Alison Young At It Again!


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A lot of the time when she interrupts, I think it is because the person in her ear has told her to. (To repeat something which caused a sales spike or to rein in a guest's waffle so people start buying again instead of listening. )

When it comes to how to make sales on QVC, the QVC team know better than the guests how to press our buttons.

Alison Young is the most successful saleperson they have, so most of the behaviours that you consider "consistent with how many bullies operate" are just part of her staggeringly successful sale technique.

That's what I think anyway. :sun:
I'm sure she is being updated down her lug all the time. But then so are all the other presenters and they don't domineer and shout down guests the way that she does. If she is QVC's most successful presenter using these tactics then it's a sad reflection on QVC's management and their integrity that they allow it to go on. Beauty products are such big business the concept almost sells itself and I'm sure there are plenty of more qualified and easier on the ear 'experts' who could do a better job, and without all the dubious attention that surrounds AY.
Shes bossy, overbearing & loves the sound of her own voice far too much. She may well get the sales up but then so do other presenters & they don't bully the guests & the models like Gobby does.

Shes back on tomorrow at 4pm doing LE. It will be interesting to see if there is any difference in her manner. I doubt it though & she will probably brazen it out. Hide of a rhinocerous IMO.
I'd like to see her try to whack Dame Liz around the chops - she'd end up weighed down by a crate of Spit 'n' Polish somewhere off the Isle of Wight :talking:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Gobby is way past her 'use by' date - time the old nag was put out to grass :wonder:
Which is the point I'm making.
The beauty products will sell whether Alison's presenting them or not.
It's the products that are successful. I'd be very interested to see how it affected sales if she were taken off for a few months and all those of us who can't stand her started watching, sales might just go up!

Good point. Not big on beauty shows but I have never watched a single show presented by AY in the three years I've been "telly shoppying". I know nothing of her antics because I can't cope with her screeching voice which literally hurts my ears, even with the sound down! :eek:
Which is the point I'm making.
The beauty products will sell whether Alison's presenting them or not.
It's the products that are successful. I'd be very interested to see how it affected sales if she were taken off for a few months and all those of us who can't stand her started watching, sales might just go up!

I'm sure also there are many who buy the products, but don't even watch her shows. There is absolutely no way you can quantify exactly what sales are due to Alison and what are due to the product being the product.

On the other hand, we can to a certain degree measure how successful she is as a presenter/salesperson by assessing the comments on here - and many many people do not like her, she is not particularly popular.

I can't remember the last time I actually watched QVC - must be well over 10 years ago at least. I check the web site TV listings, and do all my buying on line - pretty much all I ever buy are beauty products because of the value they represent.

What does frustrate me is when I play the video clips all you hear is AY constantly interrupting and sprouting the same old same old - she's irritating and boring. Did her parents never teach her it was rude to constantly interrupt?
I think QVC needs a major overhaul if it's to compete with the many internet sites out there that offer better deals (and cheaper P&P) on products that have become QVC staples.

A shake-up of the presenters would be useful, too: many of them no longer accurately give product descriptions or capabilities, and just repeat "You HAVE to buy this" again and again...

People don't purchase goods without researching what they're buying first; if QVC is relying on customers searching the internet to find out product information, they're running a serious risk of us finding that same item cheaper elsewhere.
People don't purchase goods without researching what they're buying first; if QVC is relying on customers searching the internet to find out product information, they're running a serious risk of us finding that same item cheaper elsewhere.

I actually think a lot of the problem is that a high pecentage of their customers don't have internet access. Find getting to the High Street difficult and shop with QVC for the sheer convenience of being able to do it throught the TV and phone, most of them blissfully unaware they could do better elsewhere. Captive audience.
I think QVC needs a major overhaul if it's to compete with the many internet sites out there that offer better deals (and cheaper P&P) on products that have become QVC staples.

A shake-up of the presenters would be useful, too: many of them no longer accurately give product descriptions or capabilities, and just repeat "You HAVE to buy this" again and again...

People don't purchase goods without researching what they're buying first; if QVC is relying on customers searching the internet to find out product information, they're running a serious risk of us finding that same item cheaper elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

Absolutley, case in point being the Elemis Timeless Radiance kit for £198 something or other, can be found on another website for £139.40 and I think free p&p. Granted its not on easy pay, or 30 MBG, but if you're a die hard Elemis fan and know you like it, there's a HUGE saving to be made.
I think QVC needs a major overhaul if it's to compete with the many internet sites out there that offer better deals (and cheaper P&P) on products that have become QVC staples.

A shake-up of the presenters would be useful, too: many of them no longer accurately give product descriptions or capabilities, and just repeat "You HAVE to buy this" again and again...

People don't purchase goods without researching what they're buying first; if QVC is relying on customers searching the internet to find out product information, they're running a serious risk of us finding that same item cheaper elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

Absolutley, case in point being the Elemis Timeless Radiance kit for £198 something or other, can be found on another website for £139.40 and I think free p&p. Granted its not on easy pay, or 30 MBG, but if you're a die hard Elemis fan and know you like it, there's a HUGE saving to be made.

I saw that from Elemis! The presenters on with Keeley just kept repeating that the contents were worth over £350 and some wouldn't question it and order it.

From QVC inc p+p would cost £205.91 that's £66.51 for a 30mbg!!! :whew:
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According to QVC tv listings this morning Alison Young is showing down for the following shows this week.

Monday Liz Earle 4pm

Wednesday Smashbox 2pm 6pm

Sunday Decleor 7pm 10pm

According to QVC tv listings this morning Alison Young is showing down for the following shows this week.

Monday Liz Earle 4pm

Wednesday Smashbox 2pm 6pm

Sunday Decleor 7pm 10pm


Liz, the Smashbox team and Fiona will be coming on wearing boxing helmets then.
Slightly on a tangent here but look what Kay Burley got away with assaulting the photographer. She claimed throttling the woman was self defence.
Slightly on a tangent here but look what Kay Burley got away with assaulting the photographer. She claimed throttling the woman was self defence.

That doesn't make it right, even if she did get away with it.
I really don't think there's any comparison to be made between Kay Burley's quite vicious attack on a stranger and AK's playful slap to a friend. I know you weren't really comparing the two Vampy ~ just pointing out that in all probability no action will be taken. Imo it's a sad day if a playful push/shove/slap is a cause for discipline. What is this country coming to? It really has turned into such a namby pamby nursery state it's frightening.
I find it quite insulting to people who really are bullied and intimidated at work that something so innocuous is made out to be such a heinous act.
IF and that's a big if, Lee has been injured physically or mentally by AK's action then it's up to her to press charges or whatever it is you do when you've been the victim of over exuberant horseplay.
There's real judge and jury feeling happening on this forum!
I agree Petpixie. A fair few others too going by the poll but have not felt able to express their views on here.
Can't say i've ever felt the need to slap any of my friends on the face.

I've felt the need, but then I grew up and realised that we don't have to resort to physical violence to get our points across.

Not when mental cruelty is FAR more fun :angel:

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