Dave the jadeite man


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Steve up to now has changed nothing, nada apart from the ones mentioned. No doubt it has been left to Jake to reorganise now he is the boss. Imo Steve is no longer interested, if he had of been I think we would of been some changes trickling through by now. Let's face it hardly any stock worth talking about, jade and more jade and the worst presenters ever. Apart from Jeff and foxy . A winning format NOT
Jim Brooman is a great presenter too, but they have transferred him from Gems TV to Gem Collector. :cry::cry::cry:
I like Jim too and much prefer the presenters with a likeable personality who do not shout or speak at 100 words a minute, so much that I feel stressed out after what should be an enjoyable experience. Lynn and Angeline are are experienced and 'professional' but hard sell and cold. Hattie seems to me more authentic and watchable, if loud with some comedy value which may or not be intended. I much prefer Ellis (slightly eccentric and quirky) and Adina (despite odd mannerisms) to Lynn and Angeline. Lyndsey is a bit away with the fairies but watchable, Jess well she is an immediate switch off .. I can't find anything positive to say ...
Ethical ????
For example, Lynn constantly telling the viewers that she'll "look after us". And the adverts full of sad Gemporia customers raving about how caring the company is, and how like one big happy family everyone is.

Obviously, there's a yawning chasm between what they say, and what they do. But many people don't see that straight away. It takes time to get disillusioned, and to see past all the waffle and get to the way they really operate. Mostly through experience of watching their presentations for a while, and receiving a number of purchases that weren't anything like that shown on their shows
I like Jim too and much prefer the presenters with a likeable personality who do not shout or speak at 100 words a minute, so much that I feel stressed out after what should be an enjoyable experience. Lynn and Angeline are are experienced and 'professional' but hard sell and cold. Hattie seems to me more authentic and watchable, if loud with some comedy value which may or not be intended. I much prefer Ellis (slightly eccentric and quirky) and Adina (despite odd mannerisms) to Lynn and Angeline. Lyndsey is a bit away with the fairies but watchable, Jess well she is an immediate switch off .. I can't find anything positive to say ...
I like Jim too. Ellis is now a no no for me, she is quite false imo. Adenia I also like, she can laugh at herself she does not have a huge ego as the others imo.
I like Jim too and much prefer the presenters with a likeable personality who do not shout or speak at 100 words a minute, so much that I feel stressed out after what should be an enjoyable experience. Lynn and Angeline are are experienced and 'professional' but hard sell and cold. Hattie seems to me more authentic and watchable, if loud with some comedy value which may or not be intended. I much prefer Ellis (slightly eccentric and quirky) and Adina (despite odd mannerisms) to Lynn and Angeline. Lyndsey is a bit away with the fairies but watchable, Jess well she is an immediate switch off .. I can't find anything positive to say ...
I can say something positive about Jess - I think she has the nicest nails on the show, much nicer than those stick on ones that some of the others have, with grunge underneath
Rachel on air now saying they could sell a barely "lavender" and green jadeite bead necklace for £16,000, "legitimately."

Yours for £199, of course. That's exceedingly generous of them.
I bet she's saying the very pale lavender material is bluish-grey. Or electric blue, or something.

I am beginning to think that Gemporia hopes that if they call this barely coloured jade by different colours enough times, the viewers will be conditioned into seeing hues that aren't there
Rachel on air now saying they could sell a barely "lavender" and green jadeite bead necklace for £16,000, "legitimately."

Yours for £199, of course. That's exceedingly generous of them.
Like everyone else here I can't take any of those figures seriously (yawn...) but I just caught the end iof Rachel's gold under a £100 show and credit where it's due, I thought the deals, a lot of which were well under a hundred, good gold weights and designs, were the best I have seen for some time. And there was none of that frantic everything is flying out because it wasn't needed to sell out what was on screen. The jewellery was selling itself - a refreshing change.

I can say something positive about Jess - I think she has the nicest nails on the show, much nicer than those stick on ones that some of the others have, with grunge underneath
Ah yes, I agree Jess does have very nice natural nails 🙂
I like Jim too and much prefer the presenters with a likeable personality who do not shout or speak at 100 words a minute, so much that I feel stressed out after what should be an enjoyable experience. Lynn and Angeline are are experienced and 'professional' but hard sell and cold. Hattie seems to me more authentic and watchable, if loud with some comedy value which may or not be intended. I much prefer Ellis (slightly eccentric and quirky) and Adina (despite odd mannerisms) to Lynn and Angeline. Lyndsey is a bit away with the fairies but watchable, Jess well she is an immediate switch off .. I can't find anything positive to say ...
I think Lindsey is appalling. When your job is to literally gab to viewers about jewellery and occasionally recite background information from a computer screen, it might help if you ran through what you were going to say before going to air. Especially if the information you're reciting includes words or names you're not familiar with.

Not our Linds. Like a surprisingly high number of her colleagues, Ms Carr appears to go straight to air with zero idea of how to pronounce Chinese personal and place names. Which is a seriously interesting decision when a big part of an auction is made up of giving a lot of details about how material is venerated in China.

Though I shouldn't be too surprised. In the repeat of Monday's breakfast show, after nearly losing her teeth attempting to pronounce a Chinese place name she'd obviously never heard of before (what was that about Gemporia "educating the viewers", again?), our Linds stated that agate is a "huge part of Far East culture". Lindsey had been talking about agate being a large part of Chinese culture, but now China is all of the Far East. I am very sure that Japan and South Korea would find this somewhat surprising.

How on Earth can Gemporia say that their company is educating viewers when the only current options are either being bored to tears by a three hour lecture by Droning Dave (with accompanying slides that he insists on reading aloud in his dreadful monotone, and intermittent clocks to ensure time really does grind to a halt), a grudging post by Jake on Facebook giving information about gems that should have been provided during live shows, or presenters like Lindsey shouting stuff at viewers that they obviously have no idea about?

The idea that Gemporia positions itself as being an alternative to the high end, legendary jewellers is laughable. But I have seen market stall traders with a greater knowledge of what they're selling, and who don't behave like they're trying to rush you into buying dud goods before scarpering with your cash.
I think Lindsey is appalling. When your job is to literally gab to viewers about jewellery and occasionally recite background information from a computer screen, it might help if you ran through what you were going to say before going to air. Especially if the information you're reciting includes words or names you're not familiar with.

Not our Linds. Like a surprisingly high number of her colleagues, Ms Carr appears to go straight to air with zero idea of how to pronounce Chinese personal and place names. Which is a seriously interesting decision when a big part of an auction is made up of giving a lot of details about how material is venerated in China.

Though I shouldn't be too surprised. In the repeat of Monday's breakfast show, after nearly losing her teeth attempting to pronounce a Chinese place name she'd obviously never heard of before (what was that about Gemporia "educating the viewers", again?), our Linds stated that agate is a "huge part of Far East culture". Lindsey had been talking about agate being a large part of Chinese culture, but now China is all of the Far East. I am very sure that Japan and South Korea would find this somewhat surprising.

How on Earth can Gemporia say that their company is educating viewers when the only current options are either being bored to tears by a three hour lecture by Droning Dave (with accompanying slides that he insists on reading aloud in his dreadful monotone, and intermittent clocks to ensure time really does grind to a halt), a grudging post by Jake on Facebook giving information about gems that should have been provided during live shows, or presenters like Lindsey shouting stuff at viewers that they obviously have no idea about?

The idea that Gemporia positions itself as being an alternative to the high end, legendary jewellers is laughable. But I have seen market stall traders with a greater knowledge of what they're selling, and who don't behave like they're trying to rush you into buying dud goods before scarpering with your cash.
I have worked in sales and probably the basic principle that applies to all industries is to have strong product knowledge. Pantomime antics do not cut it and only undermine the product. Sadly the days are gone when I would look to Gemporia to educate me about gemstones. The prep for shows by some presenters is very poor and lazy. This morning Jess .. selling spinel Renaissance Egg, I wanna let you know, you could not go to Faberge and expect to pay £79.99 (Thanks Jess but I worked that out for myself and this egg is nothing like Faberge ....🙄)
I have worked in sales and probably the basic principle that applies to all industries is to have strong product knowledge. Pantomime antics do not cut it and only undermine the product. Sadly the days are gone when I would look to Gemporia to educate me about gemstones. The prep for shows by some presenters is very poor and lazy. This morning Jess .. selling spinel Renaissance Egg, I wanna let you know, you could not go to Faberge and expect to pay £79.99 (Thanks Jess but I worked that out for myself and this egg is nothing like Faberge ....🙄)
Those "Moscow Eggs", or whatever they're called this year, are really tacky. Apologies to anyone who likes wearing them, but Fabergé eggs were high end status symbol ornaments. The originals are beautiful, but I wouldn't want one hanging around my neck.

Same with the globe pendants. I liked the actual gem-studded globes Gemporia came out with a few years back, though I couldn't justify the spend on one. I don't see the point of the wearable ones: not only do they look really cheap, but from what I can see they're not actual maps of Earth. Is it supposed to be Narnia? Or possibly Uranus, where I suspect Troths jade originated?
I think Lindsey is appalling. When your job is to literally gab to viewers about jewellery and occasionally recite background information from a computer screen, it might help if you ran through what you were going to say before going to air. Especially if the information you're reciting includes words or names you're not familiar with.

Not our Linds. Like a surprisingly high number of her colleagues, Ms Carr appears to go straight to air with zero idea of how to pronounce Chinese personal and place names. Which is a seriously interesting decision when a big part of an auction is made up of giving a lot of details about how material is venerated in China.

Though I shouldn't be too surprised. In the repeat of Monday's breakfast show, after nearly losing her teeth attempting to pronounce a Chinese place name she'd obviously never heard of before (what was that about Gemporia "educating the viewers", again?), our Linds stated that agate is a "huge part of Far East culture". Lindsey had been talking about agate being a large part of Chinese culture, but now China is all of the Far East. I am very sure that Japan and South Korea would find this somewhat surprising.

How on Earth can Gemporia say that their company is educating viewers when the only current options are either being bored to tears by a three hour lecture by Droning Dave (with accompanying slides that he insists on reading aloud in his dreadful monotone, and intermittent clocks to ensure time really does grind to a halt), a grudging post by Jake on Facebook giving information about gems that should have been provided during live shows, or presenters like Lindsey shouting stuff at viewers that they obviously have no idea about?

The idea that Gemporia positions itself as being an alternative to the high end, legendary jewellers is laughable. But I have seen market stall traders with a greater knowledge of what they're selling, and who don't behave like they're trying to rush you into buying dud goods before scarpering with your cash.

Lindsey's innocent and ear-splittingly high-pitched squeakiness is grating and is meant to mimic the excitedness of a young child, but is less annoying than Foley's shouty grunts.

The genetic fusion of both of them would produce "I've got to let you know, a dream come true is flying out the door." Said in a really loud, high-pitched squeak with mouth so wide open you could fly a plane through it. Seldom has man ever conceived such a torture, but conceive it we can, and thus it is so. I crack myself up lol.

They need to get Francis Bourgeois to present on Gemporia, the super endearing trainspotter whose joy is infectious. His squeals of excitement are genuine. If you can transfer his love of trains to gemstones, I'm sold.
Lindsey's innocent and ear-splittingly high-pitched squeakiness is grating and is meant to mimic the excitedness of a young child, but is less annoying than Foley's shouty grunts.

The genetic fusion of both of them would produce "I've got to let you know, a dream come true is flying out the door." Said in a really loud, high-pitched squeak with mouth so wide open you could fly a plane through it. Seldom has man ever conceived such a torture, but conceive it we can, and thus it is so. I crack myself up lol.

They need to get Francis Bourgeois to present on Gemporia, the super endearing trainspotter whose joy is infectious. His squeals of excitement are genuine. If you can transfer his love of trains to gemstones, I'm sold.
I really like the Visage range and just watching Kati presenting her face serum. A refreshing change, she knows her products extremely well and provides a high level of relevant detail without overkill .. and none of the screeching which to me only serves to signal desperation not excitement...😁
And a massive gob. I bet she can unhinge her jaw and swallow small to medium sized dogs

Why does she do those overexaggerated facial expressions. Nobody talks with a mouth that wide.

Apart from this guy:

More Jadeite today and so far 5 hours of Dave Troth, WHY?
Really? Can't wait NOT! As for why? I have no idea! I do think it's all the stock they have available. The Caville collection being introduced and the other odd the bits they find to offer. It's all appears to me to be last of stock, of returns, being constantly re run while they fill their vaults with new gems. It is about 6 weeks since Steve went to India so maybe that's it. I must admit Dave is getting better at convincing me i should really buy. I haven't, but he is wearing me down.
I can say something positive about Jess - I think she has the nicest nails on the show, much nicer than those stick on ones that some of the others have, with grunge underneath
I can’t stand her presenting style, but she does have lovely skin. Her ‘no makeup’ makeup look is lovely. And she stands her ground when doing a Visage show and isn’t plastered in rose gold illuminator and neon pink lipstick.

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