Footless tights are back in then....


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Totally agree.

Any male over the age of 10 wearing a 3/4 trouser should be reprimanded. Over the age of 21 just shoot him.

.....and this coming from a bear who appears to be wearing only a telephoto lens. That's a pretty impressive appendage you've got there!
I remember when 3/4 length trousers for men came in - must be more than ten years ago now. They were just about acceptable if you had a well-turned ankle. Unfortunately some people still insist on wearing them today. A major fashion faux pas. They also have the effect of making those of diminished stature look like a Hobbit.:wonder:
I think leggings are one of the most unflattering pieces of clothing ever designed. Unless you are under 20 with. a perfect cellulite free figure it rarely looks good.

Comfy yes,flattering no.
I'd just like to say that Rosa is not wearing a tunic. It is a dress. Anna's is a dress too, albeit much shorter. I know what a tunic is and it ain't whats in the pic!

If you could possibly come off the defensive for a couple of minutes, I'd like anyone to tell me, with a degree of conviction, that Rosa's FT's are not totally superfluous to that outfit. In fact they make what may be a nice dress look awful. It would be so much nicer to see her legs, suitably clad in stockings or fake tanned, with a pair of heels.

Anna can be forgiven because if she didnt have the FT's on we'd be able to see right up.... Well. Never mind. It's still not an attractive look though.

It never fails to amaze me how some women will defend a fashion or a look to the hilt while its on trend (eg ugly boots!) and suddenly the scales fall from their eyes when the trend s gone and they're saying "god weren't those thongs showing above the waistband hideous".

Listen to the sound of my voice. Footless tights, leggings, whatever you call them look awful under dresses. Take my word for it. Tunic? possibly. Dress? no. I'm just trying to help you here. Ok?

that is so true and i remember it about this very thing. when leggings were first in, in the 80's we all wore them even though 99% of us looked a sight. when they went out again, we were all saying 'omg, how could we have worn THAT'.

same with ski pants/stirrup pants whatever they call them now and pretty much every fashion actually. i see they've been trying to bring back 'bodies' for a couple years but they don't seem to be catching on this time round. probably too many people remember going out for a night with it done up and coming home with it dangling.
same with ski pants/stirrup pants whatever they call them now and pretty much every fashion actually.

There was one good thing about stirrup pants - they were very easy to tuck into boots.
This is especially for Burly cos I know he lurvessss leggings so much !
I wear anything I can reach that's clean.I look like a bag lady half of time. Leggings, long skirt, t shirt, cardigan. Lol I am a nightmare. On the plus side, it's all clean & nobody sees me. Nothing matches, but I think it's called eccentric when your of a certain age. ;-/
I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole V!

Another point.... The leggings in the pic are right down to the ankle, which is why I called them FT's. the times when I have seen them looking ok have been when they are mid calf length with a nice shoe and a suitable tunic (not dress!) top.

Just the one?
Oh dear. :sad:
I wear leggings & long t-shirts/tunic tops most days. I am 51. Oops then.
I can't wear dresses as I am an 'uneven' size (with a hinge for an ar$e to boot!), 10-12 top, 8 bottom. Dresses are either too tight round the top, swamp me at the bottom....or both!
I can't wear heels as I can just about walk across a flat carpet in a pair of Birkenstocks.
I can no longer comfortably wear jeans as I bloat easily (& instantly if I eat the 'wrong' food!) & the list of foods I can eat without this as a result gets smaller & smaller every month.
I am quite crushed to realise I apparently look both hideous and a bit 'mutton dressed as lamb'. I thought I looked reasonably 'nice'. :sad:

Me too. I wear leggings and skinny jeans, (plain, animal print ,flowery, geometric etc etc) with long tops, tunics and dresses. I am really tall and lots of my dresses are too short for tights. Like you I thought they looked nice and had checked with my older teen sons that I didn't look mutton. Obviously I was wrong too and have committed a horrendous fashion faux pas! I am newly slim and thought this was a much better look than my previous uniform of black bootlegs and plain dark top.
I feel a bit anxious about my style now ;o(.
Thanks FP. Its very tricky when you've been big for a long time. People think losing weight is the answer to everything but it brings it's own problems- especially confidence wise xx
What's the male equivalent of the leggings then?
Is it the hideous 3/4 length trouser and the sandal or the elasticated track suit bottoms finishing just above the ankle, the trainer and the long sleeveless vest???

Long Johns....? :devil:
Big Barbie go for it!! If your kids aren't embarrassed to be seen with you, you can't be that bad now can you??! :eek:)

And you're so right that losing weight can really change how you feel. I used to be a 22 and now I'm an 18/20. The 20 bit is the boobs. Not a huge difference but I felt quite lost for a while. You have to buy a lot of new clothes at once but you do find your feet again.

I wear leggings but always with mid thigh level tunics and always with heels.

Perhaps you should be "notsobig"Barbie.

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