I don't think Gemporia are listening.
I think some of them might read here though. However, I am not at all convinced they are paying any attention. They probably thing we are a few hard-bitten haters. Whereas, the truth is we are a sample of the population and really wanted to see them pull it back from the brink.
[Edited to add - Mind you, they have given us real cause to have a good old moan over the last few years.]
Hi! Yes a bit moany 🤣 But lots that I’ve really liked over the years and quite fond of some people like Ellis (although not the singing so much!). I have some lovely pieces I never would have got from annywhere else (big Ethiopian opals, yellow diamonds, baroque pearls, malachite, emeralds, lapis) (plus some errors - badly included diamonds when I was a rookie, pale tanazanites) and check into the app several times a day. I would really miss it if it wasn’t there.
I think some of them might read here though. However, I am not at all convinced they are paying any attention. They probably thing we are a few hard-bitten haters. Whereas, the truth is we are a sample of the population and really wanted to see them pull it back from the brink.
[Edited to add - Mind you, they have given us real cause to have a good old moan over the last few years.]
I live in hope they take on board our comments, but alas so far no sign. Thing is I love my gemstones, have a lovely selection thanks to Gems. I so want them to go back to what they were when I discovered them. I couldn't believe there was a channel dedicated to bright shiny things. I was hooked in from that moment. All the comments should be taken onboard by Gemporia, they are free, and are honest opinions from their customers. Some firms have to pay a fortune for that.

Hi! Yes a bit moany 🤣 But lots that I’ve really liked over the years and quite fond of some people like Ellis (although not the singing so much!). I have some lovely pieces I never would have got from annywhere else (big Ethiopian opals, yellow diamonds, baroque pearls, malachite, emeralds, lapis) (plus some errors - badly included diamonds when I was a rookie, pale tanazanites) and check into the app several times a day. I would really miss it if it wasn’t there.
Me too. Let's hope they can survive.
Hi! Yes a bit moany 🤣 But lots that I’ve really liked over the years and quite fond of some people like Ellis (although not the singing so much!). I have some lovely pieces I never would have got from annywhere else (big Ethiopian opals, yellow diamonds, baroque pearls, malachite, emeralds, lapis) (plus some errors - badly included diamonds when I was a rookie, pale tanazanites) and check into the app several times a day. I would really miss it if it wasn’t there.

I have a decent collection of jewellery from various places and Gemporia has definitely contributed to that. It can be nice to collect as long as you don't delude yourself into thinking you're buying something ordinarily worth XXX for X. The channels are very naughty to imply glass rubies or irradiated diamonds are worth megabucks. Yesterday I tuned in and saw Lynn selling 'Lavender Topaz' talking about how it was rare and mined out and how Gemporia had had enquiries about buying their stock. The stone is irradiated. So is the source Topaz mined out and irreplaceable with Topaz from another location, is the process of treating the stone a secret lost to the ages, or are they talking b*llocks? :D

Basically my only criteria for buying now is whether it is decent value for money and would sparkle on my hand while I drink coffee!
Their customer service side of things is absolutely dreadful. A broken bracelet and they have told me to return it and then they will refund. They have been sent pictures. No suggestion of a reply paid envelope all done at my cost first. Then I guess when they have decided to refund that will be another 30 days.

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