Does My Bum Look Big In This?


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min - there's a little teashop at the beach and the guy who runs it has a sign on the door that says something like "opening times - when i feel like it and if i'm in a bad mood, not at all". lol
Yes janie, as Flying Pigs says, that sounds awful - horrendous!
I'm glad you've found some peace now.
min - well i had till these two moved in!

yes it was a horrible time and made me quite ill. it was a senior colleague so was very public and embarrassing and i had zero support from my employer. i ended up having a year off sick. it went all through the courts and was all over the newspapers. i was strongly advised to sue both the employer and the stalker but after all the court appearances and also the hearing done by the professional body we belonged to, i was just about done in. couldn't face any more court appearances. regret it now of course because i could have got a lot of money out of them :(
definitely the country life for me but then i'm a quiet boring person. i crave silence, especially having been joined on to the neighbours from hell for 15 years. i'm not someone who has to have the radio on in the garden - i like to just sit there and listen to nature. in the summer all i can hear is the damn buzz of jet skis. moved here partly cos of that and partly cos i had a stalker and it was heaven until these two moved in next door. because it has no facilities and is downmarket, i'd never be able to afford a detached house anywhere else, so unless i take the risk of being joined on again, i'm stuck here. since the police incident, i've been very unhappy and unsettled though.

Fingers crossed they move Janie.
Sometimes we just want a quiet life. Money isn't everything.

"Ain't that the truth"

I've worked an extra five years to be able to stay where I am. My little bit of heaven not far from Gatwick, you'd be surprised how quiet it actually is. There's no through traffic, lovely neighbourhood and a short walk gets me to bus/trains etc. I feel safe and happy here and quite prepared to make sacrifices to stay put.
Born in Shepherds Bush, moved to Essex (new town with Dad's job), and have lived here for 26 years - small village with Post Office! Infrequent buses that do not go anywhere interesting. In my twilight years would like to go somewhere where there is life!!!!!!!
I wouldn't want to be too remote but would hate the city - er, what kind of action are you missing Mim?

A life! :grin:

Himself retired early & I thought we'd be out and about like we used to be when the girls were younger, but I was wrong. He's quite content to stay at home pottering around, playing his guitar, singing on Second Life, going to his Folk club twice a month. Nice & quiet, nice & sedentary, acting his age.
I'm not ready for sedentary! Bit of mayhem, that's what I crave!
Done the Family History. Done the jewellery night school classes. Done the fitness group. Done the voluntary listening to children read.
I knit and sew periodically, read a heck of a lot, decorate, garden, wear a step counter and aim to walk 10,000 steps a day, follow the cat around camera in hand ..... but there's more to life I just know it!
I got 21's bike out the garage the other day. Don't think I'm safe to be let loose on that just yet. Meg & I almost had an incident!.
I'll have to have a few goes up and down the lanes.
If you have the means to do so and there is something you sre aching to do- a trip of a lifetime, becoming a mature student, (many of your posts indicate you love doing research and have a brain) a job, whatever floats your boat- do it! You only live once and it's a short one. I don't know your age or circumstances Minim but I sm guessing there are no grandkiddies YET or whether your children even want to take that path- but it seems you may have a "window" of a few years before you get the "mum help me" phone call, "will you babysit."..

Don't mean to speak out of turn at all, you may have thought all this through and ruled it out already.
Well, today I'm ..... let's see ... "40 eleventy", who knows about tomorrow lol, but yes, over 50.

You are right Weathergirl, no grandchildren yet.
As for trip of a lifetime, we went to see 27 in India last month and that would qualify. She suggested I sneaked out to join her when she got to South America (but not to tell Himself sshhh)

Discovery Award sounds interesting FP. I'll investigate.
Yes, came across it on another forum where someone posted about it. I thought I might investigate it further. Not bored yet but retired at the end of August when I was 60. Plenty of stuff to keep me busy... 37 years worth of proper cleaning to catch up on. No excuse now! Trying to go through all the stuff we have accumulated. Trouble is DH doesn't like throwing things away so I have to wait until he's on a trip and go to the tip. My ambition is to hire a skip when he's on a trip longer than a week so I can really get going.
A life! :grin:

Himself retired early & I thought we'd be out and about like we used to be when the girls were younger, but I was wrong. He's quite content to stay at home pottering around, playing his guitar, singing on Second Life, going to his Folk club twice a month. Nice & quiet, nice & sedentary, acting his age.
I'm not ready for sedentary! Bit of mayhem, that's what I crave!
Done the Family History. Done the jewellery night school classes. Done the fitness group. Done the voluntary listening to children read.
I knit and sew periodically, read a heck of a lot, decorate, garden, wear a step counter and aim to walk 10,000 steps a day, follow the cat around camera in hand ..... but there's more to life I just know it!
I got 21's bike out the garage the other day. Don't think I'm safe to be let loose on that just yet. Meg & I almost had an incident!.
I'll have to have a few goes up and down the lanes.

I reckon you've got a novel in you min, if you've got the patience and inclination. I'm sure it would be bluddy hilarious and you could even sell signed copies on QVC. :mysmilie_510: Just imagine, you, John Barrowman and Queenie competing for best seller. :mysmilie_466:
The trouble with "stuff" is that all mine apparently could be thrown out, but all his is invaluable! and lives for the most part in the garage so in his mind that makes it all kosher.
I think we've got enough old shelves & bits of wood to build an ark - should the need arise.
Then there's the huge telescope (taller than me) which has not seen the light of the moon or any other heavenly body for that matter for donkey's years. The stand is so heavy that it has lived permanently on the patio since 27 was 3 years old.
There is 21's bike - in case ....
Ooh, silly me, forgot the chest of drawers (4 drawers) and the two old bedside drawers which sit beneath the long work bench running the width of the garage. The drawers are overflowing with old plugs, sockets ceiling roses and wiring all sitting neatly beneath the long shelf with the jam jars hanging there,their lids screwed precisely underneath the shelf, filled to capacity with nuts, bolts, screws, nails, spare Ikea fittings, curtain fittings and Lord knows what else.
I won't bore you with the contents of the pre-War wardrobe ... or the overhead hooks hanging from the rafters
There is however ONE thing missing - space to park the car
Ida like the car outside!

The trouble with "stuff" is that all mine apparently could be thrown out, but all his is invaluable! and lives for the most part in the garage so in his mind that makes it all kosher.
I think we've got enough old shelves & bits of wood to build an ark - should the need arise.
Then there's the huge telescope (taller than me) which has not seen the light of the moon or any other heavenly body for that matter for donkey's years. The stand is so heavy that it has lived permanently on the patio since 27 was 3 years old.
There is 21's bike - in case ....
Ooh, silly me, forgot the chest of drawers (4 drawers) and the two old bedside drawers which sit beneath the long work bench running the width of the garage. The drawers are overflowing with old plugs, sockets ceiling roses and wiring all sitting neatly beneath the long shelf with the jam jars hanging there,their lids screwed precisely underneath the shelf, filled to capacity with nuts, bolts, screws, nails, spare Ikea fittings, curtain fittings and Lord knows what else.
I won't bore you with the contents of the pre-War wardrobe ... or the overhead hooks hanging from the rafters
There is however ONE thing missing - space to park the car

That all sounds so worryingly familiar and OH hasn't even retired yet. Whenever I complain about all the stuff he accumulates I'm told that most of it is mine! Our loft room houses one computer - where I work - my three files, a pencil case and a couple of other small officey things, a few sheets of rough paper, my old teddy bear and a childhood doll - everwhere else is piled high with his stuff and every original box that each piece of stuff came in! He has also filled a garage, a cellar and two sheds.

I did suggest that he might like to take over the cooking when he retires as I've had enough and will still be working but he has big plans to aquire more stuff - a model railway......

Ever thought about a book club Minim?
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