Another bleeding 3 hours of Chuntley


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I watched about 2 minutes but she is just too cloying, and left it to the guest to say a ring had sold out, seemed quite beyond her capabilities. I hate giggly shows. have a laugh by all means, but remember why you are there and not everyone enjoys the endless giggling.
i guess a lot must be on holiday? I thougt it was unusual that JR wasn't on butler and wilson yesterday?
Goodness! She is more cloying than a rose scented Yankee candle! I quite like her voice though!
I watched about 2 minutes but she is just too cloying, and left it to the guest to say a ring had sold out, seemed quite beyond her capabilities. I hate giggly shows. have a laugh by all means, but remember why you are there and not everyone enjoys the endless giggling.
It could be worse......3hrs of Franks! Now there's something that fills me with dread.
I only started watching about half way through, I think, and there she was going on again about the QVC P&P , saying that others may say free P&P, but the higher price is built in :doh: and she did the hand on her chest, as if to stress the "honest" act.
I could not watch anymore,:whew: I switched channels!!
I only started watching about half way through, I think, and there she was going on again about the QVC P&P , saying that others may say free P&P, but the higher price is built in :doh: and she did the hand on her chest, as if to stress the "honest" act.
I could not watch anymore,:whew: I switched channels!!

so is she saying that the QVC freephone number cost isnt built into the products they sell?
Catherine is the queen of reinvention: she has a long list of career changes, nail tech, dental nurse, QVC presenter. She also latches on to her current fad as though she's the first person ever to appreciate card-making or Welshness. I suspect she also suffers with "Imposter Syndrome": she can't believe her luck that she's on QVC but worries that at any minute she'll be unmasked. The net result is her very over-eager, saccharine insincere delivery. If you watch archive clips of presenters in the early years of QVC (you wouldn't recognise Alison young!) they have a similar self-conscious delivery. The one who've loosened up over the years are easier to watch, Catherine makes me tense because she seems awkwardly self conscious. I know many have the same feeling about Kathy Tayler's faltering delivery, but I Catherine is like the Mavis Riley of QVC and her anxiety makes me uncomfortable.
I caught a bit of the show.

What I got was, 'Sorry but she only tweets, so contact her that way. She does have a Facebook page but only for close friends and family. But perhaps(if enough sycophants begged), she will think about doing another open page. She is so busy, with tweeting,QVC blogging etc she is just not sure she has time.':sleepy::mysmilie_490:

Ye gods, I was so caught up and worrying about how busy she is, I nearly forgot to turn back over to what I was watching before an ad break.
Personally I am getting SICK of the continuing 'tweeting' that is going on during shows. Its pointless and banal, and generally are read out to say how 'lovely' the presenter looks.

I don't tweet, never will, and certainly don't want the world to know what I'm up to, or what other idiots are doing right now, and I'm sure I am not alone amongst Q's vast mature audience who are of similar mind.

Its getting to the point where we can hardly see the sodding items because of all the obscuring screen graphics, the lighting has always been abysmal since the move to Chiswick, and the increase in tweeting (aka wasting time) is now beyond the pale.

Will the 'kids' in charge at QVC please be aware that this is NOT children's tele !!!!

Rant over.
I'm just having a latte and my dress is from Boden. If I was on tele, how would that be even slightly less boring?! I totally agree, do it on techie shows perhaps, but why would you want to tweet in which Yankee you're burning, really, who gives a monkeys?
CH was saying that it costs them money to store the items in their costs money to have them all in boxes and packaged up....but thats ok because they're completely transparent about their P&P costs.Then in the next breath she kind of wished that they were built in???
Catherine is the queen of reinvention: she has a long list of career changes, nail tech, dental nurse, QVC presenter. She also latches on to her current fad as though she's the first person ever to appreciate card-making or Welshness. I suspect she also suffers with "Imposter Syndrome": she can't believe her luck that she's on QVC but worries that at any minute she'll be unmasked. The net result is her very over-eager, saccharine insincere delivery. If you watch archive clips of presenters in the early years of QVC (you wouldn't recognise Alison young!) they have a similar self-conscious delivery. The one who've loosened up over the years are easier to watch, Catherine makes me tense because she seems awkwardly self conscious. I know many have the same feeling about Kathy Tayler's faltering delivery, but I Catherine is like the Mavis Riley of QVC and her anxiety makes me uncomfortable.

I think you really hit the nail on the head with that, toally get what u mean about finding her uncomfortable viewing. I actually like Catherine but sometimes I don't always enjoy watching her present. I tend to think shes very self conscious which can come across as self indulgent ( aka jill franks) .

I wonder if Catherine over tries to much because shes aware that Qvc is a fairly decent job and she would struggle to know what else to do. I would imagine all presenters are given sales targets and I wonder if they know how each other is doing and she feels she needs to over try to secure her job.

Debbie Flints sales tactics are far worse IMO but she seems to get away with. Qvc are very quick to say about they have lawyers check any claims they make about prooducts and results its a pity these lawyers didn't keep a check on what the presenters are saying.
To me, she appears to be at her most 'self conscious', when standing in her unnecessary sky high heels and towering above the shorter guest vendors, so it becomes a Laurel & Hardy scenario. Cannot understand why no-one at Q has mentioned this. Perhaps she is lacking in social night life, so the wigs and shoes get well 'aired' at work !!
This may be unpopular but I like Catherine. The only presenter that I don't like is Jill Franks who claims not to be able to live without every product she airs. False!!!
I kind of like Catherine in small doses and have a bit of sympathy for all the criticism she gets. She had to lift her top up in the recent Diane Gilman show to show off the jeans she was wearing and her embarrassment was almost audible. She clearly has a bit of a confidence thing about her body and I don't know why because she always looks great - except shiny leggings I once saw her in that didn't fit. She does go way OTT on the niceness thing and can gush which is a bit vomitous. She's on just now in a green dress and she looks very nice. Ms Franks is the one I turn off every time, I'm afraid I can't think of anything nice to say about her.

This may be unpopular but I like Catherine. The only presenter that I don't like is Jill Franks who claims not to be able to live without every product she airs. False!!!

I totally agree! I like Catherine, she speaks clearly and she comes across as human. Jill Franks is just awful; the worst presenter by far.

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