Andrew Bagley as James Bond?


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Maybe QVC could get a bit of product placement going - Dr NO NO!, Diamoniques are Forever, ThunderEcoBall....

I must be weird but Paul Newman's never done ought for me (no matter how often I asked!!), and it's because of the eyes-so cold makes me chilly just thinking about them. I'll take a nice, warm brown pair thanks!! Do/did like Richard Chamberlain though, ahh The Slipper and the Rose...!!

Oh Good, Paul is currently residing in my bathroom and thats where he will stay. I use to like Richard Chamberlain until I watched Too Rich - the life of Doris Duke. Richard plays the part of Bernard Lafferty. Its a good film if you haven't seen it.
And who wouldn't want Steve McQueen's shoes under their bed, when he was Thomas Crown !!!!!! oh god, he was soooo beautiful ! the hair, the eyes, the suits. Andrew Bagley ? nah !
What with the slim pickings in the "Phoar-factor" on QVC over the years, I have gradually developed a little crush on
Bagley. Nothing major. Just little things like saying, "Oh Andrew you are looking smart for me tonight!" when he appears on air, texting in the show to say how much I am enjoying him (sorry I mean the show!), making sure I am well turned out when he is on air, fantasising about jetting of to Paris with him for the weekend etc.

With regard to his batting preference he has mentioned on air that he plays rugby and the other boys in the team all tease him about his nice beefy legs! So he certainly has admires there! It did strike me as an odd thing for him to admit too on air? AY said he should bring a photo of him in his kit to show on air, but alas it has yet to materialise. Shame!
Any takers for Clint Eastwood?

I like a man who ages well which rules out the pretty boys. It is often the same with woman, Lauren Becal (?) and Kathetine Hepburn were more striking than beautiful but looked terrific well into old age.

Audrey Hepburn is the exception to the rule of course.
I think Lee Majors would have made a fantastic James Bond. I thought he was very good in Killer Fish (1979). I really loved that film as a kid! It had an unusual cast and I just loved the whole 70s'ness of it all, plus the location filming! Here is the entire film on Youtube! Go to 09:33. That's where the action starts - and the great disco soundtrack!
Yes I think he was. I liked him in some of his film roles. I always feel he could have done so much better. He was married to Farrah Fawcett too at one time! :)
Sean Bean has always done it for me-especially when he was Sharpe!

He's a bit rougher nowadays but I reckon he'd still scrub up ok!!

Andrew Baguely has a bit of a soft lad's face - no way is he Bond caliber!
Julius, who was Andrew saying that to on the Eurostar? about him preparing himself I mean
Julius, who was Andrew saying that to on the Eurostar? about him preparing himself I mean

I'm not 100% sure but as I recall it was some kind of hotel concierge or someone who was employed to assist him in some way. He came across as very self-important. Was funny though as I only paid €70 each way for my fare and got a free upgrade. Crinklefaced Bagley probably spent a fortune!
Anyone know how he got the huge scar across his left cheek ? looks like a deep knife cut.

I agree about liking 'proper' men, I always think that blokes who are in their late teens or twenties and sing in a group, should find it totally insulting to be referred to as a "boy-band" . That has to be the most denigrating phrase to anyone over 15. If I was the wife of a boy-band member, my Dad would laugh me out of the house ! (he was a coal-face worker and knew what hard graft was)
Sean Bean wife beater(oh and don't forget dumping plainer wife who supported him before he hit it big. Then dumped her for younger model once he hit fame in Sharpe) and rumoured alli. No thanks.

Someone should tell Andrew, remember no matter what crap you say about Gatineau and Madame Gatineau the brand has been for many years owned by Revlon. Yes that well know drug store brand in Boots and Superdrug.

Steve McQueen was also very handy with his fists and women too.

Clint right wing talks to chairs and hates paying for any children he had with Sonja thingy his partner for many years. Blackened her name after they split so she could not work, and support his children.
Sean Bean wife beater(oh and don't forget dumping plainer wife who supported him before he hit it big. Then dumped her for younger model once he hit fame in Sharpe) and rumoured alli. No thanks.

Someone should tell Andrew, remember no matter what crap you say about Gatineau and Madame Gatineau the brand has been for many years owned by Revlon. Yes that well know drug store brand in Boots and Superdrug.

Steve McQueen was also very handy with his fists and women too.

Clint right wing talks to chairs and hates paying for any children he had with Sonja thingy his partner for many years. Blackened her name after they split so she could not work, and support his children.

Oh Donna, are you having a bad day?
I just saw the trailer. The voice over is cringe-worthy. Andrew might have put some effort into it. And he is plastered in foundation. Looks more like Rupert Penry-Jones in it too!

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