Dawn Bibby Twitter Tweets!


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Uhm, tweeting constantly is suspect behaviour in itself imho. Dawn Bibby=needy and attention seeking. :thinking:
Actually PinkPussyCat Dawn was hardly ever "Tweeting" and was constantly being asked to tweet. Same with the blog.

Poor Dawn, another classic example of if she does something she'll be damned for it and damned if she doesn't!!
Did I say Dawn was constantly tweeting?? I don't give a toss if she tweets 24/7 and I'm really not enthralled by her teasers regarding her private angst. We all have sh!te episodes to deal with at times but I wouldn't dream of writing a blog about mine, especially a very public one and anyone who does is attention seeking in my eyes.
Did I say Dawn was constantly tweeting?? I don't give a toss if she tweets 24/7 and I'm really not enthralled by her teasers regarding her private angst. We all have sh!te episodes to deal with at times but I wouldn't dream of writing a blog about mine, especially a very public one and anyone who does is attention seeking in my eyes.


lets face if she'd kept it buttoned from the outset we wouldnt be having the discussion would we.
Unfortunately it wasn't possible Burly.
As people had met JJ and were used to seeing him/hearing him getting mentioned on air, Dawn had to explain why he was no longer part of her life. Sadly she couldn't "keep it buttoned" as you put it. I am sure Dawn would have liked nothing better to have kept quiet about it!
Sadly there are, as I've said people who will not accept that they do not have the right to know all the details and constantly badger her with messages and Pms......all anonymously of course!
Maybe dawn should have been less keen on giving every detail of her personal life from the start - my shop, my wedding, my party, my dogs, my goats - then people wouldn't have got so interested and then she would not be having so many enquiries when things change. Live by the sword, die by the sword, IMHO. It's nice to brag when everything is lovely but not so much fun when you have to tell people its all gone pear-shaped.
IMO, Dawn has brought all this on herself. As others have said, she's blogged and twittered about her private life, and also brought all of her family members to our attention. I know the names of all her family, and their business, her dogs, goats etc. Even what car she drives, and that it has 'leather' seats. She couldn't wait to show off JJ, and constantly pestered him into appearing on screen during QVC craft hours, when you could clearly tell that he was very embarassed by it.

I know she's been through a lot recently, but so have many, many others, including myself. But I would NEVER discuss my personal life on a blog, or open forum, if I didn't want others to know my business.

Dawn seems to like lots of sympathy, hence constantly telling us that she's been 'POORLY'. And this isn't just recently, it's been going on for years. She doesn't know how lucky she is to have so much support around her. There are probably thousands of crafters who sympathise with her, who have life threatening illnesses and have to cope by themselves.

Get a grip woman, and stop feeling sorry for yourself!
As another who was dumped unceremoniously for a younger model(twice) and left with 3 children under 8...I have three words for Ms Bibby. GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
Financially secure,no children to console,lots of family and friends(with or without Villas abroad) she needs to get her life together privately and recover without tweeting/twittering/moaning about intrusion.

As a self made "Crafting Superstar" who has crowed(not tweeted) many times in the past
very publicly about JJ and her wonderful life,what does she expect really?
I have sympathy for anyone hurt by the breakdown of a relationship,it's awful and hurts like hell,but have dignity and deal with it privately and separate the public persona from the private one.
Many of us have had to do it :nod:

Personally if Ms Bibby decided to give up crafting...now that would be a Tweet worth tweeting as far as I am concerned :handshake::grin:
That's one reason I don't "Twitter" or use Facebook. (I've also not really got the time to be honest.) One's private life should only be privvy to those involved or close friends if you can confide in them, in my opinion. If you put details of 'personal issues' online you lay yourself open to conjecture etc, etc. If you don't want people summizing what's going on in your private/personal life, don't stick it online for the world and his wife to see.

And as many have said on this thread, there are people who are going through or have been through very difficult, sad or tragic circumstances, but they keep a 'dignified' silence or share it with friends here. They don't 'tweet' all over the place .... and often they then only mention it after the event, not during every waking minute.
I'm sure she would be more concerned if people weren't passing comment :cheeky: You would have though she was some major celebrity rather than a shopping telly non-entity - is any body really that interested in the old trout? :talking:
As Oscar Wilde said "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about". On the button there I think.
Oh Satan, why must you tempt me so??????????????:devil::mysmilie_845:
I had a torrid split with my late ex fiance just over 10 years ago after he had an affair. I loved him up until he died 20 months ago just 3 days before my daughter was born. But I carried on and didn't grieve because that is what Clive would've wanted.

Yes by all means talk about it but not on a social networking site like Dawn Bibby has done. I have no time for attention-seekers.

Yes Dawn your marraige broke down , I'm sorry to hear that but I have a lot more sympathy for a man called Phil Cutts and his 4 children who this time last Tuesday didn't realise that their world was about to fall apart a few hours later when their beloved Wife and Mother Gilly Coman (Aveline from Bread) died suddenly from a heart attack.
They are a family in my thoughts right now and I bet they can't jump onto a plane when they feel like it and stay at a friend's apartment in Egypt.

Be thankful you still have your life , health & business because Phil & family are about to endure a torrid time by laying dear Gilly to rest and saying goodbye forever.
As long as I live I'll never understand why anyone would want to put their lives on public display with Tweeting (don't even know what that is really) and stupid Facebook.One of our kids put me on FB and I just don't get it, I've made about 4 comments on there but no pics whatsoever. I see people parading private family pictures for all to see......no thank you!
The kids are on there and I get so embarrassed looking at their silly antics that I don't!!
As another who was dumped unceremoniously for a younger model(twice) and left with 3 children under 8...I have three words for Ms Bibby. GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
Financially secure,no children to console,lots of family and friends(with or without Villas abroad) she needs to get her life together privately and recover without tweeting/twittering/moaning about intrusion.

As a self made "Crafting Superstar" who has crowed(not tweeted) many times in the past
very publicly about JJ and her wonderful life,what does she expect really?
I have sympathy for anyone hurt by the breakdown of a relationship,it's awful and hurts like hell,but have dignity and deal with it privately and separate the public persona from the private one.
Many of us have had to do it :nod:

Personally if Ms Bibby decided to give up crafting...now that would be a Tweet worth tweeting as far as I am concerned :handshake::grin:

Sometimes having children makes it easier to deal with a harsh blow. Sometimes, it's a private heartbreak not to have children.
The problem here is, of course, (with various forums/Twitter etc) that Dawn mentions something briefly. Presumably because people keep mentioning JJ to her. She, understandably, wants to stop this happening, so briefly explains what has happened - at least enough to stop people mentioning him but enough to retain her privacy. So people make assumptions (some of them not very nice and certainly not dignified for Dawn.) So she mentions a little more and so people speculate still further (some ridiculous and unfounded suggestions are made). Then she goes on holiday a few times (she's worked hard to build her business and now she can afford it, why should she not?) and comes back looking great. So people make snide comments about her taking so many holidays, so she feels she has to say a bit more. Then people get funny about that. If she says nothing, people speculate, if she says something people complain she is attention seeking. Can't really win, can she? Time to let this drop, surely and leave the poor woman alone?
Sometimes having children makes it easier to deal with a harsh blow. Sometimes, it's a private heartbreak not to have children.

I agree absolutely in some instances..but in my case, being separated from their Dad totally devastated my children and in turn broke my heart.
The effects of divorce are still being felt 10 years on.

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