, a lump of chewing gum would be advantageous to my sick mind that sees a piece of greenish snot or phlegm someone has accidentally sneezed or coughed upon the wearers neck
Dave lectures with the expectation of us being colourblind and have some short memory problems akin to Dory fish. He repeats the same thing “ gold is precious Jade will change your life and buy you cities”.
I admire his chutzpah to come on three times a day to repeat his tiresome speech filled at very questionable claims. His never ending Jade finds its way into every theme Gemporia creates for any weekend event! He even managed to stick it into a Faberge egg. Mind boggles!
I buy jewellery for its beauty and see none in a horrid snot coloured creations that bear no comparison to the gorgeous emerald coloured glowing Jade he shows in his book.
Imogen9500 your fear of more Jade I share, he keeps saying that he will only bring type C to us once the ”precious” offerings are sold. PLEASE DONT
I worry that he has been given another huge budget to buy type C Jade mountain and we will continue to be subjected to more investment advice and ugly jewellery…