Exciting News From Alison Young


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I really like Caroline Hirons. There are brands that she works with but she recommends all sorts. I bought her book for my daughter for Christmas and may well yet get myself a copy. Lovely to read or dip in and out of, even if I don't learn very much! :)

I won't be buying Alison Young's book.
Well at least we know that book was never going to be about her fashion choices.........that comes out on April the 1st.

I bet even when reading the book people can feel the interruptions........for you. Sorry I’ll stop saying “for you” now it’s just every time you think of Alison Young you think of “for you”..........ooops. 😳
I left a few questions for CH on her website regarding some inaccuracies. I'd deliberately asked her opinion giving her room to manoeuvre rather than pointing out her mistakes as I didn't want to make her look like a dick/put up with crap from her adoring fans. She replied to all around me but never to me.

I went right off her then.
The minute any of the beauty gurus have something to sell I become very conscious of any objectivity slipping. If it's a limited edition it might be for a short while, but if its their brand and they are reviewing direct competitors how unbiased can they be? I doubt if my livelihood was at stake I would be 100% unbiased...we're all human...
I knew someone who worked in beauty retail, and she was very anti-Caroline Hirons. She has so much power now she can actually break a new business if she puts the word out. Hence, why so many upcoming new brands will try to attract her attention. I know on Facebook she does have well over 10,000 followers alone this is worldwide then there is Instagram and Twitter push her own website and then Good Morning she has loads more followers.

I did meet her back in 2019 when she came to my local SpaceNK she did a special set with them. Okay, I went for the free champagne and didn't buy the set. She is a tall normal looking woman in her 50s, but the fans call her our queen Caroline or the lady Hirons too sycophantic for me. At the end of the event I thought oh well I better go over and ask advice as everyone else had done. She just told me to keep doing what I was already doing. Okay.

Caroline was never trained as a beautician, she worked on various cosmetic counters as did her mum and grandmother. Then over the years she moved behind the scenes and worked her way up the industry PR.
Well at least we know that book was never going to be about her fashion choices.........that comes out on April the 1st.

I bet even when reading the book people can feel the interruptions........for you. Sorry I’ll stop saying “for you” now it’s just every time you think of Alison Young you think of “for you”..........ooops. 😳
... & the slaps that she's been known to dish out. Love your first sentence Shopps :ROFLMAO:
Who in their right mind wants to buy a book written by a woman who hasn`t shown any beauty skills for years and doesn`t even get her hands dirty so to speak by demonstrating anything ? She sits and talks the talk but rarely walks the walk. She`s of an age where younger girls (and boys) wouldn`t look to her for makeup or skincare advice and us older ladies, well all I can say is if we don`t know our own faces/skin type/how to apply gloop or makeup etc by now, then we`ll never know and if we haven`t got to grips with beauty brands ripping us off or grossly exaggerating their so called miracles in a jar then Ali Young will see you coming.
She handled peoples faces and bodies like a Navvy, rough and heavy handed and is hardly a beauty icon which most people outside of QVC La la land would have even heard about.
I am watching the L'occitane shows and as much as ELEXSHISH is not my favourite presenter/ brand ambassador Alison is on steroids atm. Will be trying out my TSV and hoping it moisturises and keeps my skin protected from the raging winds.
I knew someone who worked in beauty retail, and she was very anti-Caroline Hirons. She has so much power now she can actually break a new business if she puts the word out. Hence, why so many upcoming new brands will try to attract her attention. I know on Facebook she does have well over 10,000 followers alone this is worldwide then there is Instagram and Twitter push her own website and then Good Morning she has loads more followers.

I did meet her back in 2019 when she came to my local SpaceNK she did a special set with them. Okay, I went for the free champagne and didn't buy the set. She is a tall normal looking woman in her 50s, but the fans call her our queen Caroline or the lady Hirons too sycophantic for me. At the end of the event I thought oh well I better go over and ask advice as everyone else had done. She just told me to keep doing what I was already doing. Okay.

Caroline was never trained as a beautician, she worked on various cosmetic counters as did her mum and grandmother. Then over the years she moved behind the scenes and worked her way up the industry PR.
Yet she calls herself an aesethician (sp) maybe with the word 'trained' preceding. Hmmmmmm
Who would want to introduce themselves as a fully qualified expert............... Does she not get how ridiculous and embarrassing it is?
Just imagine.
I am Dr.......... your fully qualified, expert Neurologist.
I am Ms.............your fully qualified, expert maths teacher

Is there nobody at QVC who can tell her how embarrassing it is? Poor judgement all round at Chiswick Park. It’s full of experts. Didn’t Miceal start off as a chocolate expert. On his blogs it has been pointed out in the past that he has 2 fashion styling diplomas. I feel we may be treated to another self published book.
Who would want to introduce themselves as a fully qualified expert............... Does she not get how ridiculous and embarrassing it is?
Just imagine.
I am Dr.......... your fully qualified, expert Neurologist.
I am Ms.............your fully qualified, expert maths teacher

Is there nobody at QVC who can tell her how embarrassing it is? Poor judgement all round at Chiswick Park. It’s full of experts. Didn’t Miceal start off as a chocolate expert. On his blogs it has been pointed out in the past that he has 2 fashion styling diplomas. I feel we may be treated to another self published book.
That is a very good demonstration of how ridiculous the citing of authority is... and really, when you go to see a doctor etc, they may have their certificates and diplomas displayed on the walls, but they aren't constantly pointing them our and inviting you to go and view them.
Caroline was never trained as a beautician, she worked on various cosmetic counters as did her mum and grandmother. Then over the years she moved behind the scenes and worked her way up the industry PR.
This part hear is incorrect she is fully qualified, she did the whole college thing along with doing training at biologique recherche , being trained in lasers ,peels etc she took a break while having some of her children and worked on counters etc before working her way up . She does still do treatments off and on at a place in London that specialises in peels etc

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