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      Radiomike replied to the thread Hotel Chocolat TSV 13/10/24.
      Thank you for this, I hadn't spotted this and it's a much better option for me than the recent TSV
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      Radiomike reacted to Mrs A09's post in the thread Hotel Chocolat TSV 13/10/24 with Like Like.
      If you're after a selector pack offer from Hotel Chocolat, I did see a 10 pack, so 60 chocolates, on QVC the other day for £36.95 +...
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      Radiomike replied to the thread New Beauty Items.
      It is. But - they have no expectation that anybody will buy it at that price. It'll sit like that on the website for a while, purely...
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      Radiomike replied to the thread Shay & Blue TSV 7/11/24.
      It has done for a while. It's still definitely worth having a go yourself, it's worked for me.
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      Radiomike replied to the thread Shay & Blue TSV 7/11/24.
      Have you tried placing an order anyway? Loads of things are flagged on screen as "Excludes Northern Ireland and Highlands & Islands"...
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      Radiomike replied to the thread Molton Brown TSV 06/10/24.
      I think the aromatic one went limited, but to me both options felt uninspired and overpriced for a Christmas TSV, especially considering...
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      Radiomike reacted to AndiK's post in the thread Molton Brown TSV 06/10/24 with Like Like.
      We all have different views of people. Jemma is not my cup of tea but I don’t have to watch her, so all is well.
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      Radiomike replied to the thread Molton Brown TSV 06/10/24.
      You might have a wait, I believe she passed away a few years ago. I think Jemma is hands down one of the best brand ambassadors they...
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      Radiomike replied to the thread 09/09/24 - 15/09/24 Big Deals.
      If you notice in the pic on the About Us page, that's Rob on the far left who used to appear on QVC with EcoEgg, and quite a few of the...
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