Toby has engaged the viewers with his personal story with cannabinoids help through chemotherapy. Hats off to Toby for wanting to share his experience and expertise.
I can not comment on his product.
We have to believe that it’s as pure as he is explaining. I am aware of a study that showed the benefit of cannabinoids in battling side effects of chemo. It is extremely sensitive and emotive subject.
I hope that his CBD products are as superior as he states. They actually might be just that! I and every regular person watching simply do not have a capacity to examine it for proof.
Manwithnoname and others provided members of this forum with explanations on the gems and treatments to “amazing rare no longer mined gems you have to buy immediately to be ahead of the curve, it’s all going to sell out”. I have spent all my savings buying gems that are filled, heat treated and do not hold value in a market place.
CBD is pharmacology, its a science that involves many years of study. I don’t understand how Toby is connected to that at all. He is a cancer survivor, truly marvellous, go Toby
. It’s wonderful that he wants to share his winnings!
Lovely that it helps people. I truly want it to be the amazing stuff and I am frightened as I write that somehow my post would affect anyone.
It is jjust my lone opinion. CBD has shown benefits to people. It is widely accepted in a medical community now, it is just a dire travesty that we have to buy it from Toby or somewhere else for so much money.. who can afford this ?
Toby just needs to calm down a little. He is so manic and frazzled when presenting and “giving us the Toby Train”?… what is that???… I have only been with Gemporia for year…. Would love to know what that means. So strange, as I heard the story of poor Toby having to work in some organisations abroad, slumming it ( poor old Toby
) to give us amazing deals on gems!
it is so sad that the designs from the Lookbook were set I that horrid plating…a lot of the designs were good in my humble opinion, but set in plating.
The most beautiful
in chalcedony …gorgeous, set in honest silver is a ring…???
gorgeous design, beautiful stones….why the heck do you design a ring and not a pendant? Who on earth can wear this ring?.
apologise to every Dutches of any abbey
or anyone I have offended inadvertently