Alison Young At It Again!


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I agree Petpixie. A fair few others too going by the poll but have not felt able to express their views on here.

Or could not be bothered to write them.

Unless they have all contacted you personally to tell you why they only voted?

Or you're secretly clairvoyant, and can determine just WHY people vote in online polls by throwing a red scarf over a lampshade and reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb" backwards?

Before this thread expires, I remember the days AY was a slim, demure, Aveda Paddle hair-brushing, single, respectable girl, worthy of a hubbie along the lines of Colin Firth type, in her blue beautician 'scrubs' .. albeit, a bit of a grump, quite honestly,

THEN she became


Which explains it all really,
The Footballer says "With A GoldDigger" which is

the sure-fire destroyer of social acceptablity & sophisticated personality

I think the one on the bottom left has just had a "friendly conversation" with AY, judging by her face :devil:
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Or could not be bothered to write them.

Unless they have all contacted you personally to tell you why they only voted?

Or you're secretly clairvoyant, and can determine just WHY people vote in online polls by throwing a red scarf over a lampshade and reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb" backwards?

Very droll.
Your reply kind of proves my point.
Very droll.
Your reply kind of proves my point.

Only "kind of"?

I can elaborate if you'd like :cheeky:

Or I can just make sweeping assumptions and post them as if they are facts.

After all, why should other people have all the fun? :angel:
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i posted the poll to let everyone who might want to express an opinion do so without the need to back it up with a comment. in fact if it were possible to disable the comments on a poll i would have done given that we already have this thread to discuss it.
i posted the poll to let everyone who might want to express an opinion do so without the need to back it up with a comment. in fact if it were possible to disable the comments on a poll i would have done given that we already have this thread to discuss it.

That's FAR too logical a reason, and FAR to civilised a response.

Do you know how many people will quit this site in anger because of that: what were you THINKING?!?

I agree Petpixie. A fair few others too going by the poll but have not felt able to express their views on here.

Or could not be bothered to write them.

Unless they have all contacted you personally to tell you why they only voted?

Or you're secretly clairvoyant, and can determine just WHY people vote in online polls by throwing a red scarf over a lampshade and reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb" backwards?


Unless you've had personal contact with all of them, you can't say why they voted and didn't comment either though can you? :wink:

Plenty of us speak "off board" you know my lovely. :sun:

Some of us are facebook friends, email friends, know each other on other sites, and even meet in real life! :nod:

I'm sure Graham and Sazza could confirm that some members rarely post, and the site has thousands of hits from people who haven't registered, they just read.

My own reason for not commenting on this thread up to now is because I've expressed my opinion on the other thread I believe, and I don't find the whole "villagers with torches and pitchforks" thing very much fun.

But it wouldn't be much a stretch for me to imagine that many people just cba with the row, even if people hadn't actually expressed that feeling to me.

Who wants to spend their - all too precious - leisure time rowing with strangers?
Unless you've had personal contact with all of them, you can't say why they voted and didn't comment either though can you? :wink:

Plenty of us speak "off board" you know my lovely. :sun:

Some of us are facebook friends, email friends, know each other on other sites, and even meet in real life! :nod:

I'm sure Graham and Sazza could confirm that some members rarely post, and the site has thousands of hits from people who haven't registered, they just read.

My own reason for not commenting on this thread up to now is because I've expressed my opinion on the other thread I believe, and I don't find the whole "villagers with torches and pitchforks" thing very much fun.

But it wouldn't be much a stretch for me to imagine that many people just cba with the row, even if people hadn't actually expressed that feeling to me.

Who wants to spend their - all too precious - leisure time rowing with strangers?

No I can't, but then I know enough not to post an assumption as if it WAS fact, dearie. All I did was provide another option, one which you agree with (to a degree) :glass:

It's up to individuals to comment (or not comment) if they wish - after all, we're all supposed to be adults, and I'm certainly NOT anyone's keeper.

But I'm intrigued that, as I've posted an opinion that others do not seem to agree with and have defended that opinion, and that I question what others blithely say, I'M constantly being labelled as "bullying" or "continuing an argument".

Will I suddenly become a wonderful person if I do something I don't expect others to do: capitulate and suddently declare that I don't really believe in what I posted, even if that wouldn't be true?

And I'm not sure about calling this a "villagers with torches" scenario: people have posted their opinions on an incident they feel strongly about that occurred on a shopping TV channel. Which is what this site's all about. Isn't it? Or is it, as others have suggested, just a product review site?

As for "who wants to spend their precious leisure time arguing with strangers", well, I can think of a few people who have been VERY vocal in trying to belittle, insult and shout down others because they didn't agree with their opinions.

Though you and I may not agree on who these people are: c'est la vie! :cheeky:
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I really can't see the problem with this thread. Someone witnessed some "remarkable" behaviour on a shopping channel,( could have been on any channel) and commented upon it. Another, by means of a poll decided they'd like to know what "should" be done about it as a matter of interest. Imo it's a perfectly reasonable talking point, how anybody could compare it to a "witch hunt" is beyond me!

How many times have we heard about "celebrities" having outbursts of violence towards others, temper tantrums and diva strops? That sort of thing reaches the national media, comments are written all over the nationals on a daily problem! of course something like this that is seen on a much smaller scale is only going to get talked about by a relatively small group of like minded people..but the crux of the matter, is if somebody see it, the chances are is that they're going to talk about it, and opinions will differ.

Personally, I don't think this forum has hit an all time low, I think there's a pretty even balance between threads about the presenters and threads about the products. I've been with ST com since pretty much the beginning and believe me, there's been times where the forum members were literally knocking ten barells of sh*te out of each other, Graham was at his wits end and the mods were working overtime. Thanks to them, goes from strength to strength, and hasn't ended up becoming completely sterile.
I didn’t really read LHs post as posting an assumption as a fact KTWB. I know she knows that it’s true of a fair few voters. I didn’t think for a minute she meant all of them acted in the same way for the same reason. That would be silly! :giggle:

You won’t find any posts from me labelling you as bullying, but as you so rightly say we are not each other’s keeper, and it’s entirely up to the individual to comment - or not - as they wish, in any way that they wish. Obviously that goes for people whose perceptions we disagree with every bit as much as people with whose opinion we concur.

If I don’t think that someone's behaviour shows them in a good light then that’s just my opinion. I don’t expect any action to result as a consequence of my opinion, no matter how strongly I hold it.

As for being a wonderful person my lovely, you are or you aren’t one based on your character and how you live your life. I don’t think who you disagree with on the internet comes into it.
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Well I'm going to nail my colours to the mast. I really like AY, ok she can be rude but that's just the way she is. She's obviously popular with her fellow presenters and that speaks volumes, what do we know really?
As for the slap, I'm sure there was no malice whatsoever in it, certainly nothing near bullying. I'd trust AY to know who she could or couldn't get away with that sort of behaviour with, I bet she's very nice to little old ladies:giggle:

Thank goodness QVC embrace all sorts of personalities with their presenters, at least it gives us food for forums:mysmilie_454:
I have and will read other posts to understand others views on what AY did or has done.
I understand there's different views but I'm not about to say anyone who doesn't think likewise is wrong.
For myself though it's not about who the presenter is the most favourite, most sucessful, the most entertaining or whatever.
I honestly feel for a presenter to raise a hand or anything else to someone live on air in jest or otherwise is wrong.
Watching a show as I was during the BE hour with my family, all of us with firstly my hubby commenting on what happened.
I feel I watch such a show to learn and to buy a product and this behaviour is of no benefit what so ever.
For me it's simple if we wanted to be subjected to such behaviour we would have on a totally different TV channel and program.
Has anyone views on why a presenter should take a hand like AY did or has done to another person on QVC in order to make a sale ?
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I do know some forum members that have voted but not commented so I felt justified in saying that. Obviously not all of them.
Whilst some people have said they find AY's behaviour 'remarkable' or 'violent' others didn't so we all interpret things differently. I didn't bat an eyelid and wouldn't have given it another thought if it hadn't been posted on here.
I didn't see this incident, but I did see her really whack Dennis (Ojon) over the back of the head, last year sometime, even Frankie (the model) winced.
I didn’t really read LHs post as posting an assumption as a fact KTWB. I know she knows that it’s true of a fair few voters. I didn’t think for a minute she meant all of them acted in the same way for the same reason. That would be silly! :giggle:

You won’t find any posts from me labelling you as bullying, but as you so rightly say we are not each other’s keeper, and it’s entirely up to the individual to comment - or not - as they wish, in any way that they wish. Obviously that goes for people whose perceptions we disagree with every bit as much as people with whose opinion we concur.

If I don’t think that someone's behaviour shows them in a good light then that’s just my opinion. I don’t expect any action to result as a consequence of my opinion, no matter how strongly I hold it.

As for being a wonderful person my lovely, you are or you aren’t one based on your character and how you live your life. I don’t think who you disagree with on the internet comes into it.

That's an interesting suggestion: is this for ALL behaviour, or is there at any point where you think about something you've seen and you say to yourself "You know what, I really don't like what that person's done".

And depending on what that action is, then mightn't there be consequences?

Or maybe for you there aren't - people can do whatever they feel and there's nothing wrong with that. Well, that's fine - that is, as you say, YOUR opinion.

But not everyone agrees with that. Some people may feel that certain actions are out of order, and that action should be taken. They should be allowed to discuss their issues without being labelled "pathetic", or engaging in a "witch hunt". Just the same as anyone who doesn't have any issues have the right to post without being insulted.

Now, does anyone have any issues with that?
I didnt see the show, but, I thought that if a person slaps another person and it is recorded on camera isnt that what you would call 'happy Slapping'?

If so, what is the difference between Alison Young and the lowlife who commit this awful act on the streets.

I like the beauty shows and I liked Alison Young, but do not respect her at all now.
I was watching the show when the incident occured and whilst I agree there was alot of banter between Lee and Alison I actually cringed when she slapped her.
It was an audible slap due to the microphones, and Lee did respond by saying that the slap hurt.
I think that anyone who is on TV is in a privileged position and QVC and undoubtedly has a large and varied audience whose reactions and opinions will differ.

I personally feel Alison regularly oversteps the mark under the banner of "horse-play/banter...but only with certain people.
She would never slap Tova or Philip Kingsley or Laura Geller but Alexis,Dennis, Lee,Micheal di Cesare,Models etc are all fair game it would seem.

I don't like it, I don't find it acceptable and I don't want to see her do it again..ever.
That is my opinion, but I respect the right of every member on here to offer theirs whether like minded or otherwise :rock:
I was watching the show when the incident occured and whilst I agree there was alot of banter between Lee and Alison I actually cringed when she slapped her.
It was an audible slap due to the microphones, and Lee did respond by saying that the slap hurt.
I think that anyone who is on TV is in a privileged position and QVC and undoubtedly has a large and varied audience whose reactions and opinions will differ.

I personally feel Alison regularly oversteps the mark under the banner of "horse-play/banter...but only with certain people.
She would never slap Tova or Philip Kingsley or Laura Geller but Alexis,Dennis, Lee,Micheal di Cesare,Models etc are all fair game it would seem.

I don't like it, I don't find it acceptable and I don't want to see her do it again..ever.
That is my opinion, but I respect the right of every member on here to offer theirs whether like minded or otherwise :rock:

You read my mind Lemonsqueezy!

I was watching Philip Kingsley last night and thought she would never do it to him, Tova, Liz Earle or Lulu.
That's an interesting suggestion: is this for ALL behaviour, or is there at any point where you think about something you've seen and you say to yourself "You know what, I really don't like what that person's done".

Like I said my lovely, my opinion is just my opinion, whether I express it or not I don't expect anything to happen as a result of my opinion.

And depending on what that action is, then mightn't there be consequences?

There are always consequences, but they won't be a direct result of me holding an opinion. :wink:

Or maybe for you there aren't - people can do whatever they feel and there's nothing wrong with that. Well, that's fine - that is, as you say, YOUR opinion.

Well no actually that's *not* my opinion at all....! :giggle:

But not everyone agrees with that. Some people may feel that certain actions are out of order, and that action should be taken. They should be allowed to discuss their issues without being labelled "pathetic", or engaging in a "witch hunt". Just the same as anyone who doesn't have any issues have the right to post without being insulted.

Now, does anyone have any issues with that?

I do have issue with that. :blush: :nod::grin:

If it's ok for people to vociferously object to certain actions they consider to be out of order...

Then it's also ok for people to vociferously object to those opinions.

What's good for the goose is also good for the gander and all that. :rock:

That's just logical isn't it?

"Play nice" only works when it applies to everybody, and it doesn't.

Unfortunately when emotions run high, people's posting styles sometimes come across as rude, aggressive or confrontational which tends to attract a similar response, and it all kicks off from there.

Discuss away my lovely, but the only person whose behaviour you can control is your own. :nod::flower:

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