Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!


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Quartzite jade is not jade it is used as an imitation and a name given to most stones that can be carved.


As discussed in one of our notes, the term "JADE" is loosely used to describe any stones which can be carved. Amongst all jades, jadeite jade has the highest hardness of Mohs scale 6.5 to 7 and exceptional toughness. Jadeite is the most appreciated and expensive precious stone amongst all kinds of jades. Most of jadeite jade in the market are from Myanmar (Burma) and top quality jadeite is ONLY mined from Myanmar (Burma).

Thus there are many simulants which imitate jadeite jade in the market. And some misnomers are misleading consumers with the name 'jade'. We would like to share all the misnomers with supporting photos.


Finally, the ASA are showing their teeth at last (probably because they're sick of me by now!).


You may recall that I reported Gemporia to the ASA for using the misleading name 'Ruby Quartz'. The ASA agreed that this name is misleading because the stone is not Ruby nor does it have any Ruby content. Gemporia have now been notified that they cannot use this name in the future. All future sales of this stone will have to specify that it is red coloured Quartz.

This is a big deal for Gemporia because now that the ASA have ruled that this is misleading, it sets a precedent for other misleading stone names. This could lead to further repercussions in a few weeks time because I've since reported Gemporia for selling "Maw-Sit-Sit Jadeite" (Maw-Sit-Sit is NOT Jadeite) and "Mountain Jade Serpentine" (Serpentine is also NOT Jade!). These are still being investigated.


I reported Gemporia to the ASA last year after Adina constantly price compared a dyed blue Opal to untreated Opal. She kept referring to both as RARE. Not once did she mention that her stone was dyed.

The ASA ruled, at that time, that the presentation was misleading - and that treatments must be displayed more clearly on screen going forward.

The ASA said "to ensure that future advertising will clearly state the main characteristics of the product, and that presenters will refrain from contradicting these main characteristics via puffery which is likely to mislead a viewer and exaggerate the capability or performance of a product. We have also provided instruction on making the infographics more transparent for viewers."

Since then, despite the ASA warning Gemporia to display treatments more clearly on screen, Gemporia sold some COATED Blue Amber on screen in February. As usual, price comparisons were made to VERY rare natural blue Amber from the Dominican Republic and Burma. Adina did not refer to her stone as being coated at all. More importantly, NO TREATMENT DETAILS WERE SHOWN ON SCREEN - despite their previous warning.

So I reported that to the ASA.

As a result of this, the ASA have today informed me of the following:

"If the advertisers (Gemporia) don’t co-operate with us on this matter in the future and adhere to our instruction, subject to assessment, we will now be in a position to consider more formal action and investigation that involves the ASA Council."

So, in a nutshell, if Gemporia fail to show the treatment on-screen, of ANY treated gemstone, in the future, and it is reported to the ASA, the ASA can finally take formal action.
You need to tell them about Quartzite Jade and Type A Dulong Jadeite
Oh for goodness sake. Today's spiel from Mrs Davies...
View attachment 28259
"We got the descriptions wrong so our prices were wrong. Now we're going to put them right and the put up the prices as a result.".

Why, oh why did she do this? It's so obviously sheer market stall trading shtick, it's vaguely insulting. Last night's launch of these new IF pieces was standard and actually quite reasonable and not over-hyped by Toby (forget that Hattie was co-presenting for a minute...). He did a good job, in my opinion.

If they put "1/4ct Coated Topaz Brassy Coated Silver Cheese wire" or "10cts Ugly Dyed Quartz 0.92g Gold Whisper" as item descriptions, can we expect a dramatic price reduction in future?

Happy to "confess" this crap but swerve the more important information. 🙄
They're used this stupid story 3 times as I've seen. I think they're doing this because the IF diamonds she was selling may have been IF but the colour grade was I-J.
All my IF diamonds have been E-F and 1 was G-H which is the norm. So having them I-J grade they had to come up with some garbage to sell them.
If the ASA doesn't act after this, something is seriously wrong!

Right now, on our screens. 'Serpentine Jade'.


View attachment 28270


As discussed in one of our notes, the term "JADE" is loosely used to describe any stones which can be carved. Amongst all jades, jadeite jade has the highest hardness of Mohs scale 6.5 to 7 and exceptional toughness. Jadeite is the most appreciated and expensive precious stone amongst all kinds of jades. Most of jadeite jade in the market are from Myanmar (Burma) and top quality jadeite is ONLY mined from Myanmar (Burma).

Thus there are many simulants which imitate jadeite jade in the market. And some misnomers are misleading consumers with the name 'jade'. We would like to share all the misnomers with supporting photos.


I feel sorry for those buying thinking it's Jade when when Quartzite is a Quartz species.
I can't remember whether I've seen that or not, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Last week he was flogging a dark green 'Jadeite' that was clearly Nephrite
Anything that is Quartzite so including Dulong Jadeite. What people need to ask themselves about families of gemstones is what family is Quartzite, Dulong Jadeite Quartzite.
I can't remember whether I've seen that or not, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Last week he was flogging a dark green 'Jadeite' that was clearly Nephrite
Dulong Jadeite is Quartzite nothing to do with Jade, Then Quartzite Jade. They are not Jade
Dulong Jadeite is not Jadeite at all but a type of Quartz.


As discussed in one of our notes, the term "JADE" is loosely used to describe any stones which can be carved. Amongst all jades, jadeite jade has the highest hardness of Mohs scale 6.5 to 7 and exceptional toughness. Jadeite is the most appreciated and expensive precious stone amongst all kinds of jades. Most of jadeite jade in the market are from Myanmar (Burma) and top quality jadeite is ONLY mined from Myanmar (Burma).

Thus there are many simulants which imitate jadeite jade in the market. And some misnomers are misleading consumers with the name 'jade'. We would like to share all the misnomers with

AllaboutjadeCanada › ...
8-8.4mm Certified 100% natural green Quartzite (DuLong jade) Bracelet
Bracelet: 8-8.4mm No crack. No hairline. dark green spots. Note: it is not jadeite jade. But still 100% natural ...
Above now lol

AllaboutjadeCanada › ...
8-8.4mm Certified 100% natural green Quartzite (DuLong jade) Bracelet
Bracelet: 8-8.4mm No crack. No hairline. dark green spots. Note: it is not jadeite jade. But still 100% natural ...
Above now lol
Above now lol
Where is the information from that Dulong Jade is Quartzite?
I flicked across channels to Gems for the first time in weeks and there was Professor Troth with very peculiar facial hair I might add (how long has that been going on?) droning on about red jade bangles. I wonder what they actually are. I'm sure one of you could enlighten me truthfully rather than believe his fanciful claims.
I flicked across channels to Gems for the first time in weeks and there was Professor Troth with very peculiar facial hair I might add (how long has that been going on?) droning on about red jade bangles. I wonder what they actually are. I'm sure one of you could enlighten me truthfully rather than believe his fanciful claims.
I can say I've switched to Gems three times over the past couple of days and not seen the Jademeister himself on screen! Is this some kind of record and do I win a prize? (And if the prize is a jade bangle, then forget it).
I can say I've switched to Gems three times over the past couple of days and not seen the Jademeister himself on screen! Is this some kind of record and do I win a prize? (And if the prize is a jade bangle, then forget it).
Yup you win a prize. It's not a jade bangle though, it's a jade necklace, with additional rope in case it doesn't fit and a jade scarf ring, that comes with a spider silk spun scarf for free. More if you multi-win ;)
I can say I've switched to Gems three times over the past couple of days and not seen the Jademeister himself on screen! Is this some kind of record and do I win a prize? (And if the prize is a jade bangle, then forget it).
You've done well - it was either yesterday or the day before that he was on for hours and didn't seem to go off.

Sick of seeing the idiot.

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