Bliddy Furious!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Just a quick note to add my support to you hun xxxxxx

I havent been around lately, cos I get tempted to buy and I can't afford it at the moment! lol

Hope it gets sorted anyway hun
They should be contacting me, they should be telling me why I have been blocked and how long for. I shouldn't have to crawl to them to find out.

On a lot of sites you usually get a pop up message saying you're banned and for how long. Maybe Rocks think they're too good to do that.

It's not a question of crawling. More a point of letting them know just how the chat is run - which is inefficiently. Also it might be worth users watching the chat and if they see the little 'crew' getting away with things others can't then they can take screenshots and send them as supporting proof that some can disrupt it whilst others are removed at the drop of a hat for nothing. Just a thought.
Hi Sazza,

I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened to you, I know how badly such things can affect a person. It can be surprisingly upsetting, particularly when you know you were not in the wrong.

I did wonder if perhaps that person "x'd" you, which may then have caused your chat posts to be removed whilst a member of staff checked back on the past chat to see what was happening. Might be worth a quick try now just to see if you're in again.

I won't say "don't take it to heart" because, having been in a similar situation myself (something I said on chat was repeated but misquoted on here, and unfortunately a few members jumped on me without knowing the full facts, nor even having seen the chat themselves). It is upsetting and impossible not to take personally, but I would be very surprised if you have been banned without warning. If you do a tester and get in, even if you don't want to chat, it may make you feel a bit better.

Although I never forgot (obviously), I did get over it, and hope you will too (no more knotted stomach and racing heartbeat).

All the best.

Argey x

Thanks Argey :)

Thing is the X has not been on the chat for several days now.

I just logged in and still under the chat it says "you may not post at this time" so definately blocked.
On a lot of sites you usually get a pop up message saying you're banned and for how long. Maybe Rocks think they're too good to do that.

It's not a question of crawling. More a point of letting them know just how the chat is run - which is inefficiently. Also it might be worth users watching the chat and if they see the little 'crew' getting away with things others can't then they can take screenshots and send them as supporting proof that some can disrupt it whilst others are removed at the drop of a hat for nothing. Just a thought.

Maybe I will e-mail tomorrow, no point doing it tonight as I suspect it is the person manning the help desk who imposed the ban on me.
Sazza, do you know how do they choose who to ban? I just wondered whether they had an autobot that picked out certain words like the old chatrooms on MSN or if they have a real live moderator like you?

If its a bot, could anything you wrote be misinterpreted..........for instance, for months we couldnt send an email in our company with the town name Sc u n thorpe in it. If you look closely, you will see what the autocensor picked up and and deleted :3:!

If its a person, then they want hauling over the coals as its disgraceful treatment of a good customer. Hope you get a grovelling apology and a very expensive piece of jewellery as compensation!

Bet x
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Sazza, do you know how do they choose who to ban? I just wondered whether they had an autobot that picked out certain words like the old chatrooms on MSN or if they have a real live moderator like you?

If its a bot, could anything you wrote be misinterpreted..........for instance, for months we couldnt send an email in our company with the town name Sc u n thorpe in it. If you look closely, you will see what the autocensor picked up and and deleted :3:!

If its a person, then they want hauling over the coals as its disgraceful treatment of a good customer. Hope you get a grovelling apology and a very expensive piece of jewellery as compensation!

Bet x

I know the censor certain words but apart from that I think it is up to the person on help to moderate the chat but I didn't say anything that could have been interpretated as an expletive, all I said to the person, using the initals of their username was that I thought what they had said was rather rude.
Maybe I will e-mail tomorrow, no point doing it tonight as I suspect it is the person manning the help desk who imposed the ban on me.

Well if that's what's on the help desk then there's no hope for anyone actually requiring help. Imagine if you called up asking for assistance with an item or worse still returned an item and wanted to know if it had been received. This genius would probably ban you for life for such a crime.
Really feel for you Sazza. Rocks site is playing up for all this weekend!! I did not see all the chat but did hear Carol talk to you explaining why she puts in items that are not in studio which is why I posted that I have seen presenters auction items as long as there are more than 2 available. Wish I had stayed and carried on reading the chat!!

I can't believe that you are banned from chat! Hope rocks give you an explanation and sort this mess out asap xx
I know the censor certain words but apart from that I think it is up to the person on help to moderate the chat but I didn't say anything that could have been interpretated as an expletive, all I said to the person, using the initals of their username was that I thought what they had said was rather rude.

It sounds worryingly like the inmates are running the asylum Sazza. Think you need a calming cuppa so you dont lie awake tonight fretting over this, they are definitely not worth it :40:.

Sazza you are very patient, if it were me i would be in live help asking what the hell was going on. I would email Katherine tonight so this can be dealt with first thing in the morning. We should all stop buying until Sazza's chat box is reinstated.
Really feel for you Sazza. Rocks site is playing up for all this weekend!! I did not see all the chat but did hear Carol talk to you explaining why she puts in items that are not in studio which is why I posted that I have seen presenters auction items as long as there are more than 2 available. Wish I had stayed and carried on reading the chat!!

I can't believe that you are banned from chat! Hope rocks give you an explanation and sort this mess out asap xx

Thanks BH, I saw you reply when Carol was talking to me, as I said, Carol was great she explained her position and how she had not been told otherwise about doing items off the picture so really didn't think I did anything wrong in then asking for her to do my item off the picture seen she was doing others off the picture.

Fair enough in the end I didn't buy it but the price wasn't right and they presenters are always saying that if you request something you are under no obligation to buy it. So to be polite I said to Carol thanks anyway for putting it on but price is too high. For that I got told I whinge a lot and then blocked.
Thanks BH, I saw you reply when Carol was talking to me, as I said, Carol was great she explained her position and how she had not been told otherwise about doing items off the picture so really didn't think I did anything wrong in then asking for her to do my item off the picture seen she was doing others off the picture.

Fair enough in the end I didn't buy it but the price wasn't right and they presenters are always saying that if you request something you are under no obligation to buy it. So to be polite I said to Carol thanks anyway for putting it on but price is too high. For that I got told I whinge a lot and then blocked.

Sazza I have just spoken to Rachael who is in CS. She does not know anything about banning or blocking you. Please go to live help and speak to her.
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Sazza that is disgraceful treatment of a good customer, don't worry sweetheart there are plenty of other places to buy jewellery and your money will be gladly received by them. xxxx
Seems very bad form to me,Sara.
I haven't bought from them up to now but things like this are enough to put me off for life.
Hope it gets sorted for you soon x
As others have said Sara, vote with your feet and go elsewhere. Their stuff isn't that marvellous anyway, you get what you pay for. I've seen loads of people 'moaning' on that chat, I can't bear the 'I want this' 'I want that 'give us a competition' etc etc etc. What's all this about them owing you money?
As others have said Sara, vote with your feet and go elsewhere. Their stuff isn't that marvellous anyway, you get what you pay for. I've seen loads of people 'moaning' on that chat, I can't bear the 'I want this' 'I want that 'give us a competition' etc etc etc. What's all this about them owing you money?

Thanks Loopy.

The thing about the money, I sent back some items a few weeks ago and the returns/refunds were processed, got the e-mails but the money has never reached my card. As I said Katherine has been great, she has been keeping me posted throughout while the finance guy tries to find out what has happened.
Well I have spoken to Rachel and she doesn't know why I am getting the "you may not post at this time" on my chat.

She has confirmed that I am not banned from the chat and in fact I am not the only one who is getting that message, she has had a couple of others contact her thinking they had been banned.

So no idea what is going on but as I said to Rachel, it is easy to see why, with the sequence of events and the timing of them, that I felt I had been banned.

About telling me my request couldn't be done due to it not being in the studio, she said that she was only going on what the screen tells her. I suggested to her that it is an issue that should be broached with Katherine, Tony, John etc.... so that what the screen says and what the presenters says and does all match as all these mixed signals just causes friction.

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