Cringefest on at the moment


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I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, but how does she wipe her bum?

Perhaps she uses one of the Connoiseurs Diamond Dazzle Sticks? Ellis does say that you can use them on other things as well as diamonds :D

Or maybe there's a new range of Kimbie ar*e wipes*? Watch out for the live demo next week.

*(not to be confused with the other ar*e wipe that we see selling Jadeite every day)
No need to imagine it. If you watch Peter Simon on Ideal World, he might be able to sell you a painting of it.

Not only with the dirty nails, not only with the shi............

Puts me in mind of that 'artist' (and I used the term VERY loosely) from years ago that used to can his 'doings' and sell them in tuna tin sized cans.
What a load of trashy b*tches you all are for running down this young woman like this. Whatever you think of her appearance the way you have all spoken about her and your fantasy musings about her hygiene makes YOU cringing, degenerate, tacky hypocrites. And I have ZERO doubt that not one of you are remotely attractive enough to run down another person’s appearance. I’ve been following you all for 10months on this forum and you really to do have disgusting personalities
It's always amusing when someone attacks others after getting upset when someone they like gets spoken about in a way they don't like.

Even more so when they then call others "hypocrites" after insulting everyone left, right and centre.

Welcome to the forum, Judge Judy 🥸
🤣 cope but it doesn’t change that my description of you (in particular) is on point
Awww! You singled me out! I am so very honoured! And there was I thinking that today was going to be a washout due to the weather.

Between you and me, I am very much a b*tch, trashy or no. But I don't make a habit of being hypocritical when I'm accusing others of it: it gives the impression that you really don't understand the words you're using.

Which begs the question, are you a Gems presenter? Are you Hattie Houston, or Adina Stubbs? Apologies if you aren't, but they're always spouting words they obviously don't understand at cameras, so I am sure that you can understand the confusion 😏
You've got nothing! :ROFLMAO: As if you were going to be doing anything productive with your day apart from obsessing over Gemporia and b*tching on here!
I was merely speculating. But your response suggests that I touched a nerve. Interesting 😉

And what an interesting comment to make about my circumstances. For all you know, I could be stuck at home with a serious health condition that severely limits my ability to get around, or to do "anything productive".

So someone associated with Gemporia mocking someone like that in an online forum would be a real PR coup! Especially in light of their years of blatantly pushing themselves at lonely and vulnerable people.

We may all be "trashy b*tches" (I am, at any rate), but you have more than shown that you fit right in here 🙂
You've got nothing! :ROFLMAO: As if you were going to be doing anything productive with your day apart from obsessing over Gemporia and b*tching on here!
Says the Judge who's been following everyone on here for the past 10 months.

I know I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be and I can run myself down far more and better than anyone else can. So if you have been following everyone on here for the last 10 months and have only now decided to say something when Kati has been commented on, then you must surely agree with everything that has been said about everyone else, Hattie, Troth,Thompson, Ange, Ellis, Lyndsey etc. So a nerve must really have been touched.
Says the Judge who's been following everyone on here for the past 10 months.

I know I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be and I can run myself down far more and better than anyone else can. So if you have been following everyone on here for the last 10 months and have only now decided to say something when Kati has been commented on, then you must surely agree with everything that has been said about everyone else, Hattie, Troth,Thompson, Ange, Ellis, Lyndsey etc. So a nerve must really have been touched.
That's a very good point. They must get loads of productive stuff done while they're scrolling through this forum.

Which again suggests they are associated with Gemporia. It must get really tedious dealing with jade, fake jade and Troff's monotone 45 minute droning day in, and day out.

It's almost like we're providing a public service, giving these nonentities something to take their mind off how low Gemporia has sunk.
Oh how predictable the 'I mIGht bE DisABled' approach to garner faux sympathy. So you'd HAVE to be doing this with your time if you can't 'get around'. Maybe change the channel, pick up a book (oh wait I guess next it will be you might not have arms or eyes !) You're trash as you admit and failing dismally at life but you know it. So sad.
Please do keep on with the latest conspiracy theory about Gemporia and who I could possibly be. It's already been hilarious reading the umpteen speculations about presenters shift changes or 'are they on holiday or sickness?' (some get boring after a while but it's not long till a new chat gets started with another rage fest at something they've done or not done)
Fair enough. I wouldn't try to garner any sympathy from you. But I have hit a nerve though, no matter how much you try to deny it 😏

And now your rage has expanded to criticism of Gemporia itself? That makes it very obvious indeed that you are in no way connected to the company, or have any emotional investment in it surviving. Or not.

And before you try to deny that, you wouldn't be attacking us so strongly if that wasn't the case. It's almost as if the Kati comments were just a reason to start posting insults.

You must have been livid reading this forum 🙂
Nope, not true just people have different tipping points and the only one who's been the reason for me to read these conversations (and wade through the inane crud in them) is TMWNN as he is very knowledgeable.
Anyway no you're not perfect and do feel free to run yourself down Leslie (sounds like a fat girls are fat aren't you...and ugly oh dear)
You still haven't got the hang of the "hypocrisy" thing, have you?

Try a dictionary, you can even find them online.
Oh well you can tick off Dave Troth and Kate McCarthy from your 'who is it?' conspiracy list as they are presenting right now (but you know that don't you as you'll be avidly watching right now as you do all day everyday)
Actually I'm not watching TV. This is providing far too much entertainment while I eat lunch.

Plus I try not to watch Troff unless I have a bout of insomnia.

As to who you are? It doesn't matter to me at all. The knowledge that I triggered you is more that enough for me. Your identity isn't my business

It's very obvious that you don't have anything productive to do, either 😉
Nope, not true just people have different tipping points and the only one who's been the reason for me to read these conversations (and wade through the inane crud in them) is TMWNN as he is very knowledgeable.
Anyway no you're not perfect and do feel free to run yourself down Leslie (sounds like a fat girls are fat aren't you...and ugly oh dear)
I am on the large side as it happens but def not ugly and I think I'm quite a nice person inside too (as do loads of other people). I try not to judge people but if you put yourself in the public domain you are open to criticism - constructive or not - it goes with the territory.
Oh you're trying soooo hard to work out my motivations and who I am :LOL: and so far only got one thing right! Failing again but that's probably a state of being you're accustomed too...
So you admit that I did guess correctly? That's all I need to know.

Which isn't too bad for someone who is such a total failure 🤣

As to who you are? I don't care. Gemporia staff lie at the drop of a hat, so it doesn't matter at all which one you are.

But you probably won't get that
OK....I guess I'll take you word for it and your kind family/friends opinions (;) cope)

*Coping intensifies*

Liar and you know it this is just something you'd 'like' to think about yourself

there's constructive criticism for public figures 100% but that wasn't it and you know it as you laughed along like a little b*tch in the background. Kati is actually making a success of her life and following her dreams, not following her stomach to the fridge piggy
To be fair, Kati would need to fight her way out of her make-up bag first before she made it to the kitchen, never mind the fridge.
Oh but you do care... so that was a lie :LOL: and you're still a trashy failure. Even a broken clock is right twice a day
You're so adamant that I care about who you are. But if I am accustomed to failure, then I would have accepted that I wouldn't ever learn who you are.

Both things cannot be true, and yet you are adamant that both are.

That, and your interesting approach to spelling seems to show that thinking and typing aren't your biggest accomplishments.

This is fun 😂
OK....I guess I'll take you word for it and your kind family/friends opinions (;) cope)

*Coping intensifies*

Liar and you know it this is just something you'd 'like' to think about yourself

there's constructive criticism for public figures 100% but that wasn't it and you know it as you laughed along like a little b*tch in the background. Kati is actually making a success of her life and following her dreams, not following her stomach to the fridge piggy
Yes I did laugh and you calling me doesn't hurt a bit cos I know the truth. I wouldn't make the comments that have been made but that doesn't mean I can't laugh at them either. I liked Kati when she presented jewellery but since she got involved with this make-up malarkey she's changed. All you see is a face full of slap and that's fine, she has to believe in a product if she's going to put her name to it and flog it. If she's happy with it and who she is then that is all that matters. What other people say doesn't and shouldn't matter but as for you, something has rattled you big time so if some of what has been said is the truth and you know it - hey perhaps you are Kati - then truth hurts and if it hurts that much then either live with it or change it but at the end of the day be true to yourself.

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