Revlon have sold Gatineau


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Do you know her maiden name then?

Bagley is his family name.

There are lots of Bagleys on Andrew’s companies boards?

As well as the skincare company he seems to run another company which also includes several family members...

Plus his has an events company (hence the car show mentioned above)... and was previously involved in a company which is listed as selling “used vehicles” which amused me!
If this is correct it is Gregory. This page mentions Andrew and David Bagley and that Andrew’s wife is Sarah:


  • 30F3D933-A47C-49BD-8FCA-3D496DAC15BA.jpeg
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Well good 7.5 years then!

Looks like a very nice jolly they were on - though I could do without them holding hands?! 😉

(Not doing any harm but somehow it just looks a bit odd esp as they both come across as no nonsense not touchy-feely types!)

Lovely campervan and colour!
Well good 7.5 years then!

Looks like a very nice jolly they were on - though I could do without them holding hands?! 😉

(Not doing any harm but somehow it just looks a bit odd esp as they both come across as no nonsense not touchy-feely types!)

Lovely campervan and colour!
Good old Ali Young has been after getting into Bagley's trousers for the past twenty years! Judging by that pic, she had clearly came over all peculiar, nostrils a flaring, smoke coming out of her ears, I'm only surprised she didn't spontaneously combust!!
Hello, that is not a caravan, it is a VW camper van. A house in the next park to me has one in the driveway.

Going back a number of years, a number of people thought Andrew was gay? Then, in one of the early BCC events, he talked about his wife and teenage children.

Then I remember reading don't think it was here? That he was rather touchy-feely with younger models. But it was pointed out to me that QVC models back then usually 40 plus. So none of them.
Hello, that is not a caravan, it is a VW camper van. A house in the next park to me has one in the driveway.

Going back a number of years, a number of people thought Andrew was gay? Then, in one of the early BCC events, he talked about his wife and teenage children.

Then I remember reading don't think it was here? That he was rather touchy-feely with younger models. But it was pointed out to me that QVC models back then usually 40 plus. So none of them.
Who called a caravan?

I said Campervan, as does the post.

You can’t go on a road trip in a caravan and although we had one growing up that we loved and pulled down to Devon and France for years, I wouldn’t lust after one now!

A pale blue - or indeed any colour - VW, however, I very much would!

My aunt and uncle have had several over the years and made some money doing them up and selling them on...

I digress!

Never got that vibe from Andrew and he certainly doesn’t come across as camp at all - not that that’s any indication...

He does come across as quite fancying himself!

Really hope that was just gossip about him being touchy-feely. Yuck!
Alpha male I’d say with a slightly smarmy veneer to reassure old lady customers. I’m one of those and actually don’t mind watching him. Like her or not, AY is a dominant achiever and the two of them would soon clash in a relationship. Maybe there was a camper- fling but I can’t see Bagley jeopardising his cushy life for anyone especially if wifey holds the purse strings. Dream on.
Good old Ali Young has been after getting into Bagley's trousers for the past twenty years! Judging by that pic, she had clearly came over all peculiar, nostrils a flaring, smoke coming out of her ears, I'm only surprised she didn't spontaneously combust!!
Can't imagine Alison Young being interested in Andrew at all.... A friend of mine worked in a Gatineau salon years ago and told me he was a bit of a womaniser. I think he just flirts with the Q presenters, they must know what he's like.
Who called a caravan?

I said Campervan, as does the post.

You can’t go on a road trip in a caravan and although we had one growing up that we loved and pulled down to Devon and France for years, I wouldn’t lust after one now!

A pale blue - or indeed any colour - VW, however, I very much would!

My aunt and uncle have had several over the years and made some money doing them up and selling them on...

I digress!

Never got that vibe from Andrew and he certainly doesn’t come across as camp at all - not that that’s any indication...

He does come across as quite fancying himself!

Really hope that was just gossip about him being touchy-feely. Yuck!
This is what happens when rush reading in work. I swear it was caravan. :unsure:

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