Alison Young


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I have suffered from migraine since my early teens. I finally got medication which was a massive help. I always knew when one was going to come on as my eye always felt there was something in it. I didn't get the classic flashing lights and I would be out for 48 hours sometimes. Luckily they are nowhere near as regular as they used to be and Co codamal can usually get rid of them nowadays.
I used to get migraines, and sometimes I would be ok with painkillers, but sometimes I would need dedicated meds. Sometimes I had nausea, sometimes not. If all else failed, I would take painkillers containing codeine to knock me out.
I was always extremely tired the day afterwards.
One of the most annoying things I found with it was the doctors...I found them sceptical or unsympathetic. I'd actually wish them to experience one that painkillers etc won't touch...walk a mile in my shoes, so-to-speak. Might cure them of their scepticism!
Sorry you didn't get it because for some reason I couldn't post that particular link but it is still the first link (pressreader) that appears so thanks to loveinamist for posting the actual link. Don't know why it wouldn't let me do it first time round.

It irks me to see articles for self-publicity that glorify mini z-list slebs who are still able to fund lifestyles that most people can't, particularly as so many of these nameless people suffer in silence. Usually these articles have some element of contradiction in them as donna pointed out.
Indeed. She may have these conditions, but she has a LOT of help. She employs a groom, & therefore the horses are completely cared for. Grooms do all the Jankers - it's their job. They work hard, long hours, awful weather for no great pay - inc. weekends, hols, xmas etc, & give out long days when boss is competing - even earlier starts - 4-5 am if travelling to a venue. Also forget company benefits, unless free tea & coffee count & even then, not always!

Also, why participate in winter sports if you're sooooo poorly? I understand that serious illness is defined by it 'substant5ialy affecting your quality of life'. Really? :mad:

This speaks of 'Mrs Z "opens up" about the agony of living with a,b,c for years.....To order the book with a suckers discount, use code TWAT20'

There, I've written her next piece for her. I won't be buying her shitting book either. The content has all been done before by, imo far superior authors.
She must have a good agent & editor.

I have suffered from migraine since my early teens. I finally got medication which was a massive help. I always knew when one was going to come on as my eye always felt there was something in it. I didn't get the classic flashing lights and I would be out for 48 hours sometimes. Luckily they are nowhere near as regular as they used to be and Co codamal can usually get rid of them nowadays.
My migraines don't respond to codiene. I have them for nearly always 3 days. Often bought on by cheap sugars.
I feel for anyone with ongoing health problems. I like Alison and wish her well.
I think we all feel for anyone with ongoing health issues, whatever they are, and I don't mind Alison, but my gripe is when those problems are used to promote other enterprises and unwittingly unveil some contradictions along the way. I was always told, if you have problems, don't take them to work. Maybe these days employers have been forced to take a more sympathetic approach, but the fact that she's telling the national press about her ailments does raise the questions that have been asked here.

And yes, sadly, suffering is often part of the ageing process though I'm sure newspapers haven't enough columns to fill with the problems raised here, never mind the general public at large.
I used to get migraines, and sometimes I would be ok with painkillers, but sometimes I would need dedicated meds. Sometimes I had nausea, sometimes not. If all else failed, I would take painkillers containing codeine to knock me out.
I was always extremely tired the day afterwards.
One of the most annoying things I found with it was the doctors...I found them sceptical or unsympathetic. I'd actually wish them to experience one that painkillers etc won't touch...walk a mile in my shoes, so-to-speak. Might cure them of their scepticism!
Doctors talking about headaches,migraines are not headaches. I used to have numbness all down the right side of my body and was sick if I moved in the slightest. I was in bed for 24 to 48 hours .In my early 40s I finally found a new sympathetic doctor who was taken aback when she heard I was experiencing migraines on a regular basis and had had no help. I was prescribed Beta Blockers and Immigram tablets.
Having now read the article I think it is all self publicity and over the top description of her so called ailments. I also think that the number of riding accidents she has had is bordering on carelessness and it’s time she gave it up. I liked AY in the early years but now she is too full of her own self importance like some of the other presenters.
My cousin was an avid horse rider, had a fall and was told to give it up but didn't and because of the damage subsequent riding did to her back, she's permanently in a wheelchair. I agree, Betty. There comes a time when you have to listen to advice.
Having one chronic condition that means someone's in constant pain is difficult, having a number of them must be draining. Psoriasis & arthritis are related & the fact that she takes immuno-suppressants explains why she was shielding last year. I have migraines & it's the fact that mine have no cause or pattern & just appear that throws me so I can empathise. However, what really irritated me was her statement that she 'jangles' with the medication that keeps her alive, Deborah James is in that position, Alison Young is not.

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