Sorry you didn't get it because for some reason I couldn't post that particular link but it is still the first link (pressreader) that appears so thanks to loveinamist for posting the actual link. Don't know why it wouldn't let me do it first time round.
It irks me to see articles for self-publicity that glorify mini z-list slebs who are still able to fund lifestyles that most people can't, particularly as so many of these nameless people suffer in silence. Usually these articles have some element of contradiction in them as donna pointed out.
Indeed. She may have these conditions, but she has a LOT of help. She employs a groom, & therefore the horses are completely cared for. Grooms do all the Jankers - it's their job. They work hard, long hours, awful weather for no great pay - inc. weekends, hols, xmas etc, & give out long days when boss is competing - even earlier starts - 4-5 am if travelling to a venue. Also forget company benefits, unless free tea & coffee count & even then, not always!
Also, why participate in winter sports if you're sooooo poorly? I understand that serious illness is defined by it 'substant5ialy affecting your quality of life'. Really?
This speaks of 'Mrs Z "opens up" about the agony of living with a,b,c for years.....To order the book with a suckers discount, use code TWAT20'
There, I've written her next piece for her. I won't be buying her shitting book either. The content has all been done before by, imo far superior authors.
She must have a good agent & editor.
I have suffered from migraine since my early teens. I finally got medication which was a massive help. I always knew when one was going to come on as my eye always felt there was something in it. I didn't get the classic flashing lights and I would be out for 48 hours sometimes. Luckily they are nowhere near as regular as they used to be and Co codamal can usually get rid of them nowadays.
My migraines don't respond to codiene. I have them for nearly always 3 days. Often bought on by cheap sugars.