Alpha-H TSV 13/08/2015


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Michelle and Tom are brilliant aren't they? Their skin looks great, they're well presented, and they speak with so much heart and passion.

I love love love this brand :heart:
Michelle just went up another notch in my estimation when she said she doesn't agree that any SPF is towel-proof! Alison really couldn't contradict her... Michelle pointed out that it's simple common sense to reapply your SPF if you've vigorously towel-dried. Amen sister!
Michelle's confidence has grown so much over the past few years in being able to talk over the presenters (ie. Ali Young) when they interrupt her when she's describing a product. She's great at ignoring them and getting the presentation back on track, or she's happy to disagree with what a presenter is saying (like the scenario you described maymorganlondon!)
In the end of the 8 pm hour Michelle looked a bit angry and I thought may be she was in pain, because AY was actually on her good behavior, didn't interrupt... much.

To people who received the TSV today, how long do you think the eye cream is going to last?
Michelle has just mentioned a chemist in London close to Harley Street which is going to stock them---could this be John Bell & Croyden on Wigmore Street?
She also said that they are going to be doing peels at Harley Street
John Lewis used to stock AH
On the 10 pm hour in the very beginning, Jill said that 6 000 sets had gone, and in the end of the hour she announced that she had 500 left across the board with TAC being very low stock.
This made me ponder, how does Michelle manage to keep TSV prices so low when not bringing much stock? I thought about Elemis Christmas TSVs when they bring around 120 000 sets and manage to keep the price down to just under £40, when Michelle brings under 10 000 sets and beats them hands down with prices. I’m not sure how many they sold yesterday, they never said, I just estimate 7 000. Half an hour into the show it was another 600 people placed orders, and in the end of the hour 500 sets left. This morning TAC option was sold out.
The AD is still available at TSV price

On the 10 pm hour in the very beginning, Jill said that 6 000 sets had gone, and in the end of the hour she announced that she had 500 left across the board with TAC being very low stock.
This made me ponder, how does Michelle manage to keep TSV prices so low when not bringing much stock? I thought about Elemis Christmas TSVs when they bring around 120 000 sets and manage to keep the price down to just under £40, when Michelle brings under 10 000 sets and beats them hands down with prices. I’m not sure how many they sold yesterday, they never said, I just estimate 7 000. Half an hour into the show it was another 600 people placed orders, and in the end of the hour 500 sets left. This morning TAC option was sold out.

I was wondering that too, but I thought Alpha-H was a cheaper premium beauty brand, so that would explain it.

I think if you order the triple action on auto delivery it's still available. And auto delivery in general seems to still be available at the TSV price.
My TSV has arrived, I'm very excited because I can use it all this weekend to see what it's like now. I never usually do this, but I'm going to put all my current stuff aside and give this ago.

I was however a little taken a back by the size of the cleanser, I knew it was 500ml but it defiantly looked bigger on screen.
I’ve just finished on my first bottle and although the bottle material is strong, it has very thin walls so what you are seeing is the actual amount of product minus the very thin walls, hope this helps, but I agree, you would expect a bigger bottle for this amount of cleanser. Mind, the Balance and Brighten looks mahoosive on screen when it’s smaller than a standard pressed powder in diameter.
I never usually do this, but I'm going to put all my current stuff aside and give this ago.
You would need to use something on alternative nights? Mind I’ve read a review where one lady was saying that she was using LG daily, both day and night.
My TSV has arrived, I'm very excited because I can use it all this weekend to see what it's like now. I never usually do this, but I'm going to put all my current stuff aside and give this ago.

I was however a little taken a back by the size of the cleanser, I knew it was 500ml but it defiantly looked bigger on screen.

I thought the same but think its because i have the ABC skin wash which is double the size so it looks small compared to that.
I was however a little taken a back by the size of the cleanser, I knew it was 500ml but it defiantly looked bigger on screen.

I can imagine that and think I'll be the same. But I have a 500ml shower gel in a pump so I already know the size, was wondering yesterday why on earth the cleansers seemed to be that big.
You would need to use something on alternative nights? Mind I’ve read a review where one lady was saying that she was using LG daily, both day and night.
I have also read that and I think that's way too much for the skin.
We had a bit of a brouhaha on here a few years ago with one member advising others to use Liquid Gold every night, which is contrary to the brand's own advice. I think the alternate night off is part of the process, allowing your skin to recover. My skin wouldn't cope with an application on every night.
You would need to use something on alternative nights? Mind I’ve read a review where one lady was saying that she was using LG daily, both day and night.

Thanks. I'll just put my current cleanser (SBC 3 in 1 Collagen Cleanser) & eye cream (Lulu's Time Bomb Black Ops) and carry on with my day & night creams (plus toner, because I don't like only using a cleanser as a toner).

Also, does anyone know what type of cleansing cloth I should be using with the balancing cleanser? Thanks.

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