credit to mike mason


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There really is no need to be so rude. My comment was not rude or
disrespectful in any way.
There was another thread recently praising Mike & people had said how
strange it was that people who like Mike & myself had not said
anything & that we only come on here to 'defend' him
when negative comments are made.
So I come on here to make a nice comment & I all I get is
you being rude to me and when it comes to vocabulary, please
do not insult me. Have you read some of the grammar and
spelling on here?!
Your comments are really unnecessary. I am entitled to my opinion
as much as anyone else.
I am assuming that this is the kind of response that you were
aiming for.

I wasn't being rude, I merely made an observation and highlighted the fact that your reply was distinctly underwhelming
you are passionate enough in your defences but not so much when we give credit where it's due (and it is due)
I appreciate that it must be quite galling to give us positivity as you are so one sided (you are connected with him after all) but, you see M&M, we are not and we do give credit where it's due as well as the negative stuff
Of course you're entitled to your opinion but it's one sided
And no, I was not hoping for that response, I was hoping you would be pleasant and positive in your reply but no, it was thinly veiled sarcasm so it really wasn't very meaningful or constructive
I repeat, I wasn't rude and neither did I intend to be
I wasn't being rude, I merely made an observation and highlighted the fact that your reply was distinctly underwhelming
you are passionate enough in your defences but not so much when we give credit where it's due (and it is due)
I appreciate that it must be quite galling to give us positivity as you are so one sided (you are connected with him after all) but, you see M&M, we are not and we do give credit where it's due as well as the negative stuff
Of course you're entitled to your opinion but it's one sided
And no, I was not hoping for that response, I was hoping you would be pleasant and positive in your reply but no, it was thinly veiled sarcasm so it really wasn't very meaningful or constructive
I repeat, I wasn't rude and neither did I intend to be

Fair point, but its difficult for me to elaborate when most of you disagree with my opinion of Mike's sales technique
In the first place. I would like to say that I was not being sarcastic in any way and its a shame that my comment came across that way.
Fair point, but its difficult for me to elaborate when most of you disagree with my opinion of Mike's sales technique
In the first place. I would like to say that I was not being sarcastic in any way and its a shame that my comment came across that way.

and you make a fair point too M&M :wave:
I've been watching Mike and Kiri tonight and it's absolutely hilarious. They're relaxed, having fun and showing their senses of humour but still getting all the information across.
Go Mike, keep it up, it makes you a pleasure to watch
Fair point, but its difficult for me to elaborate when most of you disagree with my opinion of Mike's sales technique
In the first place. I would like to say that I was not being sarcastic in any way and its a shame that my comment came across that way.

I am only talking about this from my point of view M&M but what I would like you to say is something like "yes I agree that Mike really shouldn't have done x, y or z but this was a rare slip" just like I and others on here are the first to say when he does something right. You and other members of his fan club seem to say he can do no wrong. What I try and do is complain when he gets things wrong but always looking for something positive too. No one gets everything right in life. I include me in that big time, could you not be less blinkered?

The odd thing about Peter Sherlock's pitch for the Ocean dongle was that he was being brutally honest about it at the start of the pitch - saying that it was ideal for Chinese, Indian and Pakistani people (seeing as the majority of the TV channels, at least, seem to originate from those countries), and it was great if you were interested in foreign languages or other cultures. Then, because he wasn't sure of the technology, in came Mikeyboy who proceeded to give his "this is a cheap alternative to Sky" spiel...back to the same old BS.

On an unrelated topic, is Andy on holiday at the momemnt? Haven't seen him for at least a couple of weeks.
But deedee is right.....
As for people's grammar and spelling, this is a forum for opinions, often typed quickly on a mobile device, not an exam to be marked.


Deedee was the one who pointed out the 'use of vocab' in the first place so not something to aim at M&M but more at deedee...
I wasn't being rude, I merely made an observation and highlighted the fact that your reply was distinctly underwhelming
you are passionate enough in your defences but not so much when we give credit where it's due (and it is due)

What was M&M supposed to say? She believes that Mike does/ says nothing wrong (her opinion) so why would she jump for joy when you just say what she thought in the first place?
What was M&M supposed to say? She believes that Mike does/ says nothing wrong (her opinion) so why would she jump for joy when you just say what she thought in the first place?

I think what deedee wants is balance. M&M is the first to complain, and complain strongly when we are negative, it would be nice if they were first in line when we praise.

from what i have seen mr mason is clearly making a conscious effort and seems to have taken aboard everything that gets said about him. i know some will say its because of offcom etc but its still better than him choosing to brazenly ignore everything.

is he going to have the odd slip of the tongue, of course as it's live tv but it seems nowhere near as deliberate.

credit to him and to everyones input, it may help him to help the right people make considered and informed decisions on their purchases.
I am sorry to hear from a couple of posters that he seems to have slipped back into his old dodgy routine re the dongle.

So why is it that he was concise and compliant earlier and now back to comparing it to Sky etc.? Is it because that's what they're telling him to say?

Honestly this channel is the limit! The good behaviour doesn't seem to last long till they're back to square one again :headbang:
Yep he was mentioning other brands like Sky & Virgin but he wasn't quite so bad this time as he was talking about channel restrictions what wouldn't be available too. It was almost like he had to mention certain things but kept countering his previous statement with the restrictions talk, that's what it felt like anyway. It was a somewhat strange sales pitch really imo.
So why is it that he was concise and compliant earlier and now back to comparing it to Sky etc.? Is it because that's what they're telling him to say?

I do thing that some people on here exaggerate. Mike only said "I have reduced my sky package..." where peter sherlock came in and said " I pay £60 which is £720 a year" and mike ended it by saying "It CAN cost a lot of money" That was the sky part over.
I do thing that some people on here exaggerate. Mike only said "I have reduced my sky package..." where peter sherlock came in and said " I pay £60 which is £720 a year" and mike ended it by saying "It CAN cost a lot of money" That was the sky part over.

But many a time he has made out it is a direct replacement for Sky or Virgin even though through his own admission he still has Sky. I remember last year he was proclaiming he would be going pay as you go mobile but only last week he said the same thing. I mean no disrespect to you but the only person I see exaggerating is Mike and his Minions here (not saying that is you).

But many a time he has made out it is a direct replacement for Sky or Virgin even though through his own admission he still has Sky.

But I thought this tread was about how mike has changed for the better? So I was talking about what he said yesterday, not 6 months ago.

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