Does My Bum Look Big In This?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Enough of the flattery already!
I'm from a long line of Ag Labs. I know my place lol.

Cheer up Barbs!
However bad it is it could get worserer, but then again, it might not!
And seriously you should consider a book, about Meg's escapades, you're witty and have a
certain style. You should research it, what have you to lose :)

Could be a page turner - books about cats are hugely popular. Anyone here read the one about Dewey, the cat who lived in a library in Iowa?

What's an Ag Lab?
I've not come across Dewey, well only as in Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck.

An Ag Lab was the census abbreviation for Agricultural Labourer.
I've not come across Dewey, well only as in Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck.

An Ag Lab was the census abbreviation for Agricultural Labourer.

Thanks for the explanation - not too many in these parts!

The book about Dewey is a must for all cat lovers - I won't pretend it's a hoot from cover to cover but everyone I know who has read it has loved it. Not too much of an exaggeration to say he changed people's lives.
It's a well known expression that all of us have at least one book in them. If yours is around the theme of Meg it could be a diary with pics of her exploits.You'll have to disguise us all to protect the innocent. Is Mr. Fish your agent?
It's a well known expression that all of us have at least one book in them. If yours is around the theme of Meg it could be a diary with pics of her exploits.You'll have to disguise us all to protect the innocent. Is Mr. Fish your agent?

my ex mother in law (still a very dear friend) used to say i could write a book about my divorce. she used to say it was better than dallas. lol
i had no idea some cats like bleach but i did read that as a cleaner, it doesn't hurt them, whereas some cleaners do. i'm a bleach fan anyway but because of that i usually use bleach based cleaners.

I think that might be true, presumably well diluted. I have posted before that we had a cat that used to drink from the loo, seeing the tail sticking out of the pan from the bottom of stairs was very funny! There must have been some bleach in the water virtually every time but it never did her any harm, she lived to 22.
my ex mother in law (still a very dear friend) used to say i could write a book about my divorce. she used to say it was better than dallas. lol

If we all collaborated on a book about divorce, or men in general, it would have to an e-book. Apart from saving a small rain forest, the hardback would be too heavy to lift lol!
I think that might be true, presumably well diluted. I have posted before that we had a cat that used to drink from the loo, seeing the tail sticking out of the pan from the bottom of stairs was very funny! There must have been some bleach in the water virtually every time but it never did her any harm, she lived to 22.

i can't remember the details but i think for instance if they walk on a surface - like louis now works on my kitchen worktops that were previously out of bounds *eye roll* whatever he might get on his pads from the squirty bleach cleaner is ok.
No matter how hard I tried over the past 9 years I have never been able to keep Alfie of the kitchen worktop. We have shares in Dettox as a consequence.
I think with bleach its the salt that cats like. Neither of the cats I have now like it but one I had previously was a nightmare if I'd been using bleach. She used to grab my hand and wash it for me. Yik!!

One of mine drinks out of the toilet. Gets on my pip. He leaves bliddy footprints down the loo. And sometimes when you come out of the loo he's waiting to go in. He likes a fresh flush!! I keep the lid down as much as possible. I'm afraid he'll fall in.
i always put the lid down anyway but i've always had a horror of cats falling in - especially when i had kittens (inherited mum's darn worry gene)
Flip something else for me to worry about. I have sometimes seen little paw marks down the toilet, so now
realise i have to worry about Hopey falling in. She eats that dried food and doesnt drink her water from a
bowl, as you can see from the photo, she drinks from pint classes, (water) i assure you all over the house,
won't touch the dish at full, fussy madam LOL
Well Harve is four nearly five and he has done it since he was a few months old. To my knowledge he hasn't fallen in ... yet!!

I sometimes hear funny noises in the bathroom and go to look to find him in the bath playing with the last of the bubbles going down the plug hole. He's a funny one.
Meg's flabber is gasted!


"Drinking from the Khazi!"
Aren't they so so cute. I'm quite new to loving cats, had Hopey think 4 years and before that i never bothered, yes
i missed so much. It was just when i listened to my son talking about his cat Jelly (named after a musician) that
i started to realise how much fun they were and i loved hearing all his stories about Jelly. He's a very active cat,
and has jumped out his flat window and caused all sorts of bother being in fights, cost me a fortune in the past,
but he's now insured and so is Hopey. Hopey as i've said is a lover, hardly goes out, sniffs at the door, then walks
into the heat, and i've got used to that. But i love coming down here and reading about all the exploits and how
Louis and janie are getting on, very tough, but she has us to support her And i love reading about Meg's exploits, and
i must take some more up to date photos and post them, all in all i'm now a confirmed cat lover LOL
Yes they can grab at your heart Barbs.

Meg is not good with heights at all. Now she is 14, she finally realises that and is very cautious. If she's stuck on the garage roof or in a tree, she'll yell until we come out and get her down. We have four trees and they all have some limbs cut straight across the girth to form landings for her.

In her youth, she had a habit of climbing on to the garage roof to watch the bats coming out of the eaves. She's run along the roof, for all the world looking as if she was clapping her paws at them. Then she started to wander on the house roof.
One night Himself stood in front of the sitting room window and pulled the curtains closed. Immediately he opened them again.

"I saw something ginger go passed!"

There was Meg, sitting in the drive looking very dazed. She'd dropped! Fortunately, it was just from the first storey.
I took her the the vet the next morning as she had a bit of a limp, but she was fine.

There is nothing sure-footed or graceful about our Meg.
What Meg? Never tried it? Boris has fallen into the bath when full and Katya is another one that loves the toilet.

Meg's fallen in the bath.
She was not amused.
I got the blame ... well, I was waggling my toe in the foam, so I was guilty
Seriously put these things in a book, research and do a book. And send it to publishers, and keep at it,

you do have a talent for it, and nothing ventured, nothing gained, go for it.

Or write a novel , and remember me and Hopey when you're too famous and don't have time to come

down here to the Drop. What have you got to loose :)

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