Anna Cookson


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Jun 18, 2012
This is the first time I have ever see her present anything. What a horrible voice. It's like having my ear canals rubbed with a cheese grater whilst listening to two bits of polystyrene being rubbed together in a maternity ward!
Why does polystyrene sound different when it's rubbed together in a maternity ward?
Im not a massive fan of hers but theres not much she can really do about her voice is there :S she doesn't shout or screech like other presenters , i find her voice very calm and she always seems very enthusiastic whatever shes presenting
Well I'm not digging her, or her slightly frumpy-looking guest (who is not too bad, to be fair). But Anna Cookson is waxing on about her flipping candles! She gets on my wick!
I love her personality. Her vocabularly, her vivid imagination, her sense of fun and apparent love of life. I dont like her hair anymore, prefered her bob.
No contest

Undecided as to whether to watch Yankee at 20.00 hours, or storage wars on deja vu. Switched over to QVC, saw the presenter was Anna Cookson, and my mind was made up. I just cannot watch any hours she fronts.
She's not as bad as fake bimbette Sutton (who has been getting away with her ditzy dumb blonde act for years). Claire we know you're not stupid! Why can't you just be your real self on screen?
There's a lot a person can do about their voice and speech but it is very hard work and expensive.
Catherine Huntley has a nice voice, The woman on the Piccadilly Line has a nice voice, Alison Keenan is OK apart from when she mispronounces the word "floral" to rhyme with "sorrel" when in fact it ought to rhyme with "ORAL!"
Ooh that Cookson woman! I have just worked out what it is about her I don't like. It's the way her voice goes all scratchy at the end of each sentence! Listen carefully to her and you will hear it. Also the thick cow doesn't seem to know that the word "tumbler" has two syllables, not three (tum-BER-lers). I bet she lives in Wem-BER-ley and likes hanDELlling her candles!
I'm very undecided about her.Some days she comes across ok.....just now with Rosa on candles,I had to switch off.It was like a mummy (Rosa) and child (Anna) conversation.....and it was Anna has just finished her degree in English and this is her first job.

I did love the way Rosa mentioned the Nick Kamen jeans advert and Anna had no idea what she was on about!! Probably too young!!
The Nick Kaymen ad was on years ago.

I wouldn't say she was a thick cow at all if she has an English degree. In fact she speaks very well.

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