Delivery Rant


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Right - latest update:
Just rang the number on the card and got some automated fandango - enter parcel number etc etc, which I did and it told me my parcel was out for delivery today. Pressed the 'speak to an operator' option to try and get some actual literal sense out of someone and they told me that delivery was attempted on Monday (which I clearly knew as I'd just told her that - durr) then she said they try to re-deliver on three consecutive days. Rollocks says I - I was in all day yesterday and no one tried to deliver anything, and I've not had a second card, and repeated that the card in my sweaty little mit was telling me to collect it from the depot. Stony silence from the other end other than it's on the van for delivery today and will probably be about dinner time. Would have been all the same if I'd followed the instructions on the card to wait two days (i.e. today) and go and pick it up from a zillion miles away wouldn't it, as it wouldn't have sodding well been there.
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So it just arrived.
I asked the bloke what the crack was and he said that i should have just rung the number on the back. He said he tried to deliver it yesterday but I wasn't in. I was in all day and there was no card, says I. I knocked and there was no answer - says the oik.
Anyway I signed for it and unpacked it and had a look and it was actually quite nice. Go on, thinks I - I'll have it, so I'l ring CS and ask them to re-instate the auto delivery.
Oh Sorry Madam, we can't do that, you have to order the auto delivery when its aired - says the CS oik.
I did - says I - but the delivery has been a complete cock up, so I cancelled the auto delivery but now its here, so its hardly my fault.
Sorry, no can do - says the CS oik, but I'll speak to a manager or supervisor or whatever.
Oik returns - we can do the auto delivery but we will have to do it from scratch. you'll have to return the one you've got (via Bodgit & Co Couriers Ltd) and wait for a refund and in the meantime we'll send you THE SAME THING - (via Bodgit & Co. Courier Co.) so you can have the auto deliveries.
Get stuffed says I.
So its going back and Im about to email them a snotty email to tell them they'd better hurry up and refund my bloody money under the DSR, and it had better include my £4.95 delivery charge.
Are they mad? Hang on to the one you've got and ask them to sort it without further fannying around. Some kind soul will post the email address of the QVC head honcho (pinkpussycat is fab for this kind of info) so I'd address a fair but firm email to him and I'm sure there must be a more sensible solution.

Afterall the despatch is from the Flaars company not the QVC warehouse so I'd think they can set up a dummy run for the first drop (which you just received) and then the rest should follow as normal! Oh Ali I hope you get it sorted without the hassle causing you hate the sight of the blummin' flaars!

Jude xxx
I don't want it that bad to be honest and frankly after all this I'd rather not give them my money. I mean - send it back to receive it again? That's stupider than stupid.
I've emailed CS telling detailing what's happened all the way through and telling they'd better organise any refunds quick sodding smart. I'm tempted to copy it directly to Peony's customer service department too, so that they're aware of it. In fact I think I will...... :nod:
I don't want it that bad to be honest and frankly after all this I'd rather not give them my money. I mean - send it back to receive it again? That's stupider than stupid.
I've emailed CS telling detailing what's happened all the way through and telling they'd better organise any refunds quick sodding smart. I'm tempted to copy it directly to Peony's customer service department too, so that they're aware of it. In fact I think I will...... :nod:

I honestly wouldn't waste your time.
Peony's customer service is worse than QVC's, here speaks someone who knows!!
I'd be tempted to write directly to Peony, even if their customer services aren't up to much. They need to know that, because of the fiasco caused by QVC, they've lost a sale .......and possibly some in the future. Although the 'botch up' is mainly down to the QVC it does reflect on Peony as they are working 'hand in hand' with them for this product.

Often the 'big fish' assumes that we 'tiddlers' won't confront them with complaints etc. but sometimes direct contact reaps benefits. I took on Rover cars and also a large carpet manufacturer and got the result I wanted (possibly because they tired of numerous letters from me, plus quotes from the Trades Descriptions Act. :wink:)

Writing to Peony may not produce a result, but I'd do it just for the satisfaction of knowing that my 'voice' had been read and that they had a customer who was anything but happy with the treatment they'd received from the group who were selling their goods (namely QVC.)

I hope that you get it sorted out to your satisfaction, amn.
They need to know that, because of the fiasco caused by QVC, they've lost a sale

As they've lost your auto delivery custom they have lost future sales. TBH one of my friends has some of the Peony stuff, and I don't think it looks any better than stuff I have seen in Sainsburys and Home sense. I have a vase of red roses from Sainsburys that everyone comments on-and several people have reached
out to touch to see if it was real. Each 'stem' has several roses on various stages of opening and as they were buy 2 get one free, I have a lovely large vase of 'roses' for £7.90.
What a cock up amn i hope you get it sorted. I have received mime today and they look very nice so i am keeping them.
My only dealing with QVC and Peony was a disaster too...

Ordered a OTO or was it a try me to try the brand...only about £12 or so

When it arrived the wire from the centre of the stem' was exposed. It was lucky I saw it before I cut myself. I rang CS and told them the best place for it was the bin, however, they said they needed it back so I could have a refund. I asked if my QVC delivery man would be coming for it or whether they would send a prepaid label as it was so light. Instead I got told I had to have Peony's own collection people. So I waited in on the allocated day and they never turned up- I was fuming!

The collection date was rearranged and they finally turned up. QVC gave me a £5 credit after I ranted at them for the wasted day (I hate it when they waste one of my precious days off!)

I personally couldn't see the fuss with Peony. Yes they looked real if I stood on the other side of the room but up close- sorry fake!!

Heres mine i think they look good for fake. I have just stuck roses in and have not faffed around arranging yet. There are five roses but one is tucked around the back.
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I am so fed up with Q for all the reasons stated before. Ordered the Tig TSV it is still 'in process'! Why? the money has left my account, it has been sitting in a warehouse for 2 days, why can't they dispatch goods the next day like most on line suppliers? Really keeping my purchases to the very barest minimum. makes me so furious.:angry:
Another update on the bliddy shambles that has been the Peony TSV.
After al the shenanigans previously ranted about I emailed QVC detailing all that had happened from start to finish and confirming as I'd stated on the phone that I was returning the item. I also said in the email that as I was cancelling the order I wanted the P&P refunding as well - especially as the ***** delivery was one of the primary reasons the order was such a balls up. Six days later and no reply. I got a phone call from La Q to arrange collection of the item (which is not due till tomorrow - the bliddy thing's still sat in my hall...) but as it stands I've had no reply to my email and the complaint it contained and they've still got my £40.
Oh and incidentally, I emailed Peony direct as well to let them know what a cock up it was and I got no reply from them either.
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I ordered the TSV and I'm glad to say it came quickly and without any problems. I think it came via the standard courier. It looks like different couriers are operating in different areas.
Someone in Yodel stole my husbands new laptop. It was being delivered from PC World and never got further than the Bristol Depot of Yodel.

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