Alison Young At It Again!


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I would love to know how many "characters" are still about. If there is any action now I either miss it or it goes over my head. I did miss AY's recent doings, I can't imagine Ali really meaning to hurt anyone, having said that if she did upset someone imo she should be made to apologise in public to that person.

The point of all this is that we don't know whether the person she 'slapped' was upset or not. It is some forum members on here who are up in arms about it. Maybe the recipiant never gave it another thought.
The point of all this is that we don't know whether the person she 'slapped' was upset or not. It is some forum members on here who are up in arms about it. Maybe the recipiant never gave it another thought.

that is absolutely not the point in my opinion. if she had done it with in private maybe there's an argument but this happened on national tv.

she raised her hand and slapped another person on national tv.

i dont care whether it was a joke, whether it hurt, whether Lee minded, none of it matters. she shouldn't have done it.
that is absolutely not the point in my opinion. if she had done it with in private maybe there's an argument but this happened on national tv.

she raised her hand and slapped another person on national tv.

i dont care whether it was a joke, whether it hurt, whether Lee minded, none of it matters. she shouldn't have done it.

It has a shock factor, unexpected (but we know there is a possibility with this presenter), makes for uncomfortable viewing. If we stood in a department store and witnessed this from one beauty advisor to another across counters, we would walk away. I know I would. And children could be watching or listening, although if my daughter was younger I would not have AY on in her presence.
The point of all this is that we don't know whether the person she 'slapped' was upset or not. It is some forum members on here who are up in arms about it. Maybe the recipiant never gave it another thought.

Thats totally irrelevant. Getting physical with a colleague in the majority of companies is grounds for gross misconduct & a disciplinary.In fact I would say that all companies within the UK have this written inot their companies regs. I demonstrated earlier on in this thread what I witnessed once in a work situation.

The bottom line is that she should keep her hands to herself. You don't see any of the other presenters dishing out the odd slap to anyone else because its not acceptable. She should not get away with it. Its unacceptable behaviour in any situation but on national tv is a disgrace. QVC have a responsibility here towards us the public not to encourage it.

Imagine what would happen if she behaved like that over at QVC in the USA ?
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One of the organisations I worked for had an incident where a worker shoved another worker. The shover was suspended immediately and later resigned. It is just not acceptable behaviour in the work place.
It has a shock factor, unexpected (but we know there is a possibility with this presenter), makes for uncomfortable viewing. If we stood in a department store and witnessed this from one beauty advisor to another across counters, we would walk away. I know I would. And children could be watching or listening, although if my daughter was younger I would not have AY on in her presence.

Some people are more easily shocked than others. If I saw someone attacking or slapping anyone then obviously I would be terribly upset and shocked but what I saw on telly with AY and Lee did not in anyway make me feel like that. That is my opinion.
If anyone feels they cannot let their children watch AY then that is up to them.
Luckily opinions such as yours and tolerance of bullies have been stamped on in the workplace and thank goodness for that.
Luckily opinions such as yours and tolerance of bullies have been stamped on in the workplace and thank goodness for that.

I have no tolerance of bullies thank you.:heart: My opinion is that AY is not a bully.:heart:
You think she is, that is fine.
I have no tolerance of bullies thank you.:heart: My opinion is that AY is not a bully.:heart:
You think she is, that is fine.

I bet she makes her guests feel uncomfortable though. If they succumb to her humour then I think they develop a good friendship off-screen. Only Mally competes well on screen. She is a put-downer, and that is not a trait I like.
I have no tolerance of bullies thank you.:heart: My opinion is that AY is not a bully.:heart:
You think she is, that is fine.

But obviously, your opinion is not fine, so you are bullied for it. For the record, I disagree with your opinion, but I would never accuse you of sustaining the attitude and opinions of bullies.

I think it is time you drew a line under this. If not, you know what's coming... :mysmilie_475:
Unfortunately I did not see it so cannot voice an opinion either way. However, if it was as bad as some forumites are saying then why have they not reported it to the police?
They are duty bound to examine allegations of assault, maybe that would put peoples minds at rest?? (Seem to remember something similar happening on Big Brother?)

Devils Advocate now signing off! :devil:
I have no tolerance of bullies thank you.:heart: My opinion is that AY is not a bully.:heart:
You think she is, that is fine.
We obviously have different standards of what behaviour is acceptable in the workplace. AY's overbearing attitude, constant interrupting and raising of her voice to overpower what anybody is saying is consistent with how many bullies operate and is usually the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately these traits are often overlooked as they aren't always recognised as such, and JR bullies in a more subtle way with her snidey put downs to the models. Gobby's habit of slapping is in another league though, it cannot be ignored by QVC bosses imho and she needs to be reprimanded and reigned in.
The point of all this is that we don't know whether the person she 'slapped' was upset or not. It is some forum members on here who are up in arms about it. Maybe the recipiant never gave it another thought.

When Lee said "Oh Ho I'm being bullied!" or words to that effect while roaring with laughter, I thought at the time that she must be imagining the fuss that would soon be made on here and on Facebook.

Lee is a capable woman and quite capable of standing up for herself if she is at all unhappy.

I don't think it is for us to characterise the incident. We don't have a full picture of their relationship.
We obviously have different standards of what behaviour is acceptable in the workplace. AY's overbearing attitude, constant interrupting and raising of her voice to overpower what anybody is saying is consistent with how many bullies operate and is usually the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately these traits are often overlooked as they aren't always recognised as such, and JR bullies in a more subtle way with her snidey put downs to the models. Gobby's habit of slapping is in another league though, it cannot be ignored by QVC bosses imho and she needs to be reprimanded and reigned in.

A lot of the time when she interrupts, I think it is because the person in her ear has told her to. (To repeat something which caused a sales spike or to rein in a guest's waffle so people start buying again instead of listening. )

When it comes to how to make sales on QVC, the QVC team know better than the guests how to press our buttons.

Alison Young is the most successful saleperson they have, so most of the behaviours that you consider "consistent with how many bullies operate" are just part of her staggeringly successful sale technique.

That's what I think anyway. :sun:
When Lee said "Oh Ho I'm being bullied!" or words to that effect while roaring with laughter, I thought at the time that she must be imagining the fuss that would soon be made on here and on Facebook.

Lee is a capable woman and quite capable of standing up for herself if she is at all unhappy.

I don't think it is for us to characterise the incident. We don't have a full picture of their relationship.

that's not too far away logic-wise in saying that a man who beats up his wife should be allowed to get on with it because "we dont have a full picture of their relationship".
anyway, women like "that" probably enjoy it...... dont they?
Of what benefit to QVC is in a presenter smacking a guest in the face ?

Does it increase sales ?

Does it make watchers want to purchase the on air item or others in that hour ?

For those watching AY and Lee the other evening did the said incident enchance your viewing pleasure, making you either want to watch or purchase more from QVC ?
I'd disagree.
I'd say Alison is lucky enough to be presenting the products which sell most successfully.

If Alison makes people switch off in their droves, that does not make her, per se, successful.

I believe they quantify her success in £££, and by that measure she is staggeringly successful.

that's not too far away logic-wise in saying that a man who beats up his wife should be allowed to get on with it because "we dont have a full picture of their relationship".
anyway, women like "that" probably enjoy it...... dont they?

I'm not sure that logic has much place in this rather emotional discussion. :sun:

I disapprove of domestic abuse and volunteer at a Women's Refuge, but I don't tell anybody what they should do. My opinion is just that, my opinion. I don't expect people wholly unconnected to me to act on it.
I believe they quantify her success in £££, and by that measure she is staggeringly successful.

Which is the point I'm making.
The beauty products will sell whether Alison's presenting them or not.
It's the products that are successful. I'd be very interested to see how it affected sales if she were taken off for a few months and all those of us who can't stand her started watching, sales might just go up!

I'm sure also there are many who buy the products, but don't even watch her shows. There is absolutely no way you can quantify exactly what sales are due to Alison and what are due to the product being the product.

On the other hand, we can to a certain degree measure how successful she is as a presenter/salesperson by assessing the comments on here - and many many people do not like her, she is not particularly popular.
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